The Terf Baroness – Cringe Corner featuring Sophie from Mars

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34 thoughts on “The Terf Baroness – Cringe Corner featuring Sophie from Mars”

  1. Mildred. Long time fan here. Just had to say that I'm deeply disappointed about the things you said in this video, especially given the timing, with recent events.
    I can't believe I have to say this, but Graham Linehan is not fucking *British*. He's Irish. We don't like him, we don't want him, ideally we want to ship him off to a desert island that doesn't have access to Twitter so he can spent the rest of his life venting his bizarre culture-war transphobic rage on coconuts – but for fuck's sake, the man made Father Ted, you can't take that from us.

  2. Get in line for the cheque, Sophie – as an active Cultural Marxisms S.J.W. antifa super soldier, I've been waiting for mine from Soros for ages! 🤣 B.T.W., I remember Nicholson when she was an M.P. in Plymouth, during the Thatcher/Major years.She's always been this sort of social conservative bigot. Section 28, and all that.

  3. I loved this discussion/talk. ❤️ On a side note I once read a comic where one of the characters was called "Sonya from Mars". Upon being asked about how it came that that was her name, she answered:

    "Because my name is Sonya and I am from Mars."

  4. I ususally refrain from mocking looks but I genuinely believe that if someone knocked Graham Linehan on the side of his jaw hard enough it would greatly improve his appearance

  5. Gosh the people talking about the "sterilisation of gay children" is just…oof. Like, it's certain that some twenty or thirty years ago they would have been very worried not for these gay kids but about these kids being gay, and would have talked about the dangers faced by (definitely) straight kids, coming from gay people. They would have insisted that kids are not naturally gay, that it's a fad and they're pushed into it or "confused" by people teaching them about the existence of gay people, or by having openly gay friends. Just like now they insist that trans children are actually gay for sure and just confused by people telling them about trans people.

  6. The "male chest liquid" thing is absolutely hilarious to me, because unlike that woman, I actually understand how breasts work. Spoiler alert: "Male" and "female" chests are identical before puberty, most AMAB folks just don't produce the hormones necessary to cause permanent breast tissue growth.

    It's a mammal thing. While in many non-mammalian animal species, sex differences are determined on a cell-autonomous level (which is how we occasionally get such stunning examples of gynandromorphy – male and female traits exhibited in the same individual – in birds and arthropods, with some of them being split straight down the middle), sex differences are triggered primarily by hormones.

    Consequently, gynecomastia (male breast tissue growth – moobs, but not the kind caused by body fat) is extremely common in humans. And I do mean extremely common. Estrogen exposure in the womb causes temporary breast tissue growth in almost all infants, regardless of sex, and over a third of AMAB children experience it at some point during puberty.

    Male lactation is also a well-documented phenomenon that can be triggered by a variety of medical conditions. There's no difference between "male" and "female" lactation because guess what? Your boobs don't care about your chromosomes, they care about the chemical signals they receive.

    Bonus fun fact: In some bat species, both males and females produce milk to feed to their offspring, and they've been doing just fine.

  7. 'homo' does mean man in latin, but the 'homo' in 'homophobic' isn't taken from the latin word, it's taken from the greek. The greek prefixes 'homo' and 'hetero' mean 'the same' and 'other/different', as in liking someone who has the same gender as you vs. a different gender. I'm no prescriptivist but she clearly is and she's wrong about her etymologies.

  8. "Any cis person can walk into a clinic and get sterilized of their own volition any time they choose" – what world do you live in? It's 100% not this one. As a cis woman, it took me a decade to be taken seriously enough to be completely sterilized and then another decade to find a gyno who realized me having ovaries was causing a health issue and removed them. Doctors do not want to permanently sterile cis women until they are late 30's and have kids, we are told constantly "you'll change your mind" and are denied. I started asking at 16 years old, after being told pregnancy could kill me and knowing for sure I never wanted kids. I was 35 before I was completely sterilized. That's not just something used against trans people, it's something used against cis women too. The same people obsessed with the fertility of children and also obsessed with cis women remaining fertile. A cis man can get a vasectomy on demand though.


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