The True Story of Candy Montgomery

On Friday, June 13, 1980, a 30-year-old mother of two named Betty Gore was discovered murdered in her Wylie, Texas home. Betty Gore had been struck with an ax after confronting her friend, Candy Montgomery about an affair with her husband, Allan Gore. Candy Montgomery stood trial and told jurors she had killed Betty in self-defense after her friend flew into a rage and threatened to kill her.

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39 thoughts on “The True Story of Candy Montgomery”

  1. She hacked 41 times. Not self defense wounds then run to call the police. No- candy obliterated the soft, sweet mother of 2 children, a baby crying for its mother and a 6 yr old girl who was at her own house playing with her own daughter. Why the passion? Candy had an affair with Betty's husband so Betty SHOULD have been outraged.
    Candy calmly took a shower there? As Bette lay dead and the baby lay screaming? She drove herself to Target then home? Candy manages to be functional and behave normally for her family and friends. She cuts up the shoes she wore. Lies to everyone and keeps up her act. Also- how can a woman cheat on her husband and he has no idea? How can a man have an affair and his wife suspects nothing? If a healthy 30 yr old man is not getting it from his wife, where is he getting it? Bc men GOTTA have it. Some women gotta have it. Got to prove they can still get any man. What kind of woman is it who lies to everyone, is happy about her double life while she cheats on her husband and neglects her kids for illicit sex in a sleazy motel? Nasty. And these nasty women go after married men bc they believe he has too much to loose by confessing or leaking info. . I think she is emotionally empty and fakes everything. She can't love deeply and wants to feel something. She needs the thrill of the forbidden. Narciccist. As long as she is worshipped by someone shes ok. But she wants her way and if she doesn't get it- watch out. It may take a lot for her to make her point, but when she does- calm, composed, calculating and her part is choreographed in detail bc she's been over it many times. All of the wounds candy recieved were by handling the ax. Ive hit myself in the head using a hammer. The bruises? Being kicked by the victim and kicking the victim. Bette may have tried to cling to her and pull herself up. Its difficult to believe candy's dum husband would stay with her. Candy ruined Allan's marriage, family and children's lives. And she went free. Allan should have sued for child support and nanny expenses etc in civil suit- like OJ case. Sad

  2. This was fascinating! I had never heard of this case before now. I ran across an ad for the Hula series and googled the name and found your video – and am I glad I did! Now I'm going to check out your channel for more and subscribe. Thanks for posting this – you did a great job on this!

  3. After watching the Hulu series (amazing work by Jessica Biel) and looking into the story of Candy, I've come to the realization that Candy and Allan should have acted like adults and fessed up to their affair.

    However, I think it was the pressure of keeping up with appearances in the community (small town and church-esque) that cultivated the motivation for Candy to perform grisly act (especially when Betty allegedly confronted her about the affair). Candy wanted to keep the illusion of being a good-natured, gregarious, and fun-loving housewife to Pat. But oviously, that could be further from the truth.

    Yeah, divorce of those marriages would have had the small town of Wylie talking up a storm but, it would have been better to have the town talk about the dissolution of their marriages due to the affair than talk about the murder that was spurned by it. And sure, Candy would probably have lost the comfortable lifestyle she had (all expenses paid by her husband) but again, she would not be as scrutinized as she was (and still is to this day). And Allan most certianly would have manned up and admitted that he screwed up big time to Betty and face whatever consequence came his way. There's really no double standard here.

    The ones who I feel for are Betty , Pat, and the children from both their families. They're the ones who were hurt and have to carry this terrible tradegy for the rest of their lives. My heart goes out to them. As for Candy and Allan, I hope they really reflect on what they did and worked to seek help (granted Candy is now a mental health counsellor).

    Great job on the video!!!

  4. Once you significant other cheats, it'sover.Ifnot, get ready to be a bitch-boy,or botch-girl forever. It happened, don't cheat on yourself by giving into the cheater.

  5. I think when candy was in the utility room she opened the garage and saw the axe, called her in there and WHAM. which is why the body was moved, there was no struggle. she blindsided her as she entered the room and axed her to death and had to move the body because she was in front of the door. which is why the axe was by the fridge instead of the door… which is where it should have been at.

