The story of David's sudden illness: the rescue attempt and the trip to the tropics

In this video, you see the adventure of David and his family trying to travel to the tropical area and meet David’s aunt. But unfortunately, David’s sudden illness stops their trip. David experiences a severe headache and decides to call Akram to take him to the doctor.

Akram gets upset and immediately calls his friends to help. At first, she calls her father, Amir, but he does not answer. He then calls Darius, who confirms that he will be here soon and takes David to the doctor.

Akram speculates that David may have consumed Bilhar’s edible plant and that’s why he got poisoned. Dariush helps David and drives him to the doctor. After the injection by the doctor, Dariush brings David back home.

At night, David sickly apologizes to all his loved ones for not being able to make a suitable video for them. When they return home, Akram thanks Dariush and asks him to take care of David and give him a warm meal. Akram brings David some tea and massages his body and takes him out of the house and brings him back inside.

David announces that he is feeling better, and if he does, he plans to go to the tropics to his aunt tomorrow, but if he doesn’t, he will have to wait. Meanwhile, Atusa, daughter of Mr. Muslim, comes to David’s house and David’s family welcomes her well. Atusa announces that she has come here with her father, who is present at Mr. Abdullah’s house.

Then Akram and Atusa collect all the garbage around the house and burn it, and then David asked to cook lunch so that Mr. Zamani’s family would also come home and have lunch together.
# Akram
#illness# help friends
#food poisoning
#Garbage burning
#Nomads #Nomadic life #Villages #Iranian villages


43 thoughts on “The story of David's sudden illness: the rescue attempt and the trip to the tropics”

  1. Lave la terrasse avec de la lessive sa désinfecte vous vivez avec les ordures sa donne des maladies bien se laver les mains avec du produits l'eau sa désinfecte pas ❤❤❤❤❤

  2. Давуд бездел ник, а задница у него впорядке. Акрам молодец, навела порчдок, на двух бездельников батрачит. Глупое видео, незнают что показать, сейчас все заболеют на всех каналах.

  3. Уфффф…, что за люди…. Прям инфаркт микарда❤😂 Вооот такой рубец…😂 Теперь на рученьки его. На кресло каталку…. Кормить через трубочку….и деньги собирать надо…Позорник…Люди еще жалеют его. Трепло…

  4. Is there no over the counter medications in Iran? You should be able to buy a pain reliever and fever reducer. Caffeine in tea is also good for headaches. Look for the active ingredient acetaminophen it is good for headaches and any body pain.

  5. Акрам смеется. Бедная, врать не научилась еще… А этот инвалид, охает, сейчас сознание потеряет ,чуть ли не помирает…тьфу….противно… У людей нет ничего святого. Душу продали шайтану.

  6. Давид! Иди к врачу! Акрам хорошая жена,жертвенная.Тебя любит и ухаживает за тобой.Цени это и береги её любовь к тебе и будет вам счастье!!!

  7. 22:14 Always take care of your health. And before you do the work at your neighbor. You have to clean your mess first. The front of your house is so filty!
    Clean house is a sign of good life also its a pleasing to the eyes of your viewers and also it would be comfortable to move!
    Messy house and messy surrounding can be a sign of depression. It affects your health, mood and can cause more anxiety or stress!
    Akram is such a very nice wife of yours. You should love, protect and always give her affection because she's the best wife ever on earth!

  8. Да почему эта маленькая девочка не расчесанная? Что у неё на голове? Хоть бы расчесали голову ребёнку.

  9. Даже смертельно больные люди могут ходить, а тут болит голова а ходить не может 😂😂, цирк уехал клоуны остались, а потом говорит что у него канал честный и без вранья, 👎!!!!!!, а поведение мамы мне вообще поражает, у неё никаких эмоций на лице ( не радости, не печальи, однотонно.🙄)

  10. Mr. David
    Why you acting like child
    Drink lemonade (شربت آب لیمو )you should lesson to you mother.
    If you want get better get your black clothes off and were white shorts and light pants . You drive your wife crazy 🤪 stop being childish

  11. So sorry you're not feeling well, David. Hope you feel better soon. Akram has shown real love for you in taking care of you like you did for her when she was ill. Can't your mother help out a little. At least she could help with cutting up the vegetables. She can sit and at least do that. Akram won't ask her for help because of respect.❤

  12. Por un dolor de cabeza se están muriendo, que mentirosos son , es una epidemia general en todos los integrantes de estos canales
    Sean más creativos , inventen otra enfermedad, ya aburren

  13. David I pray that you get better soon Akram please take care of your husband he is a good man always helping others and now it's time for someone to help you David everyone likes you thank you sir for coming over and helping David out you are a good friend you will be fine David and look who came to visit Atusa she is so cute and she likes really like Akram thank you for sharing this video with us Hussain and May God continue to bless everyone love you all 🙏❤️

  14. LBoa noite família David está doente ninguém e de ferro você fez muito esforço caro mais vai ficar bem cantando e dançando como o Rei David és um guerreiro e o mesmo não se abate tão fácil não❤ melhoras e que o senhor os abençoe ❤🇧🇷❤️🇧🇷❣️🇧🇷❣️


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