The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling | ContraPoints

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▬ Contents▬
00:00 Chapter 1: Anita
10:56 Chapter 2: The Witch Trials of Anita Bryant
20:40 Chapter 3: The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling
35:22 Chapter 4: JoRo’s Transphobia
50:11 Chapter 5: Debate
1:11:25 Chapter 6: Illiberal Methods
1:26:28 Chapter 7: Why Is J.K. Rowling Like This?


44 thoughts on “The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling | ContraPoints”

  1. It’s disgusting that these morons whittle themselves down to a walking womb. As if that is the only value they have despite having a brain, interests and positive qualities. The internalized misogyny is off the charts and is really directed at the wrong target.

  2. I find it fascinating how fascists end up hurting the very people they claim to protect. Anita with her claims of protecting HER CHILDREN, yet here we are, with the outcome of her potential law/world a great hurt for HER grandCHILD.

    Then J.K. with concerns for WOMEN, yet here we are with her TERF beliefs holding apologetic/excuses for enabling men to commit their crimes (at 44:24 regarding "male patterns of criminality"; these claims are inaccurate and enabling, to sum it up, the belief of "boys will be boys"; men aren't "inherently evil", those criminals are allowed to swing their dick around, and possibly even encouraged, in a society where we glorify male aggression, and raise our sons to "take what they want" and assert "alpha" dominance), this belief is extremely harmful to WOMEN, but J.K.'s sexism (which, my God, will someone point out that this woman doesn't like men in the slightest???) towards men pushes false facts that hurts women and equality that feminism even stands for.

    I know it's a rally together for one common enemy "the qUeERs", but while these people are latching on to this exclusionary behavior, this "us against them" defense mechanism, they just keep hurting everyone and everything, even their "us".

    What a world…🤢🤮😮‍💨

  3. As an aside to this specific important point.

    When the water you drink starts to poison you. People start with paranoia and normal animal instincts.

    Here’s a suggestion maybe we stop literally dumbing our waste into our water and air?

    Less disease, less anxiety and paranoia?

  4. The problem though is that Kira Bell is real, Ritchie Herron is real. De-transison numbers are exploding. Objectively this is why those clinics in Europe are being closed.

  5. So… Anita was worried about how being around gay people could influence children, but she was not worried how being raised by a father who abused their mother could influence HER children? She didn't think that would lead her kids to have a problematic view of marriage, relationships, men, etc.? Yep, makes total sense.

  6. I truly want to have a nuanced take on trans activism, which is a point that hit me at around 1:16 , I'm a Bi woman and I know a few transwomen, and casually used to hang out with a transman a few years ago; and while one of these people is perfectly lovely as a human being and a friend outside of work and are friends, the other two displayed very strange amounts of misogyny the deeper our friendships got, which I could tell for one of them seemed like a very painful thing for them to do but they did anyway. Not knowing what it's like to be them, I can only assume that if someone has a certain amount of internalised misogyny, transitioning either way is an enormous challenge, and this is something that seems to reflect in their relationships as well; but I also didn't like my boundaries pushed by these people, who I had been nothing but a friend to, and since meeting these two I've found it difficult to be comfortable around other trans people because I'm afraid of being treated like a punching bag for my gender and also my identity in the LGBT community where I'm "supposed to" be on these two people's side morally and without reservations while they mistreat me. In private, this is not a problem to me, I just don't socialize with them anymore and my life goes on fine, but in public when I see trans activists write misogynous comments, I find my sympathy for transactivism diminishes because I remember my own experiences. And also this whole ordeal makes me sad, because it makes me a little too careful when choosing who to lower my fences for, and in general, I wish trans people had much more psychological support to them available (and that people at some point could honestly live in societies were men aren't coded as "the better, number one option of gender" from the get go.)

    Sorry for rambling, but this is something that really weighs on me, and this video just was the first time I've seen someone say in public that it's ok to shut down misogyny of this kind.

  7. Whenever I listen to anti-LGBTQ+ activists – and anti-trans activists in particular – I'm getting serious flashbacks from the time spent in a catholic community I got recruited into (as a vulnerable neurodivergent and suicidal teen btw, what an easy catch I was). Oh, the neverending hate-speech covered in °•legitimate concern•°, °•true love for our brothers and sisters•° or °•christians' responsibility•°… At some point I really believed I'm no longer attracted to anyone beside men and that I just had been sooo lost. Thankfully I've managed to lose myself once again. xd

  8. OMFG, I was sooooo happy to see a new ContraPoints video. I almost cried having the realization that you’re alive and well and pushing out content again to the “uneducated masses” 😂.

    Your video discussion were so helpful to me when I initially came out and still serve as a huge source of comfort to me 3 years into my transition.

    Thank you for all that you’ve done from the bottom of my heart ❤

  9. I really gave this video a chance because I realise how popular Natalie is, but the huge jumps she makes eg. going from: 'Is transphobia the sort of thing progressives can denounce?' later implying if it isn't that feasibly there's nothing we can denounce at all, and we can deconstruct these debates all the way down to 'sometimes it's right not to condemn racism, homophobia and misogyny.' I just don't see it. That's a ridiculously big, unrealistic and silly point and yet she just skirts over it, just like she skirts over some of the most biased summations of that podcast series with out-of-context snippets and deconstructing it to trivialise any genuinely expressed thoughts within it. It just comes across as petty and massively disingenuous. If you were criticising it in good faith you wouldn't do that. You'd take it apart bit by bit and address each of the points within it. It's worrying to see how popular such a biased video can be

  10. The common ground between Anita Bryant and JK Miss thang is that both of them have trauma related to their relationships with men. Instead of examining that and resolving said issues, they just project their anger and fear towards queer/trans people, as they are the easier target than reexamining what needs to be fixed.

  11. As an evangelical-raised Millenial, I didnt have fundies-for-Harry Potter on my bingo card. Trans rights is really the "stumbling stone" of would-be Liberals/progressives.

  12. Excellent video essay. You forgot to address one "little" thing in the context of "Why is J.K. Rowling like this?''', or perhaps I missed it. Hmm… because she's filthy rich + white = the smartest and most endangered "species", haven't you heard?! Or to put it most euphemistically, she's the poster child of the "Concorde fallacy". She can't stop and change her ways now, can she? 🙂

  13. The whole rights argument is ridiculous it doesn't matter whether you think you deserve rights pedophiles think they deserve rights what matters is are you harming society and others

  14. I was recently listening to a podcast of survivors of the children of god cult and was shocked when they started talking about trans people as a dangerous cult because of the labels they give themselves. I was shocked but with all of this it makes sense. It sucks.

  15. Daryl Davis came to my college to speak about his conversion of kkk members. he made it abundantly clear that it was never his intent to de-radicalize these members or try to convince them to leave, all 200 ex-kkk members hung up their robes themselves after bonding w DD. the first time he spoke to a klansman, they did an interview at a motel (at this point, DD just revealed he was a black man) where a loud gunshot-like bang hit the door and they both looked at each with the same human fear in their eyes. and yes, after that, the klansman then became more comfortable around DD, happily did the interview as well as continue to hangout w DD afterwards and became bffs

    moral of the story, fake near-death experiences when talking to bigots

  16. Being Trans and Gender Theory/Queer Theory are not equivalent. People have the right to criticize that ideology without being called "transphobic". JK and Posie don't have the same views. JK is against Gender Theory, not trans people – Posie is against the theory AND trans people. Shouldn't you be making these distinctions more clear? Also – JK is correct, Queer Theory IS illiberal – all critical theory explicitly critiques and dismisses the liberal project. Liberal Social Justice and Critical Social Justice work very differently.


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