These Takes on Tom Holland Are Wild | The Tavern Podcast


36 thoughts on “These Takes on Tom Holland Are Wild | The Tavern Podcast”

  1. Find it funny how some people end up disliking an entire character because of Tom playing a gay character in a DIFFERENT movie and whatnot. He's not even gay and even if he was so what? Ain't gonna affect you

  2. As a kid, my superhero was spider man. I wore spider man underwear from age 6 till age 12. Honestly. I don't care if spider man was gay, black, transgender or a pig(like in the spiderverse).
    Spiderman symbolizes that weird, wonky, unconventional superheros can still be great superheros. Because they want to do good for the world.

  3. 2:46 seems like pandering like ariel being black. Imagine miles morales being white in spiderverse and it becomes whitewashing. Tom being gay in another film is fine and those people are weird for saying spiderman is gay due to that

  4. Spiderman is a great hero because – whilst the more commonly known Spiderman is Peter Parker, he could be literally anyone. The costume having no revealed skin means literally anyone could be Spiderman/Spiderwoman. Definitely one of my top 3 Marvel heroes.
    I'll never not appreciate SR. I know your standpoint on how people are is literally how everyone should be, but with how many people seem to be frothing at the mouth screaming about how it's "Immoral" or crap – as if a human liking a human or a human being comfortable in their own skin is somehow wrong. I'm always so glad I stumbled on that "When a joke wipes the raid" video.

  5. Im very glad that yall handled the starting topic very well. I would like to say that being gay anywhere is a issue but id much rather be in the uk and gay than in the usa or elsewhere. I havent recieved any abuse irl apart from a few judgemental looks from people when giving my boyfriend a hug but if i was in the usa id probably have been harassed like 50 times by now.

  6. The reason to why there is a lot of backlash against Transgenders is not just because of people being stupid dicks refusing to accept people living outside of their world view, but is also due to the massive fear mongering against the LGBTQ+ community as whole with conservative media and influencers claiming that "the gays" and "transgenders" are coming for our kids. This is why there's so much hate against transgenders, not just because they are different but because people believe they are trying to harm/mutilate children.

  7. The bud light backlash probably had a lot of transphobic people involved but I think most of it was that it was a beer company trying to become political. Politics in the US is such an annoying topic since everyone has to have their opinion known. You can’t watch anything without some political viewpoint shoved down your throat and now even beer companies are trying to get involved. Companies are there to sell you a product not to lecture you on politics, but sadly that is how it is now.

  8. Thats bull
    people are not homophobic
    They just trying to protect their children for whats happening rn
    LGBT supporters literally said " We are coming for you kids "like WTF ?
    They allowed pedophile like its normal thing
    men literally trans to women and beats women in sports beauty pageant and the list go on
    and you guys think its a normal thing

  9. Hundred percent agree with the last thing, people need to learn to control their dogs, mine isn't friendly and I know to avoid others because of it but people just let their dogs run up and nearly knock me over while I'm walking her, it's not hard to keep your dog on a leash.

  10. Is it homophobia or is it people saying Tom Holland isn't gay so shouldn't be allowed to play a gay character?

    Complaining about people being able to voice their displeasure at LGBT stuff being everywhere while xenophobically ranting about hating the England

  11. i dont condone hate of anyone, but i feel like a lot of why a bunch of people are mad is being gay and lgbtq is SHOVED down our throats you cant be this or that without being gay kinda thing. i just dont like stuff being forced on me, however I still think tom plays spiderman really well doesnt mean spidermans gay. at least thats my take people are over it being forced on them ya know. much love though i love the content!

  12. The problem with homophobia in the USA is religion and social conservatism. Religion always has and always will be the largest block against any sort of civil rights, LGBT or not. The puritanism and evangelicalism in the USA are rampant and out of control.

  13. The thing that bothers people is not to state that some characters are gay, trans, or anything, most people don't care about this. I think the real problem is that instead of creating new characters, they change the ones we know, some people are defensive against that. I'm more into anime, and I see a lot, but really a lot, of strong women characters, so i don't see the point of just taking man's roles and turning it into female for exemple. You can create new ones, cool ones, and no one will care about their sexuality or identity. I find it funny that in history we had so many gay peoples in power, because nobody cared, and when you see a movie they are turned into a straight badass, like Achille in Troie, but that the cinema industry try to turn gay the characters just for an agenda. What bothers people, me included, is not to see gay, trans or anything people on the screen, it's that it's just to seduce a public, a marketing choice.

  14. Note on the acting, the issue is the idea that a gay/trans/disabled ect. actor might have not been chosen because they were gay/trans/disabled ect.. A definitive case of this happening I can think of is that awful Sia movie where they sacked an autistic actress to replace her with a non-autistic one.

  15. When Kaif mentioned the shooting and Matt Walsh quote of basically "if you don't want to get shot then don't be trans or gay" I guess americans need to stop being children if they don't want their schools being shot up then eh?

    Rhetoric spouted sometimes really does confound common sense, then I remember that common sense isn't common

  16. i don't think people are homophobic (some def are) but wanting a character to not change like for example snow white or little mermaid being black ruining the authors prespective of the character, in my opinion i would not like a white man to play the black panther or captain america kissing thor do just don't change the characters so people can relate to them, make new ones and for the love of god don't change history like netflix and cleopatra bs

  17. honestly in The Netherlands the energy thing was done stupidly
    the idea was "we dont want our kids drinking energy drinks" (wich i fair) but what they did was … remove all energy for a week … then put all of it back except monster and claimd "we have removed all unhealthy energy drinks" (fking all of them are unhealthy wtf? .. i say this drinking maybe 1 can of monster every 2 weeks)
    hell redbull has adds everywhere (feels like they just banned "gamer drinks")

  18. i dont think you realize how shoved in your face the trans and gay stuff is in america. its not as bad here in canada, although we get american stuff all the time to annoy us, but this stuff is sexualized and pushed on young children especially, so it seems americans have gotten a lot les tolerant of it. idk, personally i dont mind what you do, but kids (the main complaint seems to be for elementary kids) really shouldnt have a bunch of over sexualized content pushed on them by marketing campaigns. if it was just about acceptance there wouldnt be a problem


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