The TRUTH About California High Speed Rail

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00:00:34 – Alan Fisher – RealLifeLore Is Wrong About California High Speed Rail
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00:44:38 – Brad Pitt Bullet Train Propaganda

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About Mike From PA: #MikeFromPA is a political commentator and democratic socialist who streams daily on the central_committee Twitch stream. He gained entry into the political world by volunteering, protesting, organizing and later working on political campaigns including running for state senate in Pennsylvania himself. On Twitch He made a name for himself by exposing Destiny for his ignorance about electoral politics and economics. He later sparked controversy when he advocated for Sewer Socialism during a debate with the liberal streamer Vaush. Mike regularly appears on The Majority Report, TYT, and Hasan Piker’s Live stream.

#HighSpeedRail #Trains #Germany


14 thoughts on “The TRUTH About California High Speed Rail”

  1. To give an example of how totally f—ed America is in regards to trains: Scranton, PA was the birthplace of the electric trolley in the 1800s (which is why it's called the Electric City), but the proposed passenger train to Philly is going to take well over a decade to complete, if it gets done at all. These figures come directly from Amtrack and the mayor of Scranton. And here's the thing… it's not even a high speed train!!! It's just a regular old train! And it's diesel, not even electric. Back in the 70s, there were HOURLY trains to NYC from effing Schulykill County! The idea that it will take over a decade to build an OLD-ASS train to Philly in modern times is far beyond absurd. In the US, projects like this get dragged out for as long as possible so all the management people keep getting paid while nothing gets done. It's literally a money-laundering scheme.

  2. When Prop 1A was written, the estimated cost to build from LA to SF was $30-40 billion. Today the estimate for the same track, according to the HSR, is $69-99 billion. That is 200-300% over the original estimate. This project is ripping off taxpayers. Don’t let a project like this happen in your town.

  3. I don't want subsidies to public transport, i want it to be nationalized and free from the transportation companies; In paraguay transportation companies never go on time, never maintain their buses and depend on the government to expand the lines, i hate it, the government basically pays for most of it already.

  4. States need to get smart with the way they allow users to deteriorate roads. Charge a tax based on passenger to weight ratio, and require commercial licenses for trucks above f-150 weight such as mandating DOT numbers on the sides of those now commercial trucks. Forget about environmental sustainability, focus on the economic sustainability of our infrastructure and you'll likely address the environmental problems as well while being able to sell concepts to both republicans and democrats & avoid petty infighting.

    Why is that in 2020 people get on dangerous jet aircraft to do short haul flights? Long distance flights make sense but regional flights don't. We're spending 600 billion a year on making interest payments on the national debt, imagine if we paid all of the debt off and free up 600 billion a year to spend on long term infrastructure investments such as rail tunnels through mountains and desalinization plants.

    I hate roads as a long term investment because it seems like every few years you're doing a complete overhaul which is throwing money down the toilet. I would rather build a brand new school or something like sewage treatment plants instead of another re-pavement operation because those structures will last 50 or more years.


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