The Success (& Failures) of Overwatch 2's Beta

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The Success (& Failures) of Overwatch 2’s Beta

The Overwatch 2 PvP Beta has been available for us to test thanks to the magic of TWITCH DROPS! And of course, with all of this gameplay and impressions out there, many start to wonder.. Is Overwatch 2 worth it?

While I am not intending to provide a Beta Review, I feel like it would be interesting to discuss the success as well as shortcomings born in this first beta wave. Enjoy!


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► Commentated Gameplay by Cliff for Terios Gaming.

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24 thoughts on “The Success (& Failures) of Overwatch 2's Beta”

  1. The entire removal of 1 tank is just a tragedy. I will forever miss duo tanking and synergizing with a fellow tank. The rein zarya charges and hammond winston dives will be a thing of the past. They couldn’t just remove all the stuns and nerf barriers a bit more instead of removing an entire player slot?? Such a horrible idea

  2. They pushed and worked on Overwatch for too long and waited to make a sequel for too long.
    Old fans who dropped overwatch in 2017-2019 hear about a sequel where it's just a glorified update.
    Fans who played past 2020 and fans like me who play on and off for the last 6 years have a feeling of, "well ok the"

    I am a casual player, i only recently played ranked for the first time in 3 years. Even when I played in between that, it was always arcade mode.
    Also, a huge issue Blizzard never addressed was making support or tank interesting. People in higher ranks won't understand this, but when I used to play seriously a couple years ago, you could join a quickplay match and have 2 or 3 support or 3+ tanks in some games. Now you're lucky to have a single support and tank in open queue. Why does dps have twice as many heros as support of tank. The game was designed around 2 2 2 balance but the heros suggest you run 3-4 dps. Why wasn't every new hero a support or tank. Overwatch drove out a lot of casual players, but mostly the causal players who played support or tank.

  3. The beta was a lot of fun, I found teams with brig essentially have a second tank and if your team doesn't pick barrier into rein / brig or sigma / brig it's a really not so fun experience, I also had a lot of doom fist as our tank into these comps or D.Va and I didn't wanna flame anyone for playing their favourite hero but those games wore me down, other than that I enjoyed it a lot

  4. As someone whose played the beta and the original daily, I really hated it. These are all things that could be in the live game. Ping would be great live. If they gave us a chat wheel why not this. 5v5 with the dps speed up was insanely dumb. Sorry you just removed a tank to soak up so damage. So you basically made only one comp viable with the speed up. Dive.

  5. It’s really jarring to me because of the game, like you said, focusing more on the shooter than the mob aspect. I loved the focus on abilities and roles in overwatch. Less of that to me just means less overwatch

  6. Am I casual? Am I hardcore? I was in the audience when they announced Overwatch at Blizzcon and I played the game since that very day. Yes, I get that it's 'very different' because of the 5×5 format, but it's still the exact same maps playing the same game. It's been 6 years. I'm still trying to shoot Genji on King's Row. I just thought OW2 felt 'the same.'

  7. what i dislike about overwatch2 is that i bought overwatch 1 because the gameplay and lore appealed to me.
    seeing them forcing you to pay another 70$ or more to play the pve section of the game was disappointing for me.
    lets not mention the seperation of the moba aspect from the fps , which was what made it truly unique comparative to the rest of the other FPSes

    i might give it a try again if they fixed the issue that made me leave, which was the fact that the playerbase was toxic and they had no intentions of playing for the team.

  8. As a person who left this game before they even abandoned it, I thought the beta was great. I just wish I could still play it…..i don't want to do 6v6 ever again.

  9. i really hope the revert it back to 6v6 instead of forcing us to accept that it will forever be this 5v5 set up……5v5 is so bad, or at least have 5v5 and 6v6 as options to play either one

  10. I get that it's just a beta, but I did not wait 3 years just for my main (Reaper) to get nerfed and nothing else. Wowie it's 5v5 now and plays slightly differently, a new game mode? New maps and one new hero? Cool, I guess, but I was hoping more heroes would get changes like all the tanks got, what happened to all these experimental card changes they tested in the past? Were none of those good enough for OW2?

    It doesn't matter how cool the new hero/map/changes are if your favorite hero feels like shit to play. Hopefully the next beta sees more changes for the rest of the cast, because I felt like my expectations were way too high for this game.

  11. the 5v5 changes made the game so uninteresting to me, even while I was winning and doing really well during the match I wasnt having fun the game just felt empty to me I felt like I was playing call of duty or something, they could've fixed the CC/double shield problems without making it 5v5 through hero reworks like Orisa for example and how they removed her shield

  12. I love Overwatch, and I am excited for Overwatch 2. But the attempt to justify turning what should be a simple update thay could have come 2 years ago to a sequel are levels of copium that are dangerous for your health.


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