The Washington Nationals: Unexplained Phenomena in 1952 or Extraterrestrial Encounters?

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In July of 1952, Washington, D.C. experienced not one, but two sets of unusual sightings and contacts. The events captivated the public’s attention, and now, author Kevin Randle has released an updated version of his book, β€œThe Washington Nationals,” which delves into the parallels between the sightings in 1952 and the current fascination with UFOs.

He argues that there are striking similarities between the way these events were handled then and now, highlighting the need for a more thorough and unified investigation into these phenomena.

The first edition of Randle’s book explored the sightings that occurred over Washington, D.C. in 1952, shedding light on the attempts to understand and explain the unexplained. The updated version of the book was motivated by the renewed interest in UFOs and the focus on more recent cases. However, Randall believes that it is crucial to revisit these early cases to gain insight into what was happening at the time and how it relates to current events.

One of the key observations Randle makes is the lack of progress in investigating these phenomena. He suggests that obstacles are often placed in the way, hindering thorough investigations.

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44 thoughts on “The Washington Nationals: Unexplained Phenomena in 1952 or Extraterrestrial Encounters?”

  1. To honest I don’t think humanity wants to truly know. We’ve always assumed that we are all there is. We have religions to explain everything we don’t understand. To the religious this is all science fiction or fantasy.

  2. Mr Hughes voice is very professional and pleasant.
    This denial can only go on for so long.
    All the Worlds Govt’s must have decided to remain Schtum about this topic.
    Call it UFO or UAP there must be a lot to lose for a small percentage of people to influence such a despicable cover up to remain.

    People power will need to drive this. It’s so unbelievable that no one wants to accept responsibility for lack of revelation.
    This cause is starting to lose momentum. That’s exactly what β€˜they’ want .
    If the US Govt doesn’t come up with the goods and escalate the hearings into a more in depth Senate demanding acceptance of this Phenomenon and release the
    files then what is the β€˜right to have a voice’ all about, really?

    The lack of US and Govt response is starting to feel very dark.

    As when one thinks of the Good testimony of Excellent charactered men and women in Citizen Hearings with committed Senators that appear to have gone I responded to then I’m very concerned as a β€˜ Global Citiizen’ as well.

    Bring on the Hearings promised for September!!!

  3. Moi j'ai vue une boule de lumiΓ¨re bleu a Marseille en janvier 2020 et depuis j'ai des brΓ»lure intense au niveau de l'oeil gauche ces infernal car Γ§a commence par une brΓ»lure dans l'oeil et Γ§a continue par la joue et la tΓͺte des migraine intense et cela depuis que j'ai vue cette boule de lumiΓ¨re qui et passer a mΓͺme pas 3 mΓ¨tre de moi c'Γ©tait a Marseille boulevard de roux au 90 et le plus bizare ces que de la ou venait cette lumiΓ¨re il y avait un immeuble donc je sait pas comment elle a pu passer par la c'Γ©tait incroyable et je m'en rappelerai toute ma vie je prΓ©cise que ces arriver en plein pendant les premier lancement de satellite starlink c'Γ©tait la mΓͺme semaine il me semble ,mais la cette boule de lumiΓ¨re bleu blanc Γ©tait vivante aussi j'ai vue les images de vidΓ©osurveillance du Texas ou un incident a Γ©tait signaler et c'Γ©tait vraiment ressemblant Γ  ce que j'ai vue,pour ma part elle arriver de droite au deuxiΓ¨me Γ©tage de la ou jetait a la fenΓͺtre et passer devant moi et quand elle a eu conscience que je l'avait vue elle a accΓ©lΓ©rΓ© vers la lune et l'Γ©toile qui se trouvait a coter a une vitesse folle c'Γ©tait vraiment incroyable mais j'en garde des sΓ©quelles

  4. At nine years of age in Melbourne Australia I was nine years old and seen a strange object while playing in our back yard it flew up and then vanished now over seventy years later while driving home with my wife and daughter had a strange object fly over our vehicle lat at night we watched it approached it was silent and my daughter watched it vanish as she watched it out the vehicle back window it was quite large several hundred feet across silent and about a several hundred feet above us it was about 10/30 at night

  5. The old cases are actually quite believable for many reasons and I think the 1952 Washington UFO flap was a legitimate situation?
    In fact this could be one of the most believable UFO flaps up there with the phoenix lights,the Brazilian Flap and Rendelshem Air Force base incident.
    Studying the older unexplained incidents ,this is where the best evidence can be extracted for an individual.

