Australia’s most imposing expanse of rolling dunes and seemingly endless horizons, The Simpson Desert is a place of breathtaking contrasts, vast landscapes, and boundless skies. And our mission was to cross it unscathed.

Our journey begins in Alice Springs and then on to Mt Dare for our final preparation for the challenging west-to-east crossing to Birdsville.
As we enter the desert in earnest, the landscape of the Simpson opens up by exposing the rhythms of desert life and terrain with sites of unparalleled beauty. Over a thousand dunes roll into one another as the setting sun at the end of each day creates long-shaped shadows and, in each direction, the sand appears an ever-changing shade of deep red.

The Simpson can be unforgiving and requires you to pay attention to the journey rather than the destination, but that’s part of the beauty of this adventure. It opens up a whole new world of experiences and memories that we’ll never forget.


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