The SILENT INFECTED in The Night Eats The World Disease Explored | Also Sam is Straight Up Losing It

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As Sam horrifically goes to his Ex girlfriends new boyfriends apartment, like bro what, to pick up some tapes, a party is currently ensuing. After asking for his tapes like 20 times and her wanting him to mingle for some reason, eventually hes pointed to the back of the apartment. While back there, he has a nice nap but awakens to find everything has gone horribly wrong in the wonderful land of France. These infected are silent, but their infection is all but assured. So which would you prefer, groaning noises or complete silence? Anyways, in todays episode lets discuss the infected in the Night eats the world!

Thank you for watching Roanoke Gaming and I hope you enjoy The Silent Infected in The Night Eats The World Disease Explored | Also Sam is Straight Up Losing It

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No you’re the nerd who doesn’t go to parties, I’ve had at least 3 people over before: 00:00
There are many FACTORS in life, going to your ex’s new S.O.’s house isnt one of them: 1:08
Roanoke Tales popping off! Thank you so much for the support y’all!: 2:17
Oh my God, everything is so…FRENCH: 2:45
Human Psychology – You would absolutely end up talking to a volleyball don’t even play: 21:45
Thank you for watching guys! Hope you enjoyed!: 47:40


43 thoughts on “The SILENT INFECTED in The Night Eats The World Disease Explored | Also Sam is Straight Up Losing It”

  1. As for the smell thing, they might be only attracted to human smell because the cat was able to move among them freely. So heading to the sporting goods store and getting some good ol doe urine might help with that

  2. ZOMBIE-ESQUE VIRUS MOVIES: I think are interesting
    • Cell
    • Brain Freeze
    • Braindead (1992)
    • Reanimator
    • Yummy
    • Nightmare City
    • Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
    • Contracted

  3. I would like to see this man to cover the alien from the movie "Virus" from the late 90's, with Jamie Lee Curtis, because, the movie is… ok i guess (i hated the scientist, and the plot has holes on it) but, the alien makes no sense to me, and the chances of Roanoke to see this are minimum so i think i'll just have that doubt for a while 🙁

  4. Maybe when he got hit in the face with the camera and passed out it was because of brain damage and he just went nuts, murdered everyone in the building and the whole thing was in his head. No way his dumb ass would have survived a zombie apocalypse. Or he got infected too and the nosebleed wasnt from the camera and the whole story is his brain's way of explaining what's going on so he is infected like everyone else but living in a fantasy world as his grey matter tries to make sense of what is going on with his infected white matter (so maybe the doctor-zombie is experiencing the same thing), so like the example of justifying the false perception of flying a plane with a false memory/lie Sam is essentially doing the same thing to explain why he is aimlessly wondering around the house and attacking people.

    Or he got infected by the scratch, attacked the survivor girl (and all his memories with her were from before he went out and when he shot her he actually bit her) and burning the tapes could be his brain's way explaining why he is forgetting his life before and the smoke is his sight declining (as all the other infected have milky eyes), and the church bell signifies him finally succumbing to the infection.

  5. okay hear me out, what if the infection was some kind of military atack?, imagine some plane goin over paris and leaving an airborn virus that is denser than air, protagonist survives because he was in a locked room with no windows, no one else does because they have been infected by the air virus or for the zombies, air virus dies within 12 hours but leaves the infected, every military personal would be used against this x atacker or overwelmed by all the initial infected/loses in the own army, zombies are goin to die sooner or later so you killed like 99.999% of france its free for you to walk in like you are in your home, the protagonist is like that 0.001% of bacteria that didnt die

  6. My best attempt at the deciphering of the symbolism in the movie with very limited context. The movie is symbolizing the process of a breakup, how it can feel like the end of the world sometimes. The main character begins with the breakup, demanding to have what he had before they were together. After getting his past back, he isolates himself, seeing the world as a dangerous and horrible place. He begins listening to the tapes of himself which represent his internal thoughts, and the zombie doctor I think is just a therapist. The young woman who gets shot represents the potential for a new relationship but because of his past trauma, he acts defensively and kills his chance at a new relationship. From this he fantasizes about what could have been and dwells on it until it helps him get through his reluctance to leave, as his fear of solitude has overpowered his desire for it. Also the drums I think are him acting out and wanting attention, after being isolated for so long he will do whatever it takes to get attention, sort of causing the world to be scary when it starts becoming safe again. (also I think the fact that he is in his exes house might represent their relationship as a whole, having to find the strength to leave the relationship even after she left a long time ago)

  7. So….. the floor that guy was standing on was just some plywood? No concrete ?!? I don`t think a bullet can pass through a human skull and the roof. What was he shot with, an anti-tank rifle?

  8. I went about 3 months being completely isolated in my apartment in 2014. I was on welfare or social help in canada because ive broken my arm. After 2 weeks i was feeling paranoiac, i thought people were coming to kill me, i was checking my door lock every 2 minutes. After a month, i was hypocondriac, i started checking myself for any symptoms i thought and i felt like i had terminal cancer. After 2 months, i had no sense of time anymore, i spent my days watching out of my window, i couldnt form any clear ideas, like i had no longer an inner voice. Days and nights were flying like seconds. Finally i was healed, i went out to find a job and after 1 day i was okay. Stay social, even if youre antisocial or think you dont need social interactions, your brain needs it. Cheers.

  9. When it was revealed Sarah was dead the whole time I literally cried. I cannot imagine living in a world like this I'm not mentally capable of such an existence, gosh depression is in many ways the biggest threat to humanity

  10. 12:50 ok, hear me out. If he can seal up the hole with tape and whatever, if those bodies do attract things like rodents, it might be wise from a survival aspect to hunt the rodents for food, assuming he can prepare and cook it properly.

  11. If that's his apartment, he could have known those old people that offed themselves. And I know some old construction buildings across parts of Italy have small water towers on the roof to give more consistent water pressure. That might be why he still has running water.

  12. As much as I don't like socializing with other people even I know if I go long periods of time without talking to somebody I'm going to go f**** star crazy.

    That's where some of my online games where I talked with people kind of does help with my mental state though kind of not really as well.

    And forget the people at work send all we really do is talk about work it's not really stimulating my mind all that makes me want to do is just punch them in the face and just walk away because I'm getting tired of it and not even worse because pretty much my bosses are my parents.

    So yeah if I was in that apartment alone for that long I would have either ended myself or have just went as crazy as he did which were then probably lead to meet ended myself because I would probably have done something stupid

  13. Always weird to me whenever a movie makes their character intelligent only to remove that intelligence at a later time during the film's runtime. MC had the intelligence to bang on the ceiling before entering the old folks' apartment, maneuvered through the hallways while closing open doors and then loses that intelligence later on.

  14. 12:59 More important question here would be: What would you do if your significant other of what we assume to be 20+ years was bitten by a zombie? Would you do what the old gentlemen in this film did or would you join her and become a zombie?

  15. We all someone in our lives if you don’t you’re weak because you have no one to live for and physically as well because lack of motivation less muscle build up and finally you literally begin to lose growth hormones dew to being alone so people don’t be alone find someone to be with


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