The world's first 1 GHz CPU by AMD – MAFIA gaming with 3dfx Voodoo 5

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0:00 – intro
0:40 – HW info
1:31 – BIOS + SW info
2:25 – MAFIA
6:08 – Counter Strike 1.1
9:49 – QUAKE III
12:43 – 3DMarks 99 + 2001
14:42 – end
Youtube audio library:
Inception – Aakash Gandhi
The Rising – Aakash Gandhi


38 thoughts on “The world's first 1 GHz CPU by AMD – MAFIA gaming with 3dfx Voodoo 5”

  1. Interesting. Quake 3 and 3dmark 2001 were optimised for Transform&Lightnung, huge advantage for the Geforce cards. It would have been nice to see some benchmarks in a Glide game too, like Unreal 1998, Deus Ex, Rune or Unreal Tournament (in UT with detail textures and volumetric light turned off in Glide just like it is in D3D and OpenGl). Also the V5 5500 in Counter Strike would surely be faster in 3dfx opengl than in default opengl.

  2. I hate you in a Lovingly jealous way mate 🙂 I Wish i had the resources to snag up these things . I used to own a room stacked to the gills with old systems but the home i lived in had a catastrophic failure to the roof/wall and it came down on my gear, was like a giant slab of concrete that Crushed and water logged everything i had . Total Write off, the real shitty part was during that time period all of this stuff was considered Garbage and wouldnt replace or give me much more than a few hundred bux . All now would be worth a fortune 🙁 Youre a very lucky man, and we are very lucky to have you Share this with us . Cheers

  3. You've got gorgeous stuff mate. That cpu, and cooler, let alone the v5. I had a socket a 1ghz thunderbird c back then, had to get the 133fsb model. Had a debate of the v5 or a gf2 gts pro, ended up going gf2. Was a nice combo. Gf2 cost £284 at that time.

  4. try to change v5 drivers, use some official non latest. In cs i had way over 100fps on max graphics with tb900mhz and v5 at time. q3 around 60-120 on max(gf 2 mx can also run it 40-80fps, know from friend's computer),1024×768,thats +20%…please make givaway v5 and give it to me hehe,fair and square..

  5. I never had a 1GHz Slot A Athlon, it was easy to run the 850MHz and up ones at that speed though with a Gold Finger Device. From memory I think some of the 750MHz chips could do it as well.

    It wasn't around for a long time in that form, the Thunderbird chips came pretty quickly and Slot A was dropped for more traditional chips since no need for that giant package any more. You've got something very collectible and a significant historical chip there… wonder if anyone has a working Pluto/Orion (Model 2, 0.18um off-chip cache models) model, that was the first to a gigahertz.

  6. I had one of those. You also have to open the CPu housing to apply thermal paste between the die and the housing. Caches had no paste at all and the paste on the die wasn’t any good from what I remember from 15-20 years ago.

  7. What I imagine when you say Mafia:
    Šílenče, málem jsi nás zabil!

    I remember playing it on even worse computers like Pentium 400 MHz or Celeron 333 MHz, I tried it after almost 20 years again on retro HW and I was shocked how badly it runs, I don't remember it had such a low FPS when I played it as a kid. It runs pretty bad even on Tualatin 1.4 GHz with GF Ti4200, you will definitely not get stable 60 FPS until you have something like Pentium 4 3 GHz and GF6600GT

  8. Slow CPU for a V5 the AthlonXP 200+ or greater is recommended for best optimal performance 😉

    A nice build tho not too bad, just not the best cooler for a Slot A 1Ghz K7 Athlon, Golden orbs were fine for the 500 to 750Mhz Range higher that these it were best to use Cooler Master's coolers, the Golden orb makes more noise that it would give as airflow would go, my K7 Thunderbird has that same Golden Orb by Thermaltake, it's loud and yea still not the best optimal choice.
    For looks yea it's awesome but actual cooling performance was pretty bad rofl

    TITAN made clones of it I recall as well 🙂

    Also might be an idea to use a capture card so us viewers can see actual game footage of crappy camera quality.


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