The WARP & The CHAOS GODS with David Attenborough | Warhammer 40,000 Lore

The unseen realm of chaos is a dark and twisted landscape of impossibility, and is ruled by the four terrible lords of the warp. Here, we will learn of what makes up the true nature of the warp, and of the powers held by the four masters of chaos.

Dramatis Personae:
Narrator: AI
Inquisitor Horthvald: AI

Intro: 0:00
What is the warp?: 1:06
Who resides in the warp?: 3:50
Khorne: 6:07
Nurgle: 9:04
Tzeentch: 13:19
Slaanesh: 16:11
Outro: 19:06


Thank you for watching, if you have any units or characters you’d like to request please post them in the comments.

DISCLAIMER: This video and channel are not associated, or affiliated with Games Workshop, the Warhammer IP, or David Attenborough.


23 thoughts on “The WARP & The CHAOS GODS with David Attenborough | Warhammer 40,000 Lore”

  1. Just a quick note, as alluded to during the outro segment, there will be a part 2 (and maybe 3) video on the warp, where I'll talk more about the minor gods (malal/vashtor/raptor god), as well as some more specific points on how psykers utilise the warp, and also some lore about warp travel. I need to have a think about the contents of the next one, but it won't be for a little while, I've other videos for other factions planned out atm which take precedence.

  2. Grandfather wishes to make it known his gratitude for the spreading of his word, although maligned, he offers his Gift freely and without condition, let Nurgles love seep into your very bones and know immortality. Alas, the administratum be already at my door, yet I go happy, knowing that this blight grenade will welcome them into his embrace though my flesh be rent asunder. 🤢

  3. Just stombled across one of your Youtube Shorts. "David Attenborough does 40K" is the funniest ideas i have seen in a long time. I love it!

    I grew up watching David Attenborough docs and playing 40K: its like my childhood merged…… wait….. Tzeentch!!! What foul warp magic is this!?

  4. These videos are great, you put a lot of work into the lore and the breakdowns. If I could critique one thing, it would be the role play. Not that you're doing a bad job with it, just that it's included at all. It's one of the few voices that can be matter of fact and entertaining at the same time. Personally I think you could cut minutes off the length of the videos with a higher level of quality if you made the whole "this is heresy" bit more tongue in cheek, and once every few videos, rather than an integral part of the information as a whole. (Note I do understand you're trying to present this as David Attenborough is educating the masses of the Imperium, which is totally fine but not exactly my cup of tea) Thanks for reading if you did, keep up the fantastic work.

  5. It's curious how the warp is kinda an echo chamber with realspace. For example: among the most influential races in the early galaxy were the necrontyr, and the Eldar who were designed in similarity to them. Due to this the chaos gods and their followers often take this humanoid form, and the warps influence on realspace causes new humanoid shaped races to evolve and prosper, which then again influences the warp in a loop. Same thing with the machine spirits really.

  6. My brother in the emperor, please refrain from "they/them" when referring to the deities, use – " it " – as it is much more lore accurate, these are not persons.

  7. "The entities which rule and reside within the Warp are to be feared, but also understood"

    Exactly the enlightened attitude that got Prospero destroyed 😭


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