The State Of Escape From Tarkov – With HyperRat, Tigz, & Rengawr

There has been a lot of tension in the Escape From Tarkov community that has been brewing for a few years now. As the game has gotten more popular it has attracted all different types of gamers. One group of people that have become increasingly popular have been people who chase down the pvp in Escape From Tarkov and min max everything they can to give them the best chance at winning every fight. Recently I got to sit down with a few of them and talk about Tarkov, the state of pvp, and what they REALLY think about certain issues. Check it out!


00:00:00 – Intro
00:02:29 – Social Media Drama
00:08:11 – Inertia
00:20:00 – Is The Game “Unplayable”
00:33:20 – Recent Changes That Are GOOD
00:40:16 – Armor & Ammo Availability
00:44:55 – RIP The Val
00:47:14 – Recoil Stats Are Meaningless
00:50:47 – 5.56 & 5.45. Are They THAT Bad?
00:57:10 – Weapon Diversity
01:05:42 – What Would Perfect Balance Look Like?
01:18:57 – Bolt Action Rifles In Tarkov
01:22:01 – A Wild Rengawr Appears!
01:26:10 – There Will Always Be A Meta
01:28:17 – Thoughts On Tarkov Becoming More RNG
01:41:20 – Cheating In Tarkov
01:56:26 – How New Players Are Affected
01:58:10 – Rengawr’s Thoughts On Inertia
02:03:35 – Shoulder Swapping For PVP
02:09:48 – Tarkov Becoming More Squad Friendly
02:16:55 – Endgame Content
02:26:38 – Dogtag Ideas To Promote PVP
02:29:37 – Final Thoughts

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36 thoughts on “The State Of Escape From Tarkov – With HyperRat, Tigz, & Rengawr”

  1. I think there is a secondary issue that comes with the gun meta being so tight, and that's that the tactics meta narrows as well. You know that the guy you are facing is either running one of a handful of meta guns, or he is running trash. So you play to the meta. And you play against that meta. It makes engagements same-y, and it also makes them less interesting because you know what's gonna be coming at you every time.

  2. I think the problem with the community being against the "PvP chads" isn't about the people looking for a PvP fight. It's more a problem with what I call headhunters. A PvP Chad is looking for a fight against another fighter, someone who shoots at them, has some gear to fight, or both. Typically if someone says something in voip about just doing a quest, just trying to get scav kills, etc. they leave them alone because that isn't a fight. Headhunters get off on killing someone and taking their stuff or otherwise just ruining anyone's day. Doesn't matter if it's a geared out player or just camping an early quest location killing people who only have a pistol. It's all about the "LULZ get rekt scrub!" for them. Somehow these 2 types got lumped together and while people think that the new Arena mode is going to help, I don't think it will. The PvP Chads will go there, but the Headhunters don't want a fair even fight.

  3. The game should divide players in categories like, Rookie, Veteran and Specialist. After you reach a category you'll never return to other below it, even after wipes, you would return just to beginning of that category you are and you would only play against players in same category.

  4. Well, yeah. People who think that pvp chads ruining tarkov need to learn how to play a little bit and stop being shit. Because even streamers who think that pvp chads are bad, playing like shit lol

  5. I’m starting to think this game isn’t for me. I’ve put in about 150 hours over about two months. My survival rate is under 10%. Every single time, I’m killed by a player. As soon as I lay my eyes on a player, I’m dead. Every. Single. Fucking. Time. The other times I die to a player, I don’t see or hear them. When I die to a Scav, it’s within 3 shots unless I get high level armor. If I don’t die, they have a near 100% rate of blacking out my arms, murdering my accuracy (which is already bad since this game is fucking brutal when it comes to hit boxes). The timer ran out on me THREE TIMES right in front of the Outskirts extract because Woods is fucking confusing. This game has taken so much time from me with ZERO sense of real progression. Should I continue playing?

  6. honestly theres two sides, literally everyone that wants the game to be better, shroud that wants faster gameplay and ''advanced movement'' because he cant properly strafe when hes carrying 100kg of loot a streamer gave him

  7. I know I may get heat for saying this but changes need to be made to who you load into raids with. No reason Lvl 5s should be loading in with Lvl 40s. It pushes away new players. They get frustrated too easily and makes the game not fun for those players.

  8. Also, its one thing to say they want it to be easier for new players but its another to actually WANT that. I do believe they want things to get better, but those things will also help them. So to say they want changes to be made SPECIFICALLY to help new players is disingenuous and intellectually dishonest.

  9. I am new this wipe, the game is excellent. The right side peak needs a change, and the AI has problems, but I think the inertia is mostly fine. The directional audio needs work and you need to be able to engage AI the way you would a player (headglitching) without getting instakilled, but there is nothing else like it out there.