  6. Congress can compel answers, but they are cowards, compromised, or will soon be compromised, in other words, bought off. The creatures moving through the revolving door at the Pentagon understand Congress very well, as well as this drill. Something they can't cover up happens, and there is a flurry of excitement and activity, but the media attention span is short, and people's are shorter. They continue obfuscating, silencing witnesses, and rewarding key Congressmen; attention moves on to the next shiny thing, and everyone forgets until the next time.

  7. If you look at a lot of subjects such as electronics, television radio etc as well as the automotive industry, aircraft, astronomy and photography as well as medicine you see great leaps of advancement. Yet when it comes to UFO's we are stuck in 1952. Why!

  8. Weirdly, the T shirt worn by this commentator shows the logo of just another one of these organisations- NASA – who appear to be β€œwalking back” from the ufo reality (& the fact that we have over a dozen UAP in storage somewhere – and the remains of 30-50 alien bodies – plus a reverse engineering program of UFOs and a space force already working with beings representing NHI species – non human intelligence. Merely inventing new terms for things does not make an authentic investigation. AARO AND NASA appear both to be gagged by the secrecy veil so are both now just 2.0 versions of Project Blue book – a program that had a foregone conclusion before it even made any of its fake conclusions.

  9. The Pentagon and their best friends Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman et al will reveal the truth out of their dead cold fingers. It just ain't gonna happen. So what needs to happen is subpoena Generals and make them answer to very specific questions under oath. If they lie or deny – jail time. Contempt of Congress. You need to grab the Pentagon by the throat, and inform them they actually work FOR US and not the other way around.
    People will say (correctly) that it's not actually the military that is doing this. OK. But where is the MONEY COMMING FROM and that's where Pentagon accountability starts and ends. Follow the money, the missing 4 trillion dollars in the Pentagon budget.

  10. I would like you to implement the psychological aspect of the people of the United States at that time. And the number of sci-fi movies on TV I mean in the cinema.
    Carl Jung Siri on the collective, unconscious and its ability to manifest.

  11. 1947
    The year the cold war started because Russia developed atomic bomb technology.
    The world was entering a new stage, where we could literally blow ourselves up. Unprecedented and hard on the collective psyche.

  12. Like it or not there are levels of the elite who rule us and their first paramount concern is for themselves. Politicians in Britain have never been at such a low in the estimation of the people.Their actions of late has been to up the rhetoric by saying they will solve the problem when they actually know there is little they can do. America suffers the same tribal politics though those tribes have only one weapon and that is more rhetoric against the other tribe and of course their opinion of the public is that of a sheep farmer controlling his sheep .America and its constitution has yet to work out if the potential President can govern from prison as it appears that Trump will not be able to pardon himself the whole situation is a disgrace and a further insult to the patience and intelligence of the people. The elite have zero intention of telling the people of the many secrets they keep from the people and that includes other beings that visit earth . Those that will be living on Moon bases will be the elite not ordinary people and that will be dangerous for ordinary people because a nuclear war on earth becomes more possible.

  13. @17:30 allow me to help β€œlie” is the term you’re searching for.

    USG still withholding all of this from American citizens and subsequently the world. Enough, tell us wtf is going on😑🀬

  14. Thanks Howard and Kevin. I guess us older guys have that often unappreciated gift of perspective thru time. Interesting how the focus remains on sightings. This at the expense of equally shocking related phenomena that affects us personally on physical,mental and spiritual levels. What ever the case, this thing has its hooks in us. I know anecdotally that this topic has been alive and the subject of discussion in our most sensitive and secure areas of activity. It has been for decades. The reluctance of our intelligence/military/Defence agencies to air this out on the clothes line says more than stories of recovered craft,bodies and materials. The risk of shock may be too high.

  15. DOD look Bad ,So it's okay to Lie to the Citizens of the Great Nation Of America, πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ”΅πŸŒπŸŒπŸŒŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ίβ€Now America and Many other Countries have to Take Action as Citizens of the World. πŸ‘€βœπŸ‘πŸ½

  16. ❀Thanks Kevin and Howard β€πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ”΅πŸŒπŸŒπŸŒŽβ€πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ›°πŸ§ πŸ¦‹πŸ¦˜πŸ’«πŸ—πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ίβœ

  17. "Do not think you're going to be off the radar of the sector of the intelligence commitie working on task with this issue. No level of encryption , patents, spy versus spy, talking in gibberish code over the phone is going to frustrate them knowing everything you're doing, in real time. The only protection there is is massive disclosure and public transparency." – Steven Greer


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