The Worst Defeat for Ukraine – No Victory for Netanyahu – Huge Miscalculations | Larry C. Johnson

Larry C. Johnson is a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. He is the founder and managing partner of BERG Associates, which was established in 1998. Larry provided training to the US Military’s Special Operations community for 24 years. He has been vilified by the right and the left, which means he must be doing something right. You can also follow him on telegram ( ( and

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43 thoughts on “The Worst Defeat for Ukraine – No Victory for Netanyahu – Huge Miscalculations | Larry C. Johnson”

  1. Russia and the Russian territories in Ukraine wanted peace all along. It was US/NATO that caused all of this. Its worth noting that, from cell video I have seen and what i have read, the Kraken division are the ones that are doing things like burying Russian soliders alive. Effectively they are the modern Einsatzgruppen

  2. Its all about "thieving" those disgusting clintons are just thieves, nothing more, just thieves, they are not alone, the bidens, obamas, the bushes, and all the french, british, spanish, itallians, everyone linked to the elites, just thieves, common thieves

  3. He's right about our govts ..useless, sycophantic vassals of stupid American overlords. But we the people of Europe are unable to change things.. Alternative truly Left politicians don't exist in Europe (except in Ireland where our next govt will be Sinn Féin)..

  4. Why did it take three yrs for the people to wake up ,this didn't just start, all these phony mayors,Adams from ny,is an idiot,terribly cop,terrible president, terrible mayor,terribly human,he dont care about nothing,but stuffing his pocket, like the rest of the mayor's

  5. The US has bullied and attacked everyone, sat on its high horse for so long, and in all its arrogance that it had begun to get lazy. Lost in the nonsense of your own making. Starving and poisoning your own country, neglecting the security that citizens need with borders, truly affordable education and healthcare, and the prosperity of their citizens, and instead giving them unimportant topics of discussion, so don't watch as your government is robbing you blind! Just like the rest of the West, they have failed to realize that the once attacked part and the oppressed part have been harassed and attacked for so long that they are evolving to protect themselves. The world evolves, educates and prepares, learns from its mistakes and analyzes the mistakes of others.
    How long did the US think the same game it had been playing for decades would last? Nobody believes you now and even fewer believe in your good intentions anymore!!

  6. The newly appointed head of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Army, Lieutenant General Syrsky, fantastically started the work in his new position by ordering a general withdrawal from the most fortified garrison on the entire front, on which millions of cubic meters of concrete and kilometers of reinforcement had been dumped in the previous almost 10 years.

  7. I agree with your guest that, it is a large reason/agenda why the United States and the West push this idea that Russia is conservative and traditional, traditional family unit of man/woman etc, and orthodox, and are not tolerant of the LGBTQ agenda. If I had to guess I would say, Putin has more of this world view. Meaning, simply that he leans right. So what. Half of the US population leans right.
    However, I
    I’m CERTAIN that the United States would have us believe strongly, and without a doubt this is the case in order to continue their red scare/boogie man/Russia bad propaganda narrative 🤪. And I am getting counter information from inside Russia that the culture is far more evolved than what we are led to believe. I would even go out on a limb to say that Putin himself has probably evolved over time having been exposed to Global views, which are more relaxed 🤷🏻‍♀️. let’s be honest, Vladimir Putin is a highly intelligent individual, very astute can be quite candid, has an extremely high approval rating, can complete and construct nuanced organized ideas in the way of sentences that contain nouns and verbs and adverbs, unlike some other world leaders, I know.
    Nevertheless, a) I would love to just ask him myself. Like I would actually like to just sit and have a long conversation with him like Tucker did, but I would focus on the issue of what constitutes Love, the soul, etc, human psychology etc, . B) I would explain that it’s a proven FACT that the concept of LOVE, is not “binary,” or black and white, or linear or mutually exclusive. IT’S OBVIOUSLY A SPECTRUM, LIKE THE QUANTIUM FIELD (rainbow) and I bet ya’ll couldn’t debate me on quantum vs particle physics, thus…….
    I would CHALLENGE Putin ( if he’s up for it)

    And anyone,

    Who “believes” they have the RIGHT to impose a “ relativistic/Newtonian/reductionist/“ approach to attempting to define what LOVE is to other people when those people may take a more holistic view of the world i.e. because they have a better understanding of the quantum world, a “fractal geometric world, that a photon is both a particle AND a wave, i.e. consciousness is much broader than y’all are able to grasp apparently. 🙄🙄🙄
    Alan Turing ANYONE?
    What the FUCK difference does it make? no one is forcing anyone to be LGTBQ.

  8. I am having so much PTSD while he is describing Guccifer, Seth Rich , and Dimitri, Alperovich, and crowdstrike, and Podesta 😂 we followed this to the nitty-gritty as it unfolded seven years ago. Still no accountability.

  9. Navalny was US intelligence asset, now his wife is too, not suspicious at all that she was already in Munich with her boyfriend and that all the outraged tweets from Western nations were ready to go BEFORE his death was announced.

  10. hahah my government (The Netherlands) are so proud they provided our old F16's to Ukraine…..these aircrafts are old, full of malfunctions and way beyond their lifecycle…our pilots were complaining a lot about them. We since then replaced them by the bloody disaster that is the F35…but hey, it's all showing off how good of a fuckboy we are to the US by portraying how good we are by giving Ukr. our old crappy ass planes

  11. This is a fantastic interview. It serves the purpose of contradicting the narratives of western main stream media, if nothing else. But Col Larry Johnson is great for being angry. He is a good human being.

  12. It is so good to see Larry excorcising his vocabulary on the traitors in america, some people are just "Non Compliant People" , believe what they are told, like being told what to do, believe in other people 100% especially lying people in government, and there are some who see it all "The lies, the cheating, the stealing, the fraud, and have every right to express their thoughts, the western hemisphere and the washington swamp are guilty of every crime against mankind, and are blatant in what they do, totally disgusting……..

  13. If Israel manage to force the Palestinian Refugees which are hit hard by war getting forced out of Gaza. This won't be it. Israel don't know what going to happen with them. I don't believe they ever will feel save in their stolen land.


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