The System Challenges Me to Spend $10 Billion in a Month. If I Succeed, I Get 1 Trillion!

The System Challenges Me to Spend 10 Billion in a Month. If I Succeed, I Get 1 Trillion; If I Fail, I Will Be Erased from This World!


20 thoughts on “The System Challenges Me to Spend $10 Billion in a Month. If I Succeed, I Get 1 Trillion!”

  1. The easy way to drop half call the government report income Γ·2
    then the lawyers for the income oddit πŸ˜…
    And then tell people you have money and it will flow right away πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  2. Okay so first off I was enjoying the story at first and in a way I still think it's an okay story but the one thing that pretty much kind of ruined it for me unless it's going to get fixed is if anybody remembers the girl in the very beginning that he was with she was in love with him and was willing to stay by his side and go against her parents all before she even knew he was rich she was doing this and even after knowing he was rich she's never changed how she acted or felt towards him I'm basically gave herself up to him taking her virginity and everything which is all fine today and I thought that would be the girl he marries but then he find somebody else comes along that he winds up sharing a bed with which is okay I guess cuz you know motor City stories always harems anyways but now towards the end he's with this other girl dirty bed and it kind of seems like now she'll become his first wife which kind of pisses me off granite she feels the same way the first girl feels for him which is great too and I don't mind if he takes and have the relationship with all three girls in The bodyguard but if you marry anybody it should be the first girl because she was there defending you when you had nothing and even after you have everything and was even willing to try and hook you up with the bodyguards so unless he marries first girl then yeah it kind of ruins the story for me like I said I wouldn't mind seeing him with all the girls but you shouldn't throw away somebody who's been there for you before you were all high and mighty like I said before I like harem I wish I could have one myself but he's just still go back and treat the first girl who is by side before he struck it rich and make sure she's taken care of first that's all I'm saying😊


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