  10. I personally really love the game, immersion etc, the thing is i cannot enjoy it fully since i have to play against really good people, i'm not really good at fps in general and i know that, but the thing is that in many game even without being good you can enjoy it, in Tarkov not really, you have to be really good at the game and in pvp in general to not only enjoy the game but even just being able to simply play, everytime i get killed instantly and its really hard to make any progress since i literally can't play in pmc and that's the thing with Tarkov, since there are no matchmaking that puts you with people around you skill level or simply no way to play with maybe less people or alone you just get wrecked by good and well equipped people

  11. When i started playing EFT back in 2017 gamestyles were not defined yet and i hoped for an intense contact style of game. 5 years later, The lack of variety in the gameplay and looking at how rats, chads, campers and cheaters took over The game i felt like this was another big promise never that never made it To it’s full potential, and Makes me tired like any other game

  12. i think that games have become less about fun and more about meta, back in the day (i know im old) it used to be damn this feels good and its rediculose and id keep using it, and now its like whats metta this handguard have to use it, its gotten to the point where single player games are almost always better because you dont have to go against sweaty people who have to almost garantee the win, i played alot of rust and since the gun update i feel like its now just a arcade game the skill isnt there anymore, everyone can use the ak so everyone runs an ak, tarkov isnt really any different, my first wipe i did 800 hrs and i mostly used shotguns because i find them fun i did screw around with the mcx and a couple other guns but i always went back to shotguns, when i seen what landmarks guns do i was like wtf is that, 0 recoil like no wonder he always wins, that style is only fun for like 2 raids then i get bored think why did i spend all my roubles on 5 guns when i could have fun with shotguns and basically have a infinte supply with ap-20, i havent used 90% of the guns in the game, havnt had the roubles or they dont intrest me, my fave guns are the semy auto shotguns the mpx and pistols, i sent a bug report like 8 months ago saying plz add the usp, along with actual bug and when it was added i was like hell yes, hopfully they add the aug styer and my life will be complete haha

  13. i have a crazie idea to combat cheaters, get them to sign a non discloser agreement, build them a map with basically inf roubles give them a server that only shows up for them and tell no one but the cheaters, if they break the agreement its a bad time for them so really its a win win they shut there mouths, no more cheaters or very few, they get to sell roubles to make real dollars and thats it, problem solved, may make a few other issues but yeah with the agreement they can only say bsg wanted me to sign an agreement and idk what it was for, so almost 0 backlash surounded with speculation, and after that happens just come out and squash the bullcrap or just tell them this is borderline defemation and to stop, this could work for alot of games

  14. This is my 2nd wipe, so i started playing the game last wipe and i have to say that i still feel like and consider myself a new player and i still have a lot to learn but i do enjoy the way this game forces you to learn it on your own rather then hold your hand cause whenever I do well in this game which is rare it feels way better then any other game cause i feel like i had to work hard to get there and it feels earned and i personally love that.

  15. These comments are wild. You see this and think they have your best interests in mind? They are viewing literally everything through the lense of all the percentages and niche details they can use to "stomp you" there is absolutely no thought put there for how they can help you survive easier. They take joy out of being the ones who destroy you. People are so gullible these days, they say a few words of how they are thinking of you and suddenly they are your proponents. 🤣🤣
    These are the same people who claim its a good thing PVE is going away and that it currently gives no rewards for playing it, BECAUSE THEY WANT TO KILL YOU AND THEY DON'T WANT IT TO BE A FAIR FIGHT.

  16. My biggest turn off for this game is the super exaggerated recoil on wepons I have shot most of these calibers in real life no where near as bad my 9 year old has even shot some of these rounds so thanks for touching on this my second is just balance and scav ai really good content love it keep up the good work

  17. Sounds like a group of people who haven’t tried to run with 80kg lol. If you decide to stop running suddenly you’re taking a few steps

  18. the game isnt as bad for people who play games like dayz, scum, or rust because of the learning curve but i also as a new player who just started 4 days ago realized that i can only right peak and ive never even tried to left peak because i know im going to die.

  19. Right hand peek is a good thing. If you stand in real life with a gun in RIGHT hand you will see that is a good representation of the real life. Also if you can peek also in left imagine 2 guys holding a left and right peek at the same time, they can be even 4 people, 2 crouched and 2 stand. No chance to cross a hallway. With that i prefer to be without the left peek. In the begining of playing tarkov i wanted to have a button swiching the gun in left hand, but not now. Inertia is good for the A-D spamming and the movement left to right running open, it was looking so broken before. Now it is much more and i like it at it is now. Yes, it is not implemented into the AI turning on 180.


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