The War Within Features Overview | World of Warcraft

From deep beneath the surface comes visions of the Harbinger of the Void. Hear the call and dive into the opening chapter of The Worldsoul Saga story arc with the newest expansion World of Warcraft: The War Within: coming in 2024.

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20 thoughts on “The War Within Features Overview | World of Warcraft”

  1. Hype up features that aren't game changers but just another layer to the old onion, surge of returners for new expansion, honeymoon wears off, playerbase shrinks again. The cycle remains unbroken.

  2. Sorry but this has failed to wow… not gonna win back subs with this.

    My suggestion: An entire revamp of the old world. Cata broke the world, we need an expansion that rebuilds it. Put open world exploration back into WoW, you have one of the largest MMO open world spaces just being unused…

    and it wouldve parallel beautifully with the release of Cataclysm being released for WoW Classic!

  3. Yet again, we get another copy paste race to play. Not the Vrykul or Ogres or Naga, nothing cool like that. And when they do decide to give us something new, we get furries and scalies… no I'm not talking about cool things like tiger men or dragon men, no, we got furries and scalies

  4. xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya xui nya


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