  6. I 'just found your channel because I wanted to know more about this case after Hulu series. You did a great job presenting the case but nay I suggest that when you recount what happened in the Betty-Candy converation in the house you presented it as fact, rather than saying "Candy claimed" or "Candy testified". We really don't know what was said other than Candy's obviously self serving version. You did a good job of describing police incompetence in securing the evidence and crime scene, but I'd like to see analysis of prosecutorial mistakes — they seemed lackluster and ill. prepared. As shown in many other cases with far less evidence a good prosecutor can secure a conviction for SOMETHING. I don't think Candy went over intending to murder Betty — had she intended it, she would have planned a far cleaner murder. But I think Bettty threatened to expose Candy's adultery to the community and Candy could not have the so she went into overdrive to kill her dead. I don't think Candy cared anything about Alan just protecting her own image —Narcissistic sociopath.

  7. I still can't process the fact that she hit Betty with an ax 41 times and you mean to tell me that's self-defense… Candy should not have gotten away with murder. I can't believe it. Not to mention her husband stayed with her afterwards and after two affairs like WHAT.

  8. How did this charming,manipulative Sociopath get away with this as self defence!???????: She stabbed her friend who was pregnant 41 times???? How was she able to get away with this I think that's the most shocking thing of this case Too much Candy makes you sick she was lying and double crossing everyone and stil had people supporting her even afterwards that's such a sign of a Sociopath sooooo manipulative!!

  9. While it in no way excuses murder, this whole situation could have been avoided if a.) they had been transparent about the affair from the get-go (though, Betty still may have confronted Candy all the same), and b.) if Allan had simply not had an affair with someone behind his pregnant wife’s back

  10. Its hard to believe that betty confronted her with the cheating allagation if the letter she hadjust written that day to her mom was praising her for being such a good friend? My guess is that she had a bout of psychosis (like she did in the hulu series at the baby shower stating "she knows") and she snapped, and mayne she truly did actually want allen more than she led on amd was jealous that they were going on vacation? Either way its fixing terrible what she did, got away with it and left that baby, but that would blow her perfect cover then wouldn't it have…. 😔

  11. I was an extra in the movie coming out with Elizabeth Olsen called Love and Death.
    The Hulu movie “Candy” was rushed and details were skipped. I started the movie in Nov and we ended it in May filming all over central TX and Dallas area and I believe they even filmed in Wiley. I didn’t go that far which is 6-8 hrs from where I live.

  12. Ok so end of story…. Allen gets remarried, and he doesn't keep his kids he let's his deceased wife's parents adopt both of his kids and he just goes off and lives his life like none of this events happened? Wow big dawg you got some dangers don't you?

    If he let his gets get adopted he didn't plan on being in their lives, and maybe was at first (kinda) it probably tapered off until there was no contact. That's so incredibly sad for the kids.

  13. I think Betty was planning on killing her. That explains why she wrote that letter to her mom and kept it in the room, probably to later use it as defense. Allan is not the type of man this should've happened over, there is no man who's worth THIS, especially him. He didn't care about neither one of them, only himself. He didn't even care about his children and allowed them to be adopted by grandparents once the mother died. Couldn't be bothered to raise them himself, I guess. Candy seems sociopathic for sure, but she tried really hard to keep up the image of a good wife and mother, that I doubt she actually is a sociopath, she's very disturbed woman for sure. Do sociopaths even care about their image? If they do, please educate me. Anyway, I believe it probably was self defense, but she had bottled up anger inside her, and that needed to be addressed and treated. There are no heroes here, only villains. Funniest thing is these people went to church.

  14. You are an outstanding storyteller! I absolutely love your mix of the factual and the fantastical! I just discovered your channel via my recent binge-watch of the Hulu series, but…consider me hooked! Can't wait to check out further uploads.

    I thought "Candy" was quite good as a true crime drama mini-series, but I still have my own questions and even subplot conspiracy theories… The verdict is out on Allan, imo – but, I don't wish to get ahead of myself until I know more…

    Apparently, there's another televized interpretation of this starring Elizabeth Olsen coming out, and there is also an older film staring Barbara Hershey I have to now watch. It's such an odd paradox how these horrific incidents induce an oddly compelling drive in us, as viewers, to perceive them as entertainment; in stating that, I'm just as guilty! I find it as bizarre as I do disturbing, yet equally intriguing and irresistible. Idk what that says about me, or society, or even human nature.

    Great channel, irrespective of the above questions. Consider me subbed! 👏👏👏


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