The wheels are starting to fall off

Some more planting doing no till in dry conditions. Lost all of the wheel studs on one of the planter tires and we finally get some much needed rain.

For information or to get your hands on the flashlights that we use click on the link below. Type in – andyfff-in the discount code box to get 10% off. Thanks in advance.
I carry the seeker 2 pro and or the warrior mini and SR1 Baton 2.


25 thoughts on “The wheels are starting to fall off”

  1. Happy Birthday Charlotte!! Glad everything is working well on the planter. That tire could have been disastrous on all the work you guys did on the planter. I don’t mind you talking about the O Light. They’re fantastic!!! And I don’t even farm. 😂😂😂😂 Thanks for sharing another great video Andy!

  2. Hey Andy !
    Good video !
    The price of diesel here in Canada is 2.50 litre it is very crazy , it will kill all the small farm i believe .
    not fun .
    Thanks Andy Hourigan the great and have a good day.

  3. Hi Andy, a lightening weather window! I cannot remember how or what courses lightening, does it come from a small box or may be a small device that can fit in ones pocket?

  4. OMG, The cost of fuel and fertilizer is just murdering our farmers. My heart really goes out to all the farmers. I have been buying my produce from a local farm when in season, I will be buying a lot more to try to help…..just in awe over the prices of everything. This is a time we all need to step up and help a neighbor in need. Diesel by me is $5.69 as of May 18th.

    I was a kid in the 70's but I remember the gas station lines when my Dad had to get gas based on his license plate#. The last digit on the plate dictated what days you were allowed to get gas. My father was laid off during that time period so we ate a lot of pasta and casseroles which was cheap to feed a family of 5 kids.

  5. Happy Birthday to Charlotte . Just getting caught up on your video's. On Friday the 20th i had a mild Heart attack .ended up with one stent . I can home Sunday .I feel good . planter looks as it's working very well. How's Sarah liking the auto steer ?

  6. Wow $36,000 to fill your tank up for the farm and it only lasts 10 days thats insane and I'm over here thinking I pay a lot for gas I gotta stop complaining great video as always glad the planter is doing well


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