I finished in the 92nd percentile of North America West so I got an invite to the Quarterfinals! Here are the first two days of workouts.

I was not able to submit a score for the first workout because I couldn’t log a “0”, so the leaderboard reads as if I didn’t submit a score.

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Instagram: @amandahari

#crossfit #crossfitvlog #crossfitquarterfinals

Workout 1:
9 front squats, weight 1 (heaviest)
9 handstand walks, 25 feet
15 front squats, weight 2
15 muscle-ups
21 front squats, weight 3 (lightest)
21 chest-to-wall handstand push-ups

♀ 155, 125, 95 lb
♂ 225, 185, 135 lb

Workout 2:
12-minute AMRAP:

8 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
8 overhead walking-lunge steps, arm 1
8 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
8 overhead walking-lunge steps, arm 2
40 crossovers

♀ 50 lb
♂ 70 lb

Workout 3:
5 rounds for time:
5 burpee box jump-overs
1 clean and jerk

*Add 1 clean and jerk after each round.

♀ 185-lb clean and jerks, 24-in box
♂ 275-lb clean and jerks, 30-in box

Time cap: 10 minutes


21 thoughts on “THESE WORKOUTS STOPPED ME IN MY TRACKS! QF workouts 1, 2 and 3!”

  1. You got this Amanda. Squatting is easy to get strong. Break it into partial movements. Box squats at various heights, pause squats, quarter squats with 110%+ max, wide stance, narrow stance, Bulgarian Split and even sissy squats all help you develop the quads, hams, glutes and supporting muscles. Lots of variety and at least two sessions a week. One heavy and one technique focused. Trust me, it is easier to get strong than it is to learn high skill gymnastics 😬

  2. Girl I feel this so hard! I was only able to get one squat rep on the first workout (my 1rm is only like 2.5kg more than that) with another 7 or 8 failed attempts and I'll admit I got really discouraged. It feels weird to only do 3 of 5 workouts but at this level I guess that's the point? Last year was no where nearly this heavy!

  3. Awesome possum! Man, I haven’t done crossovers since I was a kid lol. Great work giving it your all. Oh the next RAD shoe drop is coming. Gray and white/oatmeal color ways. You gonna try to cop a pair?


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