The world is scared by China's reopening: Half of its travelers are infected/The virus is horrifying

At a time when the tsunami of epidemics in China is becoming more fierce, the Chinese Healthcare Commission and the Chinese National Immigration Administration announced on the evening of December 26 and 27, respectively, that starting from January 8, 2023, applications for ordinary passports for Chinese citizens traveling and visiting friends overseas, as well as travel and business visas to Hong Kong, will be resumed.
We believe that during the production of this video, more countries will join the bandwagon, and more restrictive policies will likely be imposed on Chinese tourists.

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45 thoughts on “The world is scared by China's reopening: Half of its travelers are infected/The virus is horrifying”

  1. This is what I don’t get every freaking country knows that the CCP are liars they are a stain on this world they are quick they create so much Hell on this earth and our governments have no backbone to say no we are not letting anyone in until you start telling the truth giving us genomic sequences and telling us the truth about everything you are not allowed to have any of the citizens in our country end of story we are done with them

  2. Notice the same things happening on the same date of the month..

    Infected passengers December and January..

    Everything stays open until March

    By March April worldwide lock downs.

  3. how many in the states are already infected, we have to stop it from killing Americans and if that means no flights from china, so be it. the chinese communist government cannot be trusted. they have proven that for years on end . . .

  4. Covid 2.0 2023 china's new year gift to the world again. Funny the are crying cause some countries wanting a 48hr covid test certificate when all countries entering China need the same lol

  5. Funny how the foreign minister always react according to convenience. And 7 days quarantine is not enough. 14 days minimum, most people fell well after 7 days but still carries live virus.

  6. This is a repeat of 2019 when China realized COVID Was going to cripple their economy so the CCP made the decision to release it on the world because they didn’t want to be the only world economy impacted. Allowing foreign travel then, like now, is reprehensible, meanwhile they spread propaganda that it is racist for other countries to at minimum, test Chinese travellers on our social media. Have we learned nothing about the CCP in the past 3 years?

  7. Why do they open up, I feel this is a deliberate act to infect the world with another more deadly virus. It's like they locked down, made a new more deadly virus, ensured everyone got it by locking them up in big centers, then let them out. Now they open the floodgates to the world, sending their army out of normal people with a deadly virus for us all. Wake up world, we are all under attack.

  8. "China just wants to spread love and brotherhood. Let the love, and the virus, in. I'm sure everything will be fine. If you don't, you're a racist bigot." – CCP, probably.

  9. Today is Jan 7. Jan 8 2023 is tomorrow. The full effect of infected travellers carrying covid and spreading to the world is not known yet. It is starting tomorrow. But the effect may appear maybe 1-2 weeks after as there is an incubation period. and it takes a lot of people to be infected before it becomes as serious as what is happening in China. Don't travel out of China unless necessary.

  10. Why are these countries risking the safety of their nation. Knowing China lacks transparency. And starter of this Covid pandemic. World Health Organisation should be the one preventing this upcoming surge or disaster. Covid vaccine is not full proof we know that. Natural herd immunity and natural immunity still denied. Restrictions of human rights by governments, mandates imposed by governments. All because the citizens are still asleep. No logic at all; China still on Covid delima and we welcome them to our country. Wake up!

  11. Odd.
    Uptick in this "virus"
    So BAD the CCP is locking Citizens in buildings. Putting up barricades.
    Forcing daily testing.
    How many Citizens are carring the new altered very variant?

  12. Bro, this is terrible. My prayers go out to our Chinese sisters and brothers. Is this evidence enough that CVD19 started in China? Js. Love and light to Chinese victims of this lab made pathogen.


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