The Thing About Illuminations' The Grinch…

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Keeping up with the Christmas theme, of course weā€™ve gotta cover an iconic Christmas narrative with Dr Seussā€™ The Grinch That Stole Christmas. Just.. this is the 2018 version with Benedict Cumberbatch and Illumination Studios. Was it worth it? Was it good? What even happened? Letā€™s discuss it all and more. This is The Thing About Illuminationsā€™ The Grinchā€¦

#DazzReviews #TheGrinch #THINGSeries #Illumination #TheGrinch2018 #IlluminationGrinch #christmas #review #VideoEssay #BenedictCumberbatch

ā–ŗThe Scene That Changed Arthur Christmasā€¦:
ā–ŗThe Scene That Changed Ice Ageā€¦:
ā–ŗDisneyā€™s TERRIBLE Planes Movieā€¦:
ā–ŗ The Scene That Changed Pixarā€™s Cocoā€¦:
ā–ŗ The Scene That Changed Kung Fu Pandaā€¦:
ā–ŗ The TERRIBLE Shark Taleā€¦:
ā–ŗ The Scene That Changed Hotel Transylvania 1ā€¦:

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šŸ‘‰ Video edited by Replayed:ā€¦

ā€¦ Hm. And to think I avoided this movie a year ago due to good reviews. Itā€™s not Illuminationsā€™ worst, but itā€™s certainly middle of the roadā€¦


48 thoughts on “The Thing About Illuminations' The Grinch…”

  1. 2018 Grinch is basically Hallmark Movie Grinch — that's the vibe I'm getting. I'm not sure why Benedict would choose to voice him with an American accent. Having the Grinch seem more alien would make it that much more understandable as to why the Grinch didn't really fit in… accents do have an effect on how easily people can integrate with other people.

    And there's nothing wrong with a little bit of nice looking fluff… but it's clear they're just retelling the same stories over and over again. Also, why didn't the voice actor keep to the accent?! I love English accents on villains – it makes them so much more interesting… I mean, just think of how many great characters – that are villains – are voiced by British folk. It's hard to imagine all of those characters not having those iconic voices. And I'm not saying voice actors with different accents wouldn't sound as good, but it's equally cool when they do have that accent and I'm just not sure that's something that should be changed…

    Plus, like… seriously.

    Shen the peacock from Kung Fu Panda, Loki, Pitch Black, Smaug (funnily enough, voiced by Ben…and he was fully on board with that one…), Snape from the HP movies (and a lot of other characters and, don't lie and pretend his dramatic entranced and proclamations weren't cool as fuck despite him being basically an overgrown bully in parts of the films), Hannibal Lector (not among my collection because I haven't seen the movies, but still…). And because they're not real people the fact that they are villains and they are icons is hardly a bad thing. (And in fact, of the kids casted for the roles of kids in the HP movies, it was the bully, Draco Malfoy, whose actor probably had the strongest performance in the first few movies…) If Ben had brought in his a-game rather than trying to show off his ability to pull off different accents, I bet that version of the Grinch would have been so much more iconic… if only because Smaug was so iconic.

  2. This movie is terrible for one reason: there was no real lesson in it. Sure, they attempted to relay the message of ā€œChristmas is more than just toysā€, but they did a very poor job in executing it due to the grinch. The Grinch is supposed to be a mean, grouchy old dude who hates Christmas. Without having those character traits, you canā€™t make that message work. However, previous iterations, like the 2000 movie, were able to make that message work because the characters didn't stray too much away from the characters in the original Dr. Seuss book. Not to mention that most of the songs sucked and the character development felt like it was taken out of the 2000 movie, and watered down to the point that it was emotionless.

  3. Can you take a look at the movie Tad: The Lost Explorer. its one of my favourite movies and I thought it was one of the best thing since sliced bread but as I went back to watch it quite a few of the reviews weren't that positive. But I think its a good movie to review.

  4. I saw someone display their fair distaste towards him being so clean, but I think with this story, it makes a lot of sense. We see that the Grinch is a very mean, unkind, and villainous character, without those being his only attributes. He likes his hair(?) clean, playes the organ, likes coffee with a bit of cream, etc. It portrays a more realistic sense of self, with him actually being a person.

    But thatā€™s just me.

  5. I think the 2018 version is not bad at all. Just ok. My issue with it is that the Grinch is too likeable and cute instead of being a mean spirited jerk with malevolent eyes and crooked yellow teeth. Jim Carrey's Grinch is also sympathetic with a tragic backstory, but at least he's also mean and full of hate and resentment and enjoys being a bully. Cumberbatch's Grinch is just a lonely guy.

  6. I feel like they just tried to do Dispicable me again in terms of how they characterized the grinch, with a secret life of pets subplot, and vaguely trying to follow the original plot. One of the issues with illumination is they dont want to portray their main character as anything more than a mild annoyance, they dont want to portray a genuinely evil person. The edges are rounded over and smoothed, like his teeth.

  7. I donā€™t know if this is a controversial opinion, but I donā€™t love Cindy-Lu (or how ever you spell it) in this movie, she feels like every other wide eyed child, and her friends are forgettable

  8. I feel like you just skipped over the emotional part of the movie. I don't recall in any of the prior renditions that they portrayed his backstory quite like they did in the 2018 version. In the original, there was no explanation why he was so sour. Jim Carrey's version, he was adopted by 2 older spinsters (or possibly elder le$bean couple?) and had a natural disdain for Christmas. In the Illumination version, his backstory is much darker, being raised in an orphanage, not ever knowing the warmth of a home and family during the holidays. At least Jim Carrey's Grinch had a family, adopted, yes but still a family. Then in the end of Illumination's version, it comes full circle that the Grinch was likely suffering from untreated mental illness, though not explicitly. It wasn't until someone reached out to him that he started to get better, pulling him out of social isolation. It was so heartwarming to me. Also, Max was a very good emotional support animal. About the only semblance of unconditional love the Grinch had in his life.

