There Are Only 18 Near-Perfect Sci-Fi Movies According To Metacritic

Science fiction is unlike any other movie genre. There are films that explore outer space and alien civilizations, while others turn inward into the mind. Sci-fi has time travel and post-apocalyptic futures, but also grounded, realistic tales of our world as it exists today. With a genre so vast, it’s hard to narrow down which sci-fi movies are the very best.
Luckily, Metacritic has done the work to figure it out — the site’s algorithm takes a weighted average of critics’ scores and rates films from 1 to 100, with anything over 90 being considered near-perfect. There are only 18 near-perfect sci-fi movies according to Metacritic. Curious as to what they are? Look no further.

#Movies #SciFi #Classics

Star Wars | 0:00
Mad Max: Fury Road | 1:17
Hard to Be a God | 2:40
King Kong | 3:59
It’s Such a Beautiful Day | 5:21
Solaris | 6:35
Close Encounters of the Third Kind | 7:53
Her | 9:22
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial | 10:41
Memoria | 12:05
Frankenstein | 13:03
Werckmeister Harmonies | 14:32
Threads | 15:57
Invasion of the Body Snatchers | 17:15
WALL-E | 18:36
The Bride of Frankenstein | 19:48
Gravity | 21:04
Metropolis | 22:24

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37 thoughts on “There Are Only 18 Near-Perfect Sci-Fi Movies According To Metacritic”

  1. Weird list. In no particular order, my top 18 would be:

    Blade Runner
    Dune [2022]
    Looper [!]
    Edge of Tomorrow
    Forbidden Planet
    Star Wars
    The Matrix
    Quatermass and the Pit
    The Day the Earth Stood Still
    War of the Worlds
    Cloud Atlas
    Close Encounters

  2. I don't disagree those are the 'near-perfect' sci fi movies of all time. But you forgot the one perfect science fiction movie… 2001: A Space Odyssey. How can 2001 not be included here?!

  3. None of those movies, except maybe Gravity, are scientific I mean, how many of these have spaceships that "whoosh" by at about 40 miles per hour and bank for a turn? If you want to see science fiction, look to
    "2010: The Year We Make Contact" another good choice is "Nausicaa" from Studio Ghibli.
    "Avatar" explores science and environment.

  4. No way in hell does Fury Dump belong anywhere near the other movies noted here. The paper thin plot of turning around and going back to certain death makes no sense on any level. This was also reflected on the rest of the audience when the movie ended and no one was happy about what they just sat through for nothing.

  5. Alien, Aliens, Gravity, Edge of Tomorrow, E.T., Close Encounters, Thor Ragnarok (yes, it's sci-fi), Children of Men, 12 Monkeys, and Guardians of the Galaxy, are all near perfect in my eyes, but the best is "Minority Report".

  6. Horrible list! Solaris???? Clearly you watch movies and not films. If you as yet do not know the difference you should not upload……ever. Retro: War of the worlds the original. Andromeda strain. Mid 20s: Terminator etc.

  7. The sad thing about Gravity is viewers will never really grasp the amazing visual aspect of this movie if it's not viewed in 3D in a theater. Seeing this at home does not do justice to this movie.

  8. That is a difficult one omg can't make even a top 20 as i like so many. Most that i like are space sci fi. Martian i can keep watching over and over because is so close to possible but then again as i said so many to chose from and depending on the mood i am in 🙂

  9. This list is made by pseudo intelectuals "critics" who never had the Change of seing a Masterpiece of a film on is debut in a Theatre Big screen full of people and see, hear and feel their true reactions.
    This " critics" never felt the real suspense,terror and antecipation of a Masterpiece like ALIEN.
    By the way,what is this " metacritic" BS…??!!!!
    An huge disappoiting for Start.


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