The Struggle is Real! | Island and Ocean Killers! | Island Exploration! | Stranded Deep Part 4

Let’s Get It!
#StrandedDeep, #IslandSurvival, #Survival

Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Come face to face with some of the most life-threatening scenarios that will result in a different experience each time you play. Scavenge. Discover. Survive.

In the aftermath of a mysterious plane crash, you are stranded in the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean. Alone, without any means to call for help, you must do what you can to survive.

Explore underwater and on land as you hunt for supplies to craft the tools, weapons, and shelter you’ll need to stay alive. Stay sharp: hunger, thirst, and exposure conspire against you as you brave treacherous elements and the dangerous creatures of the Pacific.
Live long enough, Stay Alive!

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12 thoughts on “The Struggle is Real! | Island and Ocean Killers! | Island Exploration! | Stranded Deep Part 4”

  1. there are more poisonous things down there than just lion fish. Guess you'll learn about them when you step on them 😀

    Need to start using those fibrous leaves for your water and not just palm leafs.
    Where is your anchor? Rafts are easier to build if you have it anchored in the water.
    Need more farms, as the rain could have hydrated all of them for you in this episode.

    Where is your fishing spear and you still need a smoker for your meat.
    Can also make traps.

    Basic Wooden Spear sucks is another issue you have. Use your air tank or a better spear.

    Leave the meat in the animal till you need it. It won't spoil

  2. healing really only happens when you have full food and water and relatively low spf. there are bandages that heal you that you can craft. so bandages for fast healing, full satiation for slow healing. and start working on making improved tools they last a lot longer and are more efficient at everything they do. crude spears are the worst weapon on the game aside from your fist. they are helpful only in the early stages but you are no longer in the early stages. when you get to the bosses, it will take a TON, almost literally of crude spears to kill them.

    you need more water stills, corrugated crop plots, a loom, a sawbench, and a tanning rack. and soon you will need a distillery to make fuel.
    you should have at least 2 potato, 2 pipi, 2 aloe, and 2 yucca growing. multiple water stills will be needed as you need water for the crops and for yourself. i usually have 2 water stills for myself and then more for the crops. food and crops do spoil so having too many will result in waste. once you are ready to make fuel you will need at least 4 potato crop plots to generate fuel effeciently. yes it takes time, but you can get there. you have a solid raft to make your voyages, but YOU NEED AN ANCHOR!!!! lol. yes im aware that these episodes are pre-recorded lol so i hope to see you make one soon XD

  3. I sometimes wonder if the “Oh, gross” line when the player cuts up meat was written by a vegan! Nowhere else do we have comments about what we are doing but those words are acted with real feeling!🤢
    Do be careful of making your raft too big. It can become very hard to manage once it gets too large. Regarding the storm sounds volume, I remember when it was added in during early access, they had dozens of negative comments, some people myself included nearly had a fit of terror the first time it boomed onto our headphones! Its a very good sound effect though, provided you are expecting it.

    1. Build a firepit to cook food easier. But smoking it keeps it from spoiling.
    2. Don't skin your kill until you need food, won't spoil.
    3. In the Main menu, Cartographer shows you your map, screenshot it.

    Have fun, you're doing great. Can't wait to see you fight your first boss.


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