The Woman King Tribe in REAL LIFE were MONSTERS! #shorts

Some people refuse to believe the Dahomey Tribe helped to sell 2 million slaves. #shortsvideo #shorts

References are in the playlist description:

📖 Real Help
The Gospel in 4 Minutes

The Holy Bible

What black history month does not teach


22 thoughts on “The Woman King Tribe in REAL LIFE were MONSTERS! #shorts”

  1. I'm more concerned about what happened to like Americans after they got here. For the last 400 years? And counting. True, Africans were involved in the slave trade as well as Muslims and other people groups as the europeans. But the way black Americans have been dealt with and mishandled since we have been here including my great grandfather who was a slave has never been equitable. If you want to make these kind of videos?, Talk about the whole truth. What we need is a truth-centric approach to history neither an afro nor centric approach to history. If you want to talk about it talk about it all. And they should have mentioned the atrocities that is played on people since we've been here. The unjust laws. The redlining. Jim crow. A jacked up 13th amendment. 40 acres and a mule that never happened to all black americans. The list is endless of the lies and the atrocities that has happened to us since we've been here. And still are going on.

  2. Dummies! Critical race theory is specific to the current American legal system in play NOW! And, the 1619 project focuses on the transatlantic slave trade that began in the late 1400s. Yes SOME Africans sold other Africans. Euro-Americans, lead by the Portuguese trying to find the gold, started capturing and transporting slaves in 1471. Once the enslavement of people became a huge moneymaker, the Europeans and Americans created a system that the ENTIRE WORLD capitalized on. Deal with the ENTIRE truth, not the click bait moments for your YouTube. Knowledge is truly key to full freedom. Come ON!

  3. So if that's the case then Germans killed other Germans and not the so-called Jewish people during the Holocaust

    Africans did not sell other Africans they sold prisoners of War

  4. The Ahosi were neither heroines nor monsters. I might as well call US-Americans monsters or rather US-American society monstrous/ I will never understand why America creates historically inspired films only to monstrously twist history lol

  5. Why don’t we face effects of the whole world all the Black people in America for support. We provide a good services for thousands of years and never got paid. Africans never sold Africans, they sold Israelites

  6. Ok most ppl agree that its obnoxious maybe that actresses don’t but most people do I only seen the ppl who made tha movie disagreeing not all black ppl bro stop tryin to make it seem like everyone is just dumb cuz there not 😂

  7. Stop apologising for white people 🤦🏾‍♂️I get it Africans sold us but they’re still being mistreated themselves even now and they had no idea of the extent that the Europeans would go to to mistreat us. Black people gotta stick together against racism

  8. The movie clearly states that the Dahomey and Oyo were trading slaves. It’s common knowledge that African tribes contributed to the slave trade, that however doesn’t atone Europeans part. Let’s be real, with the weapons and resources that the Europe had….it was a difficult predicament.

  9. So even if the Africans sold their own people from weaker tribes into slavery does that say that we were supposed to be treated poorly wrong and like animals it's okay to treat other humans like animals because they were sold to you is that okay make it make sense it's like if I sell you a dog is it okay for you to abuse that dog beat that dog not feed that dog is that okay for you to do whatever you want to do to that dog because you own it no there's laws to protect dogs and place more than it is to protect people of color so stop with your stupid theories because that white people document and their journals nobody and the African tribes have ever documented any of this that has been for people to see in the public eye. They treated us like animals and your ancestors to okay I don't give a damn if we were here already and put in slavery or if we came over on a ship the point isthe point is they're still doing it they put laws in place to hinder us from succeeding at anything and they're still doing it they roasted us and eating us with their families they sold all of our children away how could you think something like that is okay because that's what you're saying and every video you have okay the Irish killed the Irish OK does anybody say that's white on white crime the Italian big mob bosses killed their own people does that save its Italian on Italian crime stop depicting the street crime that corrupt white people have had their hands in both hands in okay with slavery because it doesn't add up make it make sense please sir


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