"THEY DID WHAT?!" G.I.JOE Panics Over Fan Backlash & HISS Early Bird Vote SPOILER | SPECIAL REPORT

Special report from Viper Island on the early results of the HISS Tank Early Bird voting, why Hasbro’s approach to exclusives needs to change, and a whole lot more! We also have a double-instalment of MAIL TIME with an unboxing of two G.I.JOE Classified figures!

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41 thoughts on “"THEY DID WHAT?!" G.I.JOE Panics Over Fan Backlash & HISS Early Bird Vote SPOILER | SPECIAL REPORT”

  1. I am definitely glad Hasbro offered another opportunity to order Mindbender and Serpentor. I have them on order now! Thanks for all the news and updates. This is one of my favorite channels. You and Dex do an amazing job!!!

  2. I bought the PP BAT a couple of weeks ago cause thats the one that was available to me, anyway wanna do a custom with him, still not sure what im gonna do, pretty sure im gonna go super simple, the red visor is the starting point… maybe paint the upper in the same shade of red, paint the yellow straps in black and the yellow boots in red… will see.

  3. Heck, I went ahead and bought a second Mindbender and bought two Serpentors. I was able to get Mindbender first round but barely missed Serpentor, so I was really glad they gave people another opportunity.

    Yeah, that Outback is a favorite of mine, if I ever get him. Haha! I ordered from Target around when they first listed him for Pre-Order. I keep getting the delay thing, which is fine as long as I get him eventually. I've got a couple Python Vipers and BATS ordered too. Heck, I think the Vipers look really dope and the BATS are solid. Gonna keep fingers crossed that the paint is applied well. If Target happens to cancel any of them, I'll probably just cancel all the Tiger Force & Python Patrol figures I have ordered.

  4. Hey Liam, love and appreciate the hard work & great content. As you mentioned in your video Target has been sending out e-mails asking folks to approve delays on the Python Patrol exclusives. One thing I didn't hear you mention though is that this is like the 5th delay e-mail they've sent out over the past month +. Alarmingly sometimes it asks for my approval and others it hasn't, I can already see a lot of U.S folks getting burned by this, if you don't carefully check your order and it requires another authorization some folks will see their orders cancelled. It might be helpful to highlight that in another video. Cheers from Seattle!

  5. Many years ago when Hasbro Released the 3 3/4-4 inch Jinx as a SDCC exclusive, I got jumped on by Hasbro Stans when I said the classic red version should have been a mainline release and only the white one should have been an exclusive. At that point I'd stopped collecting that line.

  6. I played my newest round of "The Outback Game" where I scramble to get to Target and hit a button before they cancel my shipment. It's a dumb game, but I really want the figure. I think he'll make a great addition to my "Tough Old Guys" team. I already have the Marvel Legends set of Old Man Logan and Hawkeye, which is a great source for extra head sculpts that are as good as Outback's.

  7. not trying to spam this but someone said if they are going to do exclusives then they should do it like how they do the haslab projects. everyone who wants one gets a month to get one. so they know how many to make.

  8. This scarcity manufacturer by Hasbro sure sounds to be deliberately. Hasbro uses their page to promote the toys then they are always SOLD OUT. However, you always find a seller or sellers on eBay and Aliexpress with 1000's of these hard to find ready to ship and on hand. However, 4 times the price. Is this how Hasbro scalps its own customers? I think so. This is no coincidence folks. If they wanted to produce enough, they would. This is by design.

  9. Okay, bear with me for a moment…..

    Why does hasbro make staple figures like these so hard to get? Greed.
    But let me explain.

    Hasbro knows their target demographic: middle-aged men. Men with families and mortgages, likely, and want the latest chance to geek out on their favorite toy line from their childhood. These collectors have proven, over the last 20+ years, that they are willing to spend a lot of money to acquire their favorite collectibles. Hasbro knows this. They have watched adults pay 10 times more money for department store releases of their products, sometimes years after the product line has come to an end, from comic shops and on-line sellers, and now hasbro wants the money that collectors are willing to spend. I mean, we've watched the price of the classified series climb 25% since it's release, at least here in the US.
    So, hasbro, understanding the modern day collector, will take something that their target demographic wants, make availability scarce, and then slowly begin releasing the product at increased prices, siting such things as "resource acquisition" and "distribution challenges" as reasons for steady price increases.
    Just look at the Deluxe figures that they are releasing. The only thing deluxe about Mindbender is the packaging ($41.99), and Kamakura, in my opinion, is just a turd in a box ($33.99).

    Hasbro knows us, and they know they don't have to try very hard because we want the product. I will still collect the series, but I've become selective about what I will buy. I'm passing on repaints and figures that use the same sculpts from previous figures. I am hopeful that there will be more vehicle releases, and I really hope that they release Nemesis Enforcer and Pythona…..but not as exclusive, deluxe figures.

    P.s. Lenny is okay, I guess, but Emily needs to stop pretending to be a Joe fan and find another job.

    Thanks, guys! I love your work!

  10. i like your ratings scale; its efficient. dex’s honesty is invaluable as his perspective (while a bit off center at times lol) does represent the fandom as much as any of us, but he also offers insight to the future of collectors and perhaps their preferences/ expectations.
    and now to find out that outbacks weapons are sub-par is just more bummer frosting on the cake of disappointment. #cancelmyoutback
    i got the stalker wave coming, and i feel slight relief. the relief comes from checking off characters i dont have to hunt down in pursuit of the final goal of dropping out of classified. im not elated to get the figures and open them up because they more than likely will sit there for a week or more before i have the interest in opening them. thats my level of enthusiasm for the end of the 40th anniversary of gi joe. other more consistent lines have my dollar at the moment.

  11. I really wanted that Serpentor but have a hard time spending $80 on it especially when all the other figures with bikes were just $40. I could see it costing $50 – $60 with inflation and rarity but not $80. That Mindbender shouldn't be more than $30 in my opinion. Outback I'll wait for the regular version cause I'm not really into repaints unless it's the army builders but might pick it up if i find it on sale.

  12. I would stay on alert the way items have been dropping recently. For those who got in on the first wave of Dr. Mindbender and Serpentor. They may drop in December. Not sure if those new dates are for the 2nd wave or for all of them or they might all show up before the end of the year lol. Be wary of dates y'all. Peace.

  13. I don't feel that doctor mine been to should be $41 all it comes with is just extra accessories and a figure that's it why is Hasbro charging people 4199 for a doctor mine binder I can understand why says pen tour 7999 because it comes with the air chariot

  14. Not going to lie. It sucked receiving that email to vote on the HISS driver figure after Hasbro decided to cancel my order on the HISS tank.

    Unfortunately I still wasnt able to get Mindbender or Serpentor but I would not have known about it if it wasnt for your updates so thank you for that. Thankfully I have taken advantage of the amazon coupons for Joes when you post them

  15. I was able to get both of mine pre-ordered when they were originally up. So this time I got 2 of each so I will be able to help out anyone who missed out on being able to pre-order them and not charge scalper prices.

  16. yup good watchin out for the community my dudes. really dope show. wanna see a techno viper that would be sweet. love how u guys do polls n give early results that's what's up. outback where are you outback!!!

  17. I wanted Serpentor, but I can't afford the $90 price tag. I'm supporting 4 lines right now, but I'm going to have to drop 1 soon. I'm doing Marvel, Power Rangers, G.I. Joe, and Star Wars Black. I'll be dtopping Star Wars. After that, I may have to drop Power Rangers. I have 4 of the teams complete and there are only maybe 3 others that were really good.


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