You’re welcome, Konami!

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45 thoughts on “THE YU-GI-OH! COMMUNITY'S 2023 WISHLIST”

  1. So, Book of Moon can remove bad status from a monster. You can flip-down and up again to remove some negate from Droplet or Impermanence. But it is not officially a "purifying" card. So, my point is, it would be interesting to have card(s) with purifying as gimmick. After we got a lot of negate cards, I'm a little surprised that we don't have something to remove the negates, except waiting for another turn.

  2. I would really like konamy to take time to give actual support to all archetipes. Like giving 1 card of each new mechanic to all archetipes. Give us a searchable card that my archetipe can use to play around banishment or non target remouval. Why some archetipes have tons of this tools while others have none of them?

  3. 0:34 very funny that this video dropped shortly before we got a new Suship card revealed that pretty much does not function in the TCG.

    4:09 Honestly at this point, call it Spaceroid, toss a new artwork on it and be done with it. Kinda like Morphtronic Datatron.

  4. Metaphys Support! I want to be able to play Metaphys at the same power level as Spright. Currently the deck is too bricky, too telegraphed, has 1 good NS, and can't put up enough field presence for the life of them. Swordsouls only slightly solves field presence, and evenly matched or lightning storm defeats the deck single handedly

  5. I legit started a design document for a YGO fighting game a few years ago. Didn't get much past thingking of a few universal mechanics and designing two characters (SPYRAL Super Agent and Dark Magician), but I think the idea has a great potential, if the game just don't pander to nostalgia with the majority of the cast.
    However, Konami never made a single good fighting game besides Rumble Roses, so I don't expect this to happen in a 100 years.

  6. Since Konami revealed that there's gonna be a ritual archetype based on food coming soon I'm hoping that means we're finally gonna get Hungry Burger support. The retrain could be called Ravenous Burger King MAX or something.

  7. People make fun of the Deck Traps idea, but for a long time now I pondered about creating a 10 card "Trap Deck" of sorts. Basically an extra deck where you can put your hand traps, like Ash, D Shifter and Nibiru, and can use them as if they were in your hand at any time.

    Exactly how this would work is hard to pin down, maybe you can include any card on it, but you cannot summon or set cards from it like you could a card in your hand, instead you can only use effects that would activate on the hand, even then I'm afraid archetypes with hand effects could abuse this, imagine if Tearlaments always had access to Havnis, that would be problematic to say the least.

    An alternative would be to make the new deck literally a trap deck, where you can only put trap cards and can activate them at any time like if they were set on the field already. That would basically mean that each player starts with 10 set trap cards or so. Of course, as anything in Yugioh, this would probably also be problematic.

    The safest and easiest option would be to create a new type of card that specifically goes into the trap deck and basically have hand trap effects. The idea is to give everyone the power to react to your opponents plays without having to rely on drawing the hand traps. It feels really bad when you don't open with a good hand trap and you opponent can go full combo uninterrupted.

    Of course, the fact that everyone starts the game with 10 hand traps means the game will very likely become a battle of attrition. It would also slow the game down. I'm not saying the game would be better with that, but it's a interesting idea.

  8. My 2 wishes for this year is a Cyberse only errata for Access code talker due to the master duel fact of just being overused so much. The other is if a new master rule were to happen I say add a special interaction limits. So what do I mean by special interactions? I mean by card effects, special summoning, and such. With this it may stop loop methods, and ridiculous stack combos. This also would might cause more accelerate plays, and oh just to say the S.L.I is initial. That means monsters that multi summon is the one chain does mean it counts 1. Oh forgot to add that S.L.I counter is at 10 special interections.

  9. Or instead of banning cards, errata them and either kill it outright through its own restriction or make it at least usable in its own archetype.

    Halq should summon a "crystron" tuner from deck and a "crystron" syncro from the extra as an additional restriction and he's fine.

  10. I don't mind the design philosophy behind Tears, Sprights, recent Naturia support, etc. but Konami needs to get better at balancing it. More decks that support this interactive playstyle, meanwhile new support to old decks that have been knocked out of the format that perhaps makes them more interactive, like Drytron, ABCs, Eldlich, etc.

  11. i agree with the ritual support, i would like either generic or megaliths and cyberangels. After pendelumgraph dragon released i think megaliths could/should get pendulum rituals bc they are their own ritual spell

  12. I agree with the OCG normal monsters wish. I built myself a Speed Duel Zombie deck and found out that Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie is only available in English as a Speed Duel card. So, if anything, use Speed Duel sets to give us cards we never got in English!

  13. insight into why, what, and how konami are doing each banlist, they dried it like twice. they should try again and actually stick to it, obviously they are gonna get back rep right off the bat but i prefer hearing things i didnt want to hear than not hearing anything at all and still wondering why tf pot of desires is at 2.

  14. I wish Konami would use Master Duel to it’s fullest potential instead of just continuing to release cards that make the game even more broken and unfun because they were balanced for a Best of 3 format. Surely the game has hemorrhaged enough players by now for them to realize that BO1s without an extremely extensive banlist just don’t work, right?

  15. I hate the Rush Duel frame because it feels like I'm losing art. In a regular frame all the art is contained in a neat square, it feels like a full piece of art by itself. A Rush Duel card obscured random parts of the art with it's UI elements. I can never view the art in a way that isn't obscured by attack points or stars or whatever. I'd be more interested in Rush Duels if I could get cards with proper clean square/rectangular borders showing all of the art or versions with no text whatsoever.

  16. So is it an inside joke or something I'm not aware of about censoring e hero air neos? I've seen a few videos about why it hasn't been reprinted, but since you're not konami, why censor it?

  17. we just need more legacy support in general like not just the nostalga bait cards like Blue Eyes and Dark Magician like give me legacy support for fuckin Orichalcos, Cyberdark, Witchcrafter just decks with really fun mechanics but just dont cut it

  18. All I want is an official Yugioh TCG/OCG VR Simulator with a programmed duel disk so you can actually use your RL Cards in duel disks and duel like it's anime. I've never felt immersed in Yugioh Videogames even tho immersion is crucial for a game which evolved from a very emotional anime. It'd bring yugiboomers back as well I'd bet.

  19. my wish for 2023: mbt giving the twitter threads a little bit more time soo some viewers that are from europe for example where it is like 2am when a thread starts (like me sadge) could put in something that may or may not be more free content for mbt


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