The Ultimate Empires Tier List Pt. 1 – The Amateur Age Podcast #2

Welcome to the Amateur Age! A podcast by wannabe historians Khazi AKA Maarten vanKooy and Jeff Blagden! Today we embark on our boldest adventure yet and realize we may have bitten off more than we can chew. As we take on the ultimate tier list! Ranking 25 Great empires from 0 to 1700CE with a few exceptions like Rome. This ends up being a part 1 because we only rank 10 empires, but we have 25 empires in total to pin to the board!
Part 2 is on the way! We promise it won’t be an hour and 30 minutes long!
We mean… unless you want it to be…. ?

Let us know who you agree or disagree with in the comments down below!

We are still experimenting with ideas, podcast length and our work flow so I hope you enjoy the content! Let us know if you enjoyed the podcast, and if there are any topics you want us to cover next!

Follow us on Twitter
Maarten “Khazi” vanKooy – @vanKooy
Jeff Blagden – @J_Blagden

Khaz & Effect


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