The Sea of Dreams – Tumult || Necromantics

Island composed by Poewk
Island designed by Necrologist
Video edited by Necrologist
Tumult designed and rendered by The Him

Specimen Name: Tumult
Name Origin: the word, specifically the definition to mean “a general outbreak, riot, uprising, or other disorder”
Likes: Nox, The Trawler, Phoni-Mine, Eerie Remains
Instrument: Sytrus – Synth String – Numb

When I inquired about this resident of the Sea, Ishtar gave me this piece of…. parchment? Paper? Something of unknown composition, with this inscription:
“I don’t know who this might reach, nor if this will even work properly, but Solasiht is insistent that it will, so here goes. This is Tumult, some sort of being (I’m not sure if I can even call it a monster) born of great instability, but not really of this particular world? It’s truly bizarre. Not long after I first woke, I saw my sister ogling this… thing. Afterward I asked her about it, and she said it just appeared out of thin air after she woke up, seeming to “stare” her down, though its gaze didn’t seem focused on her, nor anything else in particular. It merely floated there, “breathing”. My sister said it was taking in its surroundings… but why? I don’t know its motivations, if it has any. After a bit, it vanished into the portal that it was dangling out of. It never left my mind, enough that I started theorizing about it… which I NEVER do… I’m calling it Tumult, based on the deep uneasiness I felt in its presence. Whoever’s reading/hearing this, you’ve probably just seen the beast, at least if Solasiht’s spell worked right. I’d advise staying away from it, and definitely not making any sudden moves around it. It’s a baseless assumption, but hey, can’t be too safe, right?”
Interesting. I will need to conduct further research.

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