These NEED to be in the Mists of Avalon Update

Mists of Avalon is the next awaited update to Albion Online. There are certain things the developers NEED to get right with this update or the game is going to lose players. Many solo players, myself included, are looking forward to this update to give us solo players something to do so we aren’t at a major disadvantage against groups and guilds. If the dev team fails to make this update 100% about solo players, then people will simply find a different game to play. These suggestions NEED to be part of the Mists of Avalon update or players will jump ship to something more solo friendly.

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Title: These NEED to be in the Mists of Avalon Update

#MMORPG #Albion #AlbionOnline


37 thoughts on “These NEED to be in the Mists of Avalon Update”

  1. As a solo player, this video really makes me relate to everything you say, even if the game is mainly based on groups of people, solo players are also important and the black zone as am example, is a complete suicide for most solo players, i can barely harvest at red zones, and maybe i'm just bad, but there are so many parts of the game i can't experience by myself and it's really sad and a little enfuriating.
    Thanks for the great video Benji

  2. If they apply CD principle but instead of a dungeon be a zone with a limited resources solo dungeons and limit players allowed into that random zone .. will be awesome

  3. I totally agree with all of your points but there's some ideas that could be improved.
    Since ppl can have similar names sure they recognise each other their nameplates could have some question marks so that no names and guilds are shown.
    Another thing I think is Crucial is to make it so that the portals that take you into the mists of avalon are completely randomised so even if 100 ppl enter the mists they will spawn randomly meaning that they won't encounter each other right away.
    Also there should be no maps and no body should know their position so that meeting with your group is even hoarder.
    Lastly to make it harder for ppl with hacks to map everything some zones should be decieving and should look identical with other so that it's even harder to know where you are based on your experience.

  4. Probably the way that they will solve the group stuff in the mist is by making players in a group to have a debuff or something, also it could be good that you were able to damage your guild/alliance, so if there is a group of gankers but they don't join a group to don't get the debuff, they end up damaging themselves.

  5. All good points, the 2 biggies for me would be the IP limit to difficulty and random portals. Also, LIMIT THE NUMBER OF PLAYERS in a given zone to prevent grouping. If the Mists are procedurally generated these things can be accomplished.

    Finally, a vast majority of players in the MMORPG market are solo players, if SBI wants to attract new players they need to consider this. Otherwise, they will cap a max player base and maybe it will be enough to sustain the business or players will fall off and the game die a slow death in the crowed MMORPG market.

  6. I'd like to see a zone where it's gear-capped, but not spec-capped.
    Encourages faming & those who worked really hard for their high spec can go PvP with minimal financial barrier-to-entry.
    Currently, all of these types of players sit right outside the city gates & are super cringe gankers; Albion's version of homeless criminals.
    Move them into a zone that's a tad more.. what's the word.. productive?

  7. My recipe would be:
    * Randomized gates, similar to corrupted dungeons, where you can choose to go to the next or leave the mists altogether.
    * People spawn in the middle of maps, with a single entry/exit point, and content on the outskirts. You don't need to clear to move on (so gate camps can be spotted or avoided). However, once you start clearing, the only way out is through the center.
    * Disable mounts altogether and make zones smaller to compensate.
    * Make sure the spawn algorithm matches players to zones based on IP. That will give a strong risk-reward tradeoff: Bring better gear, do higher level content for more profit, but also bigger risk in case you die.
    * Also make the spawn algorithm prevent purple players for spawning in to the same zone.
    * Finally, dynamically adjust the number of available zones based on current player count in the mists. The idea is to keep the risk of encountering other players roughly consistent regardless of activity. That will also prevent zerg guilds from clogging the mists and having someone in every zone.

    End result: Content that suits solo farmers and gankers, with a very clear link between risk and reward, and very tedious restrictions for zergs that try to abuse it.

  8. They should really censor all player's name while in mist, only show the name when the player die in combat or he killed you.
    and also random the looks of players to prevent guild to have "uniform" and organize in zone.

  9. Here are 2 ideas. This should be a zone without mounts, because otherwise you can play on mounts that can never be dismounted by a solo player. Bam, easy getaway and it's just gonna be 0 pvp within those zones. You can have like boost boons that spawn randomly, so maybe they have more chances to run away or chase. Maybe something like that.
    And the second idea is an adjustment to your idea. You should not display names at all. Even player names, not only alliance and guild names. A place where you can't even team up for anything. No partying up. No chat. A harsh place where it's a true free for all.

  10. your points are really great.

    i really hope it will be pure chaos. randomized map, no any identifier for ally, capped ip. everyone have equal chance (*not outcome XD).
    where everyone for themselves.

    only the though of it already make me excited

  11. Point 1 :- Agreed with not being able to group but then how will people kill bosses? how will blue chests be taken let alone be them gold , how will people solo aspects , rather have some zones where people can party and do stuff like i mentioned above
    Why did u get perma muted btw?

  12. The whole game needs to be restructured, allow a player to flag if they want to open world pvp. When doing so your farming mats and stuff are at a higher rate than if you’re not flagged. Still allows gear drop upon death and anyone running by can loot your stuff that is left behind wether it is from pvp kill or a mob killed you. You could leave the black zone flagged pvp only or certain zones that are end game only. They should also limit the number of people are in a guild and ally. No need to have thousands of players in a group running around. In the end it kills the chance for the game to grow.


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