The WDW News Today Podcast – Episode 2: Thoughts on Other Disney Blogs & Influencers

It’s a Mad Tea Party, and we are spilling it everywhere, as Tom gets deep into his thoughts of the online Disney community, including blogs, influencers and other Disney personalities. They say that when your nose itches, someone is saying things about you behind your back. If that’s the case, someone is talking about Eric a lot.

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00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:50 Different Types of Disney Creators
00:05:51 Do you think some bloggers are ruining it for guests?
00:17:09 How does the influx of more vloggers and bloggers impact guests?
00:37:19 Why is there so much tension between bloggers?
00:53:00 What are the hidden downfalls of the job?
1:01:20 How many days a week are spent in the parks?
1:05:24 A day in the life of a blogger
1:10:36 What is a quality vlog?
1:14:49 Bloggers and vloggers reporting on unrealistic experiences
1:22:00 How does WDWNT get sources?
1:28:22 Why do people hate WDWNT?
1:31:20 The longest question ever
1:36:10 Advice for new people getting into the game
1:37:20 Context missing from stories
1:45:30 Closing thoughts


21 thoughts on “The WDW News Today Podcast – Episode 2: Thoughts on Other Disney Blogs & Influencers”

  1. I personally watch WDWNT for news, DFB for planning, and Mammoth Club and AllEars for entertainment. This episode has given me a greater respect and appreciation for what you do and what you stand for. Thank you for being honest and giving actual news instead of catering to an agenda.

  2. I’ll defend Me Morrow. I think Nate is a genuinely nice person in the times that I’ve seen him and I’m glad he’s doing well. It’s when he’s with his friends , who I think use his fame for their own gain and views, that he can be loud. I think he recently said that no one comes to visit him in is home. That’s kind of sad. Adam is genuinely nice as well.

  3. This is a fascinating topic. I follow a lot of different places to fill the void of not being in the parks. I respect you guys for keeping it real always and holding Disney to a higher standard.

  4. I watch regularly and appreciate the honesty and the news. There are some good Disney news vlogs that are equally objective and newsworthy. Obviously everyone wants to believe they are at the top of the game. I don't think it is necessary to call out other vloggers/media who are opposition to you. Just carry on with what you are doing. Every fandom has it's rabid population. Do what doesn't compromise your ethics and you can be proud of what you produce regardless of what others in the pool do or say.

  5. I have noticed in a few other vloggers videos that they walk super fast and rudely cut in front of someone . On a separate note , I remember when I first saw a few of your videos I initially thought this guy (Tom)is very opinionated and negative , however upon further inspection I found tom to be very insightful and invested in the idea of what Disney parks represent or should represent . The WDWNT team is funny and offers a unique retrospect into what Disney was and is becoming . I have really come to enjoy toms reactions both positive or negative . I laughed when I watched him talk about how wonderful the beauty in the beast ride was in Tokyo . That’s when I realized that it wasn’t that he wanted to be a constantly ranting , but rather domestic park changes and decisions where making him . I am so grateful for your time keeping series. It makes me feel a great since of nostalgia . I think it is important to preserve history and glad to see someone passionate enough to peruse the endeavor. Keep up the good work y’all ! I love what each of you contributes and how much you cover down even down to the smallest details .

  6. What I find so disheartening is that lately, I feel such a sence of arrogance and ignorance with so many of those who are vlogging, blogging, and live streaming.

    When a family saves for years to travel to a very special Disney vacation, you don't want to have to compete with people that go every single week, people that take their privilege for granted and make it frustrating for those who go once every few years.

    It also drives me crazy with some of their total lack of knowledge — if you're using Disney to make your living, know what your talking about.

    And… one last thing, it drives me crazy when there is so much negative talk about Disney or making fun of it. If you don't my like Disney, don't go. PS- I am not talking about a food review, I talking more about a general dislike for Disney and the people that go there.

    Oh yeah— don't forget, we are traveling there with our kids. And we are trying to give them a magical experience. Some grown-ass adults have forgotten that and whether they know it or not, they can impact a kids experience.

  7. Fellow J-School grad here…the waters have been muddied between media/news and bloggers so badly that the public can have a hard time telling which is which.

    As one of my professors told me in college ‘the story is the story, it’s your job to tell that story…YOU are not the story’.

    Keep up the good work!

  8. Please report on the already peeling vinyl wallpaper in the queue in Tron so the Imagineers will fix the problem.(you may not influence or convince people to buy a cupcake but you definitely influence WDW to step up and fix things!

  9. I stopped watching Molly/Mammoth Club for 2 reasons- she frequently had children who clearly didn't want to be filmed in her backgrounds, and she spends too much time promoting Harry Potter stuff. (also her husband seems like a real jerk)

  10. Vloggers helped me so much on my 3 day trip to get the most out of it for not only my kid but us parents. Thank you so much for your in depth coverage.
    p.s. FIGMENT RIDE IS AWESOME AS IS. No, it's not OG nor close to how amazing it was. I heard so many bad things about the new ride for 10 years. I got on it and left in tears after that last scene.


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