The World's Mysterious Underwater Kingdoms That Have Been Lost to Time

Explore the world’s sunken cities, from Shicheng’s underwater lions to Alexandria’s lost streets. See how rising water levels and climate change are revealing hidden treasures and shedding light on long-forgotten civilizations. Learn about Pavlopetri, the oldest sunken city, and uncover the mysteries surrounding its fate. Join us as we dive into history and the impact of the environment on our past and future.

Into The Shadows:
Today I Found Out:
Highlight History:
Business Blaze:
Casual Criminalist:
Decoding the Unknown:


23 thoughts on “The World's Mysterious Underwater Kingdoms That Have Been Lost to Time”

  1. Yonaguni was a Neanderthal kingdom 1.2 million years ago. My uncle worked for Darpa for many many years and they have documents showing crazy information and technologies dating back 2 million years. 🤪🤪

  2. Yonaguni may be an example of, given a long enough timeline, all signs of a civilization disappear.
    One day, even our skyscrapers and sports arenas will be ground into dust by the passage of time.

  3. Tsunamis don't cause the Earth's crust to lower. Any subsidence of the Earth's crust is caused by plate tectonics. Volcanism can have an effect also. Some coastline though is getting higher and some coastline is subsiding. This has been happening most recently in geological terms since the end of the last ice age. he thick ice mainly in the North caused the Earth's crust to deform and it is still reshaping, (pushing back up). Net sea level has been rising very steadily and predictably at a little less than 2 millimeters a year for the past eighty five hundred years or so. No greater sea-level net sea-level rise is being recorded, and certainly not due to any global warming either.

  4. I love this topic. I love to bring it up when folks start parroting talking points pertaining to Global Warming, now rebranded as Climate Change. All the preindustrial civilizations sitting up to 100 feet or more under the surface of the worlds oceans. It's almost like the Climate is predictable, measurable, and beyond the control of humanity. Those competent of such can easily exploit those who refuse to perform discovery. When cklimate extreemists target Bulk-rate mail and they insist on ensuring the water is clean, I'll lend them an ear… until then, it's all virtue signaling for profit and it's mostly fraud.

  5. If the Alexandria is underwater that means that their Scrolls still left underwater it is vitally important that we get the information out from underneath the sunken city so that way we can preserve information to have been lost to the sands of time including inventions of the ancient past that can further into kardashev one civilization

  6. Interestingly there are a suprisingly large amount of underwater cities, I wonder if those ancient structures have any gold left…. grug time to move your corpse…. for science.. not greed of course. Yes science… um the issues of coastal construction..

  7. There is no lost city of Dwarka. They have dug deep into the current city of Dwarka and found artefacts dating back to 3000 years ago, which most historians believe to be the time of Krishna. So the current city we see is built on top of the historical city. Underwhelming, I know, but we have to accept the truth.

  8. To say that modern day Hawaii is all that remains of the northern most tip of the lost continent of Lemuria is something that has weight. Folklore from the native Hawaiians is proof of an ancient oral tradition.

  9. You failed to mention the sunken city off the coast of western Cuba, 2000 feet deep, complete with Mayan pyramidal structures, discovered by Paulina Zelitsky. I remember it being in the news but we never heard of it again.

  10. Love your content although please be aware of being led down the path of denying Graham Hancock's work subconsciously, mainstream archeologists definitley do NOT have it all figure out.

  11. To read with Simon’s voice:
    Rapture (also known as the North Atlantic Project and the Rapture Colony) is a massive underwater city forged from the personal dreams of [visionary] Andrew Ryan to escape from the political, social and religious constraints of a post-World War II world. It was first established on November 5, 1946, and construction of the city itself finished in late 1951. It is located within the northern Atlantic Ocean at 63° 2' N, 29° 55' W, approximately 433 kilometers west of Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland.


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