  9. Showing the clips of the Super Mario bros next to the Grinch just show how much work they actually putting this time around for the Mario film, like yeah Illumination always have decent colorful animation and designs but man did always feel like artificial and bland in some parts too cute, too bright, too perfect for people live in some of those words……but the Mario film looks so much better, is colorful and bright when it need it, it's more darker and dirty in the right places, and the characters models are way better than ever Illumination have done before, just makes me more exciting to see that film…………………………….oh wait this was a review of the Grinch, ahhhhh……meh who cares, that MARIO FILM looks amazing.

  10. What you've missed is that the Illumination version has the Who's always being nice to the Grinch. It makes a much more wholesome story that I personally enjoy more.
    This changes the narrative from The Grinch is different from others and therefore hates Christmas, to The Grinch was an orphan who lacked a family and therefore hated Christmas due to loneliness.
    At least that is my quick summary of why I prefer the Illumination version.

  11. I found that his hovel was way to mansion like, I mean compared to the other who homes, HIS was like a rich person's home.
    Despite being a character who the town is supposed to have SHUNNED, hence why he hated the holiday seasons. Everyone happy and together, except himself.
    Also the totally UNNEEDED real reindeer.. A better moment would have been…. Him and Max going searching for a reindeer, all the while Max would be following with a stick wanting to play fetch. They would end up not finding a reindeer until…. The grinch looks sadly at max and sees the stick and comes up with the devilish idea.
    Also I HATED what they did to the classic grinch song…
    I did like that he ended up with Cindy lou's mother.

  12. I personally love this version of the Grinch more than all the others because it shows the process of how he stole Christmas. Also how his change of heart feels more real and understandable.

  13. The Grinch 1966: The best story telling, leaving the Grinch's reason for why he hates Christmas a mystery as the rymes say. but the biggest clue was that he hated all the noise.

    The Grinch 2000: The funniest Grinch. while I did just say it was better that the Grinch's hate for Christmas should be left a mystery, this version did give us a good reason. he was mocked, laughed at, humiliated. his hate for Christmas comes from the darkest times of his life and he felt like an outsider, and every year he is reminded of it. deep down, he wants to love Christmas and be accepted, but then the ugly memories of his past resurface and returns to being bitter and spiteful. if he can't have happiness, he'll make it so no one else can either and ruin Christmas for them just as they did for him.

    The Grinch 2018: The best visuals for the environment, and that's about it. character design did not match the characters, as the Grinch is supposed to be "As cuddly as a cactus with termites in his smile." actually, scratch that. this Grinch doesn't really have the character of the previous versions either. he's a jerk who causes minor annoyances, and that's about it. heck, the Whos didn't even fear him as they did in other shows, such as the Halloween Grinch special. they just saw him as that weird green guy. that's basically who he really was. that weird green guy. pretty much sums him up in both design and character.

  14. I canā€™t believe this movie was such a huge success in the box officeā€¦ Honestly I didnā€™t even hear that much about it so itā€™s pretty freaking crazy that a movie it felt like no one cared about was such a success.

  15. The thing about this movie is that the Grinch didnā€™t feel like the Grinch. He didnā€™t have the same charm as the original and was overall not ā€œGrinchyā€ enough if that makes sense. He wasnā€™t rotten and mischievous like the Grinch we know, instead he was just sad and depressed. Overall he was just a Green hairy version of Gru šŸ’€šŸ’€

  16. I think Iā€™m one of the few who loves the Illuminations version just as much if not more than the Jim Carry version.

    Iā€™ve been through a lot when and since the new one came out and I guess the Grinchā€™s story in it just hit close to home for me. The fact that he has no one in his life that really cares about/is close to him except for Max, he feels lonely a lot and eats away his feelings, and the end when he listens to the music with his heart he finally feels some happiness and as Cindy put it ā€œall of your sadness just melts awayā€. I still tear up seeing that scene.

    Donā€™t get me wrong, I really like Jim Carryā€™s version but it feels a bit more like a comedy to me, as well as holds old memories of Christmas for me that hurt to look back at right now. I guess I just feel more emotionally attached to the Grinch in the Illuminations version.

  17. Nothing will ever top the Chuck Jones version, but I did grow a soft spot for this version when I caught it on TV a couple days ago BECAUSE as an introvert who's grown to hate Christmas and all the problems it brings, the scene that really hit home was the Grinch saying, he realizes what he hated wasn't Christmas, but loneliness, and that made me go, that, that right there is a great message so many of these "Christmas" movies miss or do horribly.
    Plus to compare it to the Jim Carrey one, which I still like only because of JIm Carrey, I like that these Whos aren't jerks. I hate the Whos in the Live action one, These Whos are nice to the grinch even when he's a jerk to them, they don't judge him, they don't mock him, heck I like how Kenan Thompson's character is basically the Ned Flanders to the Grinch's Homer Simpson. And I liked the ending where Cindy Lou invites the Grinch to dinner and the Grinch puzzled asks, even after I stole Christmas? and Cindy Lou goes, "Because you've been alone long enough"

  18. I usually donā€™t like Christmas movies but this grinch is my absolute favorite, Iā€™m even watching it right now. I felt like the grinch in the live action was WAYYY too dramatic although that might just be me


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