The Strange Death of Professor Shockley | Full Episode

A respected professor dies in a hot tub. Two friends are at the scene. Only one survives to tell the tale. ā€œ48 Hoursā€ contributor ā€¦


46 thoughts on “The Strange Death of Professor Shockley | Full Episode”

  1. When first under the influence of alcohol,… then asking for acid,…that alone gives you a pretty good idea of a person used to drugs in general. Then taking extacy you would just kind of "wake up" from the alcohol and not have that full effect of the extacy . Wich tells me he knew what was going on the whole time. Depending on how many extacy pills he took that is. But just 1 pill would not have that much of an impact due to the alcohol intake before. But I wasnt there so,… just thinking out loud here . Have a nice day from Norway. It was only 10 minutes left when i first wrote that. First of all,… extacy pills rarely is pure mdma but a mixture of different types of drugs and cocaine is often one of them. I did drugs for over 40 years so I have a pretty good idea . The delay in calling 911 gives me great concern having now watced it all and my heart really goes out to her sister. Him not respecting former girlfirends not wanting to be choked during consensual sex is very disturbing in itself wich tells me this is infact a very dangerous individual.

  2. Okay we have three people two men one woman the one woman ends up losing her life there's two men two suspects police talked to two men one man walks back into his home and kills himself does that not give enough proof and evidence that this man is under guilt and shame now and it scared to go to jail so he walks back in his house and kills himself a good grief like yeah buddy smoked a little pot yet he was young back in the day doesn't mean he's a killer

  3. Someone start a petition to get this man out of jail. I understand the family is hurting upset and they want somebody to be held accountable but unfortunately the person that needs to be held accountable took his that doesn't mean to take the rest of this man's wife because you want to hold someone responsible you don't get to just pick who the person that has to spend the rest of their life in jail because you want to hold somebody responsible unfortunately the person who needs to be held responsible is deceased due to his own hand

  4. For this reason no one, no one has ever died from an overdose of LSD or Psilocybin I believe the same with ecstasy but in very very few cases people have died from ecstasy that was made improperly but she didnā€™t die from ecstasy overdose I took a 11 ecstasies in one day in Las Vegas Iā€™m not dead

  5. Marianne's sister has so much hatred for Marcus, she didn't care about finding out what really happened to her, she rather take the opportunity to out Marcus in prison. She could have died from a lethal combo of substances, but seriously who kills themselves right after the police are questioning you about a death on your watch?? A guilty person usually.

  6. The guy killed himself probably BECAUSE he couldnā€™t bare to live thru telling what happened. Who knows! What I will say, IF A FAMILY MEMBER WARNS YOU, run away FAST. If this was a woman he loved, why does he have a smirk in his face when the cops show up. Marcus just conveniently goes in the woods and blacked out and he conveniently dropped her on the head AND conveniently the man that committed suicidal just became violent that night per Marcus. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ He could have done something BEFORE he went in the woods. Idk why he wouldnā€™t want to call 911. For all w elbow he could have threatened that old man too. Iā€™m trying to figure out how long was Clark out of the police presence to have enough time to write a note and instruct his heirs what to do. Marcus love to strangle people and she didnā€™t drown. She was strangled.

  7. Nobody really knows if she really took ecstasy, did the autopsy show that up? Just really donā€™t know, except very good woman & professor that made a difference in peoples lives. Fly with angels Marianne. Peace to her family šŸ™ā¤ļø

  8. Why was Clarks hair and self drenched in the police video yet Marcus not so much. Marcus went out to gather wood, Clark tried to make a move, she wasnt having it. She drowned in a fight or he totally snapped due to drugs and did it on purpose. End of story.

  9. I think that was the correct verdict. It was more likely Clarke who choked her or a combination of drugs/alcohol/heat combined with medical conditions. You canā€™t convict with that level of doubt.

  10. Brilliant grade A student. Many connotations. Timing. Brilliant students are fished out of the mainstream and we have all seen the movie. People close to her may be more than they seem.

  11. He did it, if she had a heart attack she would have DROWNED, she didnā€™t drown he choked her to death ā˜ ļø and went to get some wood, came back like she was dead in the pool.

  12. That is the scariest statement in this whole story, because it is far too common.
    "I had my mind made up and nothing they were going to tell me was going to convince me that Marcus didn't do it".
    Jurors admitting they don't even care what the evidence says. Thank God she eventually listened. What happens in cases where the evidence isn't overwhelming? Or it's not as clear? An innocent person goes to prison.

  13. The police seem like they were not well trained – one takes a phone call instead of ignoring it and keeping his eye on Clark? Was it a personal call or a police call? i can't believe the police didn't call for backup if they couldn't handle these 2 men who were drug users.

  14. Marcus is a drama queen – the police tell him of Clark's suicide so he lays face down on the floor in apparent grief? Most men would have sat in the chair & verbally express their reaction or cover their face with their hands.

  15. Definitely doubt. Marcus is a tool but not enough proof he did it. The fact that they were taking E and drinking … Idk. They couldnt even prove her manner of death was strangulation. Not enough evidence to convict.

  16. Believe in Jesus Christ and you will have Everlasting Life, to believe in someone, you are convinced that they are true. If you Believe in Jesus Christ, you will be Saved by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in Jesus Christ Alone, John 3:16, KJV. Once you are Saved, you are always Saved, John 6:37, KJV……

  17. I have no idea why the victim's self-esteem was so low that she subjected herself to this man, but also the drugs and alcohol abuse, leading to many poor decisions. And I speak as a survivor of domestic violence.


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