The UNSEEN Force: SCIENCE Shows How Thoughts BECOME the MATERIAL WORLD! | Dawson Church

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Books by Dawson Church

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Dawson Church is a researcher and the author of several award-winning science books. His best-seller Mind to Matter demonstrates the connection between our inner thoughts and outer reality. Bliss Brain shows how elevated emotional states shape the anatomy of our brains. The Genie in Your Genes was the first book on epigenetics to describe how our emotions influence gene expression.

Research teams led by Dawson have published many clinical trials. His studies with veterans have shown that using advanced psychological methods, over 80% recover from PTSD. MRI, EEG, and gene trials have shown that his stress-management techniques regulate brain function and gene expression.

He applies these breakthroughs to health and athletic performance through One of the largest alternative medicine sites on the web, EFT Universe trains thousands of practitioners each year and provides live virtual sessions at

Dawson was educated at Baylor University and Holos University, where he earned his doctorate under the guidance of Harvard-trained neurosurgeon Norm Shealy, MD, PhD, with whom he co-authored Soul Medicine: Awakening Your Inner Blueprint for Abundant Health and Energy.

In 2007, he founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare ( Its primary program, the Veterans Stress Project, has treated over 20,000 veterans free of charge (

0:00 – Episode Teaser
0:27 – Dawson’s journey into spirituality and science
2:42 – How can we use meditation in the rewiring of our brain process?
8:09 – What is happening in the mind when meditating?
15:06 – How does the rewiring process work with meditation?
23:23 – The 3rd eye
24:43 – What is the process of enlightenment?
29:27 – What is EFT Tapping?
34:56 – What happens to the body and mind during EFT tapping?
49:50 – Mission in life
53:34 – Ultimate purpose of life
56:31 – Dawson’s work

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The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Next Level Soul, its subsidiaries, or any entities they represent.

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48 thoughts on “The UNSEEN Force: SCIENCE Shows How Thoughts BECOME the MATERIAL WORLD! | Dawson Church”

  1. I have gone through periods of regular daily meditation. I do not get those great feel good brain chemicals I guess. I have to really force myself to meditate. In eight weeks, as was mentioned, I don't get any of those feelings. It is frustrating when people say that they get these good brain chemical boosts from meditation. I am very interested in the program that is going to come out in early summer.

  2. Mindful creating/dancing/singing/sharing have this effect on me. Not traditional meditation but similar effect.
    I am motivated to add this powerful meditation to my repertoire. We’re comin up 😅

  3. Each time I think 'it cant get any better than this' , and it does!!! Amazing interview Alex, I am going to try meditation for the first time, at aged 58 with Dawson. I have wanted to meditate for 20 years, but i just dont do it. ❤

  4. Alex just gave the best description of my meditation experience so far. It’s hard for me to put my experiences into words for others, but at the same time I realize I don’t really need to.. 💜

  5. Thanks Alex for all the truly amazing information you gift all you listeners with!! Thank you Dawson for all the work you have done and for your shortlist of books, many of which are free through you!!

  6. The gasping of breath between his statements— talking so much and so fast —totally distracting to his message and interview. Sorry to say but perhaps he can work on his audio. So distracting.


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