'There is no excuse for what happened here': Director James Cameron on Titanic sub tragedy

ABC News’ Phil Lipof spoke with “Titanic” film director James Cameron and Robert Ballard, the first person to locate the Titanic wreckage, as the search for the missing sub comes to a tragic end.

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36 thoughts on “'There is no excuse for what happened here': Director James Cameron on Titanic sub tragedy”

  1. As James Cameron stated here, and I am paraphrasing "people should never have to be worried about the craft or vessel that they are in, but more worried about entanglement and danger on the dive".

  2. Just my own opinion stop this tourist destination going down to Titanic. There are 1500 souls buried in that ocean and that’s their burial ground and give respect to those souls. Now there’s a new 5 souls that join the 1500 souls that forever Rest In Peace rather resting in that Newfoundland. Stop this greedy business, souls that are buried there don’t want to be bothered unless you want another souls that will get lost in that deep ocean.
    May God give them eternal Rest In Peace.

  3. People in these comments are forgetting that James Cameron isn’t just a film director, nor just an expert in this field. Many would argue he is THE expert in this field. This man holds world records for diving in submersibles he built with his engineering team.

  4. It was clearly highly competitive, to succeed in building a sub/submersible to go down to view Titanic. I have a feeling that Stockton was very competitive and perhaps he saw warnings from others as attempts to interfere with his goal and successes. In letters to him, experts had stated that the OceanGate submersible, with all its known faults/weaknesses, impacted on them and looked bad for their businesses and their reputations, so maybe that caused him to push harder, to prove them wrong and become the victor, the winner. It's all very tragic and I feel so sad for the families and the men that lost their lives, especially the young man, whose life out in the big world, was really just beginning. It's happened, can't change that now, and just so relieved that the end was very quick. The main thing now is to make sure it can't happen again.

  5. They should have consulted James Cameron before going down there anyway. He doesnt just make movies he is a mechanical engineering genius who has travelled in the Challenger submarine.

  6. Stockton conned / lied,plied his rich passengers to feed his addiction in breaking the rules of engineering! He should have had no passengers till he was certified to carry them! So selfish with other peoples lives!

  7. Is it just me or does Cameron sound a touch sanctimonious? We could wait for the gov’t to throw billions of dollars at a project. Oh, wait, we did that but the Challenger blew up and killed all including a “tourist”, our only teacher, woman and civilian.

  8. Amazing how so many people are here commenting on this crap when 600 migrants died on the Mediterranean sea the same week and no one bats an eye at that. Its hotrible that these guys died yes, however these people were morons for going in this minivan sized piece of scrapmetal, you can't pay me $250k to go in this sub. The migrants were in search of literal survival and only 20 of them survived 78 dead and the other 500 or so were never found so they were presumed dead. Were the 600 migrants lives not as important as these 5 billionaires?

  9. Like going down in a cardboard insert of a toilet roll, comparing that to a steel insert. No contest. James Cameron said it perfectly. His doco is worth a watch on his sub to the Mariana Trench. He knows his subs.

  10. 5 deaths of rich people are being investigated at highest level but no one is raising voice for hundreds of deaths of poor people in Greek. With less than 1% of titan saving efforts, hundreds of poor people would have been saved. Unjust world. 😞

  11. I appreciate all the experts engineers providing context, but I just don’t need it!!! I saw the news interview that showed the consent form/disclaimer, the Home Depot lights and the game controller. For me that was enough that they were totally doomed!!!

  12. I really hope people are just about done talking about this sad story. There is nothing left to say at this point.

    5 rich people decided to risk their lives diving to the depths of the north Atlantic.

    Their choice.
    Their money.
    Their risk.
    Their signature.
    (Personally, I'd rather be incarcerated)

    And, it didn't work out.

    Most people would decline to do it.

    I'm just not sure what all the talking us about.

    Lesson learned.


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