The Truth Behind the Death of Doc Hudson in Cars (1951-2009) | It's Not Just a Simple Mystery

Hello! Welcome to the Misaki & VerFriend channel. This is the theory that will explain why Doc Hudson didn’t appear anymore …


41 thoughts on “The Truth Behind the Death of Doc Hudson in Cars (1951-2009) | It's Not Just a Simple Mystery”

  1. Wednesday July 26th, 2023

    I was hoping that Doc would return in Cars 3 with a new voice actor. Take The King and Chick Hicks for example.

    The King and Chick Hicks debuted in the 1st film, they were absent from the 2nd film, but they returned in the 3rd film with new voice actors to play them.

  2. Great video, but I see so many issues with this. Doc would be 55-65, he would’ve been built in 1951 and 2006 is the present in the first movie. Cars can get cancer… it’s called rust. Him fixing himself doesn’t make sense either. Cars follows a lot of car logic and details so in my opinion ( you don’t have to agree ) Doc’s death needs to be more detailed and follow car logic

  3. I’ll go with these 3 theories:

    1. His engine had too many miles on it, due to him racing all the time in his youth, and getting back into it when Lightning came into his life. Which built up more miles, causing his Engine to wear off. But Doc’s crew chief is still alive and well, so maybe the engine theory might not be accurate.

    2. He died racing one last time. As in the Cars Shorts clip, we see a door that resembles his own. Meaning that when racing again, he got in a wreck and full on died, instead of just getting injured.

    3. If Cars have organs in their world, maybe when Doc got in his first wreck back in his youth, the wreck probably caused some issues that weren’t able to be reversed, but didn’t catch up with him until he got older and back into racing? Idk for sure, just a guess.

  4. Doc Hudson died to either a blown gasket, blown Piston rings, radiator failure or intake clog.

    These engine issues would either likely cause too much fuel entering the cylinders or too much air.
    If not resolved quickly the engine will erode (I think).

  5. Doc Hudson was a 1953 Hudson Hornet – making him 53 in Cars and 58 in Cars 2. (Would have been 64 in Cars 3.)
    Smokey was a 1943 Hudson Stepside – making him ten years older than Doc Hudson, and 74 in Cars 3.
    Junior Moon (1940 Ford Coupe), River Scott (1938 Dodge Coupe), and Louise Nash (1950 Nash Ambassador) were also considerably older than Doc but, like Smokey, had never been involved in a major wreck like Doc Hudson had.

    While the exact injuries sustained by Doc in his infamous crash (to my knowledge) were never enumerated, safety was fairly lax in that era of racing – the most probable cause of Doc's death would have been a lingering injury to his 'nervous system'. This would be yet another motivation for Doc to retire to Radiator Springs, putting the stress and anxiety of his former 'athletic career' in his rear-view mirrors. As with most such injuries, flare-ups (and even death) can occur suddenly at a later date with little or no warning.

    Throughout the canon of all five movies (Cars, Cars 2, Cars 3, Planes, and Planes 2) it is established that most components outside the cabin can be replaced – even the American spy in Cars 2 commented that he could replace a cracked engine block, and the numerous blown engines were crippling but non-fatal injuries. So too with Miles Axlerod, who not only had virtually every part replaced multiple times but had supposedly converted to an electric drivetrain.

  6. The crash is the cost of his humanity since he's out for season in the fireball beach race in Daytona in 1954 without any major enhancements of his modifications he learned to let go of the past since he's McQueen's mentor in 2006 in 2011 the Piston cup renamed him as a tribute as a legendary racer in the 1950s since Thomasville Georgia was on the landmark which is cause of his former crew chief after learning the truth from Smokey McQueen can't be fast as Jackson Storm but smarter than him McQueen soon found out that he's the important part of Hudson's life while training along the way till 2016 of the Piston-Cup season

  7. Wait. hold up. You know about that 500 1/2 race shorts when the racers and lightning encounter the graveyard?
    Who built the grave stones and who put the bodies there? Because somewhere in that short I think sarge says they’ll never make it out alive, so who? And If doc was buried there they would have had a funeral, but I guess it’s too dangerous to have a funeral there. Also what exactly does sarge mean by they’ll never make it out alive? Is there something lurking in the shadows of the abandoned cemetery? Is it the ghost car? The screaming banshee from mater and the ghost light? or it could even be the ghost light. Because remember the tale that sheriff told in mater and the ghost light? He said that once it was done with killing its prey there were only 2 licenses plates left of the cars. Maybe they were killed and then the bodies were put in that graveyard that I think was built by the screaming banshee. Does my theory make sense?


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