The TRUE shape of the Universe revealed?

The shape of an infinite Universe is undetermined but there are many theories general relativity leads us to. One is the possibility of an infinite looped universe, a Toroidal Universe.


30 thoughts on “The TRUE shape of the Universe revealed?”

  1. We all don’t know because there is a firmament covering the Earth. No one has been outside this Earth. So stop it with the lies. This statement I just said is in the Bible look it up. The Bible talks about Flat Earth. Do your research people please

  2. Why we can only see 13.8 billion LY away is because it's the age of the universe, and light from the visible border took that long to reach us.
    "Nothing can go faster than light"
    The universal expansion: 🗿
    Wait… Could the universe be 93 billion years old? 💀

  3. First of all, we don't REALLY know how old the universe is. That number you gave us is SOLELY based on how far OUR telescopes can see, and that's it.
    Second of all, unless you can ACTUALLY, PHYSICALLY measure the universe's size, which we can't…at all, then you can possibly know what shape it is.
    I quit watching the video after you made these stupid claims.
    Thumbs down.

  4. The universe is a spiraling black cloud mass of dark matter spinning like a vortex. The gravitational ring of the edge of space will only keep you in the ring like the boundary of earth keep going straight and you end up going in a big circle ⭕️. But there is ways to escape this gravity by manipulating the veil and go outside of our universe to other Universes that exist outside of our own. I made a video on the out of body experience I had that revealed this and more. I know how to get to the other Universes too and it deals with finding the right vortex signature in space then use aetheric energy to open the wormhole or quantum jump can take you into the other universes but the alien life there is way advanced. Light speed only takes you within the local universe your in and cannot escape the gravity of this universe unless you escape this universe and use light speed to travel in the universe to transverse great distances. I love knowing things it’s fun.


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