The ‘SHIFT of the AGES’: The Ancient Prophecy of Humanity’s Awakening from the Exile in Darkness

@GreggBradenOfficial This is truly A MUST WATCH Masterclass Series with Patricia Cota-Robles, co-founder and president of the non-profit, educational organization called New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose – in this preview of one of the modules currently streaming exclusively on HUMANITY’S TEAM platform – – Patricia Cota-Robles will reveal a very important message. Cosmic Forces have been assisting humanity in monumental ways with the Divine intent of helping us reverse the adverse effects of our painful human miscreations. This is a process that is essential in order for us to be able to move forward in the Light and to shape a whole New World. In this module, Patricia explores some of the astonishing events that have been co-created through the unified efforts of an awakening humanity and the Company of Heaven. She also addresses the fact that what is occurring on Earth during this cosmic moment is an event for which humanity has been preparing for lifetimes. Since 1987 we have been moving forward in energy, vibration and consciousness at a greatly accelerated pace. This has provided amazing opportunities for the people who have embodied on Earth since that time. This includes the incoming babies, children, teenagers and young people known as Generation Z and the Millennials. Patricia will explain why the Company of Heaven refers to these young people as the “Holy Innocents.”

Check Out Gregg Braden’s Brand-New Masterclass Series on HUMANITY’S TEAM platform here: – ‘Five Year Guide’ Masterclass – ‘Forbidden Science’ Masterclass – ‘Technology, Consciousness & Evolution’ Masterclass
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45 thoughts on “The ‘SHIFT of the AGES’: The Ancient Prophecy of Humanity’s Awakening from the Exile in Darkness”

  1. yet here we are ,all these years on, still killing eachother, not much has changed, if this were a truly spiritual experience honest in its approach to help humanity, i would not be asked to put my hand in my pocket and pay for the privilege of spiritual knowledge, one must always be skeptical when asked for payment.

  2. I think that they also add to or changed some souls prior to 1987. I was born in 1981. When I was very little, 8 or 9 maybe, I started having reoccurring dreams, that only recently I’ve come to understand. From that early age to around 13 I dreamed or a beautiful “angel” and she was surrounded in light..and carried with her an infant. She gave me this infant and the emotions I had..the gratitude I felt..was WAY WAY beyond my years of a 8 or 9 yr old child..the love and gratitude I felt for the infant she gave me was overwhelming. Was beyond my years..they were emotions I have only felt as an adult in waking. This dream was reoccurring..for many years in my youth..and I see it as the gift from divine energy and power..our divine energy and power. I also had a dream similar, but I watched a being come to my daughters infant bed..the being loved my daughter. But others prior to 1987 have also been given this..I KNOW IT IN MY BEING. if you knew the journey I have been on for would understand and I know as I do.

  3. This doesnt really answer why these gens are confused about gender and transing sex is it side effects of a shock to them by been in the 3D ? They came here to help but are damaging themselves ??

  4. I was born in 1985 and I’m experiencing a very unique phenomenon, nothing to do with mental health but everything to do with metaphysics, quantum physics and the spiritual realm. And my consciousness and state of my physical existence in this universe.

    I wish I could explain it but there are no words that can articulate or describe this phenomenon that has become my existence. All I can say is that it has been a very lonely, scary and progressively debilitating journey. I have suffered more than anyone should ever be allowed to suffer.
    Without going any further into my very complex situation, all I can say is that I hope my suffering is for a good cause because theres no other way I can justify it! I am beyond exhausted now and my physical and mental health is deteriorating slowly but surely. I send my genuine love and light out to all beings and hope all of our sufferings will end soon! 💛🙏🏽

  5. Sounds like humanity is going to be blasted and this awakening sounds like the end times where everyone on the planet becomes deceased ! And that’s why everyone will know eternity and will know God. I’m not ready

  6. I always wondered why I decided to come back during this lifetime. I’m pretty sure because this is the very beginning of human beings expanding our consciousness. What is happening to us is profound and special…and frustrating if you don’t surround yourself with awake individuals.😅

  7. I see those New Evolved Kids struggling immensely right now… our world does not match their knowing if live and how it should be.. and many are firing from drugs.. depression, etc. I find it painful to watch … even though I try to tech them about their Divine Nature… their empath abilities are nit acknowledged by society and it’s very tough fir them to be here. (Especially those burn after Nov 1999). Perhaps they’re leaving the planet is our awakening catalyst????

  8. This talk was unbelievably informative and illuminating! Born in 1950— so one of the very many that dealt with the repercussions (karma) of all those long periods of believing us to be separated and isolated. I feel so hopeful as a result of this very clear talk! ❤ Jim

  9. This felt wonderful inside to watch, thank you. Can't help but think this entire concept/story/perspective/truth should be made into a big budget series of feature films like Star Wars. To spread the word…program for good👁️🩵🪽

  10. I am 52 year old Capricorn rising, Scorpio Moon, and Gemini. I know that many of us Caps really went through a wild cycle. I frigging lost all attachments that brought me to my Awkening. I wouldn't change it for the world. ❤

  11. Now I'm totally confused. The Yugas follow each other, how can they all end at the same time. Also, if this present moment in time is so special and only happens once in every "several" million years, I think being a bit more specific would be helpful. Hmmm.

  12. Im 23yr old and I'm experiencing wisdom and knowledge with guidance which is leading my life in the path of positivity and all this started in 2023 barely 6 months but the knowledge which i gained is massive and taught me about love and care,humanity and divinity of nature, creation and destruction, past and future, births and deaths and many more……. All the questions and answers are within us. Every human can experience this when we let go of ego and hatred and cruelty. Our purpose of this life is to change the cycle form into infinity ♾️.🕉️✝️☪️🟰♾️

  13. My daughter Rebecca left us one year ago leaving 3 children and it is painful for them. But what she did in the 45 years she was here was powerful. She was totally non-judgemental and helped many people. They loved her and as one of her friends from school who is now a Christian Community Priest said in her eulogy, ‘Rebecca changed my life’. We are here for a purpose and when that purpose Is completed we return home to prepare fir the next one.

  14. I am a millennial. I have always believed that I've lived previous lives because of dreams I've had, which were so realistic that I convinced myself the only explanation for such vivid details was that they were in fact memories, and not dreams. But what Patricia shares with us in this video means this is my first time on this planet? Those memories were actually nothing more than dreams? I feel confused. I believe in reincarnation and I was certain I had been through that process several times before but I dont know what to think anymore.


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