The Sinister Story Of Nicole Lovell

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It’s every parent’s nightmare: an adolescent seeking adventure and validation ventures out into the night to meet up with an online friend that turns out to be a murderous predator. On January 27th, 2016 13-year old Nicole Lovell did just that and fell victim to something that was very much out of her control.

00:00 – The Sinister Story Of Natalie Keepers
09:50 – Established Titles AD
11:40 – Who killed Nicole Lovell
26:20 – The End


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Theme song – Credulous Gal by Anzem

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20 thoughts on “The Sinister Story Of Nicole Lovell”

  1. We are sorry!
    We have got a lot of comments warning us about the "scam sponsorship".
    We didn't do our research properly on our sponsor before partnering up with them, there's no one to blame but us. We are working on fixing this mistake. We don't support or promote any misleading products or services and we never will. We hope you all understand. Thank you.
    BE Team.

  2. Did these young adults think they weren’t going to get caught? Online data is always the reason nowadays criminals get caught. What would authorities do if they had to do old fashioned detective work???? Authorities jobs are so much easier because of online data.

  3. Omg! I hate the murderers final statement to the family.
    “I’m sorry for my actions,I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused,blah blah blah.
    We all know the murderers is only sorry for getting caught. Or else they wouldn’t of killed to begin with. Murders shouldn’t be allowed a final word to the families because the families know all said is BS.

  4. A 13-year-old does NOT need social media and a cellphone with all the bells and whistles, with that said, there are apps out there that mirror what your child does with their phone, basically, monitor your children at all times, with all the stories of predators out there, you think some parents would be a helluva more cautious, especially giving a 13 -year-old complete freedom with a cellphone, good grief.

  5. Parents have allowed a lot of social media platforms/apps to corrupt our teenagers. It's another crutch and baby sitting service just like TV was 20 years ago and is to this day. Wakeup up people take ownership of your children!!!


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