The Texas Family Farm Killings: The Disturbing Case of Robin Doan

“Do I really need to talk about what happened?”

September 30th 2005, at her home in Pampa, 10 year old Robin Doan wakes up to a nightmare of gunshots and realizes it is not a dream. She hears her mother’s screaming, bullets shooting off, and before she could react, the heavy footsteps approaching her door. Robin’s family becomes victim to one of the most deadly home invasions in Texas, and the police officers don’t understand how they find the 10 year old girl unharmed. Her “perhaps too calm” 911 call will offer the only living testimony of Levi King’s merciless killing spree.

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BACKGROUND MUSIC by Fearless Motivation Instrumentals:
MP3 Downloads:
Music Content ID: Identifyy
A World Of Plucking – Frank Schlimbach – PRO: BMI
Suspensful Mind – SynergyMusicUA – ASSET ID: # 1113983
Music License: MB01YSVX7SZSB8Q


37 thoughts on “The Texas Family Farm Killings: The Disturbing Case of Robin Doan”

  1. These victims endure the most brutally horrific of tragedies. It’s nothing short of amazing that they’re able to surpass a life of surviving—living a normal life—but ultimately becoming an inspirational hope for others is truly miraculous. Their attitude is awe-inspiring.

  2. Oh my goodness when that poor baby said, “I think I’m the only one alive, I want my Mom,” my heart broke for her. 😢😢 The fact that she continued to say “Yes Ma’am,” and remain so articulate is unbelievable!!!

  3. Robin is an incredible young lady – to be able to articulate and forgive the killer at the trial for her own sake to move forward, wow. She doesn't look like more than a teenager here. Her mom and dad raised her right, they would be very proud of her, she's a very strong young lady.

  4. Children can be raised by the same abusive parent but have a different experience. Levi may have been his dad’s main target. This is no excuse for his actions, but may explain why he’s not like his siblings.

  5. it was heart breaking listening to her call. in Levi's defense-i cant defend his actions but you have to look at his brain is obviously wired differently than rest of his family and that is why it affected him differently. I wouldnt be surprised if there was sexual abuse too..still doesnt excuse what he did.

  6. I hate the smugness of the guy at 13:29 who says, "You have to keep in mind, his brother and his sisters didn't do what he did." Well, sir, a brother or sister may be doing crimes, addiction or abuse that you don't even know about. Also, Levi may have been more vulnerable. Also, some child abusers commit particularly violent acts against boys, including beating their heads and causing brain damage. This is a terrible tale for both families.

  7. I remember these daunting case. Horrifically bone chilling, knowing that little Angel was enduring hell on earth…. I not who could of forgiven that soulless human, However, this young lady did what helped her move forward. Wherever she is today, I sincerely hope her life’s dreams are being fulfilled!

  8. When the cop said that the killer was abused really bad but his siblings never killed so its not a mental illness but according to studies everyone's brainwave biochemistry is different some people are more sensitive than others & more likely to develop sociopathic or psychopathic and a social disorder but there's people with those disorders that choose to not kill so I still feel they deserve punishment of course they're not safe to be around public I do pray for the whole family it's horrible what happened to them especially that little girl I think that's good that she forgave him when you don't forgive people people since that in your aura the trauma that you've been through and if you don't heal from it you can attract more toxic people into your life and she doesn't need to have any more toxic people coming to her life I hope the killer finds Rehabilitation and so that he doesn't hurt anybody else and so he can find peace of mind that's no way to live with anger cuz I was severely abused as a child by family and by school kids I've been bullied even by low income programs when I got on Social Security I do feel bad for anybody who's been severely abused I've seen animals get murdered and abused by certain family members not all of them but that can really damage your mind when you see stuff like that I had really good counseling for a long time though my aunt made me go to counseling to work out through all my issues cuz I did act out as a kid I just wish all kids have been abused can get help so they don't end up killing families like hers that's really sad but I feel more so for the victim the little girl that lost her whole family and I feel bad for all the fur babies that were killed that his dad made him kill and her family dog that was killed I say prayers for all of them too

  9. @ 16:14
    I'm "grateful" that she (didn't) go into the rooms of her dead family members!!! The "trauma she was under" would have jumped up to (full 🌕 max) because those images would have stayed with her for her entire life!!! Even though this happened "a while ago" I still wanna send my prayers to her! "She's truly a survivor!!!" 👍🏽

  10. Heartbreaking, but uplifting at the same time. She went thru a horrific nightmare, and prevailed. What a beautiful young lady, inside and out! We could all learn from her. I really wish she hadn't had to go thru that though.


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