These Builds Were STRUGGLING in Genshin Impact | Xlice Reviews Viewer Builds


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➤ Formula used to calculate crit builds:
➤ using artifact stats only, 1 + CR * CD || for example, +50% CR and +100% CD from artifacts only would be 1 + 0.50 * 1.00 = 1.5
➤ this is a close approximation of mathematical dps strictly considering CR and CD (no ATK factored)

➤ Artifact “Crit Value” quality:
➤ 2 * CR + CD || for example, 10% CR and 20% CD artifact would have 40 “Crit Value
➤ “Stat Value” = CV + ER + HP/ATK/DEF (depending on character’s scaling)
We call it RV in this video but will refer to it as SV in the future.

Outro: Valence – Infinite (NCS Release)

#GenshinImpact #Xlice #Artifacts #Builds #hsr


50 thoughts on “These Builds Were STRUGGLING in Genshin Impact | Xlice Reviews Viewer Builds”

  1. I was so excited when the explanation started, I was finally going to figure out what the 1.6 or 1.8 stuff means when you say it while looking at stats. Then it ended without addressing it. Maybe one day.

  2. One suggestion for us frogs that don't play HSR to maybe divide the Genshin builds and HSR builds so we can skip the HSE builds and vice versa. Thanks. Other than that great video Mr. Xlice.

  3. Jealous of the 300%cd furina. Golden troupe is my most farmed domain I put all but 3 weekly bosses worth of resin (90) into it and max resin refill every day 4:46 farming it and to this day not a single piece over 36cv 😢 just getting the same garbage substats every single day and when finally double crit it rolls 2 crits maximum

  4. Furina can be played like that as a hypercarry.

    Unlike conventional hypercarry teams, to boost Furina you just off-load all ER to members (such as XQ with sacrificial sword and Noelle/Barbara with Fav) and then you push Furina's CV and HP off limits while she is still able to buff herself. XQ c2 and anemo swirl can drop hydro resistance by 55~75%. This require nothing but high CV+HP GT set with no recharge. This is workable for abyss 12F even if Furina is at c0, just require high refine level of the sac sword for c2 XQ.

  5. First Furina build is the poster child of a very lucky player who knows nothing about the game. It's amazing how some numbers can be so unbelievably good but the build is still trash, all because of this short-sighted fixation on CV.

  6. That first Furina build are those close minded people that when you correct them on their build they won’t listen and will think that crits are everything and their ego for having good crit artifacts is way more over themselves not to care for the character’s functionality

  7. my raiden has since changed for the better. But you'll have to wait to see… also how did i not realize I was featured until 16 hours after the video went live…

  8. from my understanding Cryo reso isnt good on Eula because any Electro app removes the Cryo debuff dropping the Crit buff. Raiden, FIschle, or hell anyone one else would just keep removing Cryo.

  9. I built my Jean 4 piece bloodstained because i run her charge attack physical but xlice is right, if you arent running her onfield, ignoring the viridescent advice is just intentionally crutching your team

  10. Mehh, my furina have 108 er still have burst every rotation i play with yelan c1 favo jean favo as well, er not really problem on furina in my opinion


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