The Scientific Evidence For Life Beyond Earth | Spark

For centuries, mankind has asked the question: “Are we alone in the universe?”. Sadly, this question remains unanswered, at least for now. Thanks to modern science and the smartest human minds, we are closer than we ever have been to solving life’s greatest puzzle.

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33 thoughts on “The Scientific Evidence For Life Beyond Earth | Spark”

  1. Great topic. We're not the first life form on earth. Calculate how many branches of life hit dead end like GOE, till one single cell organism survived the living parasites of it time and took over 3 billion years struggling and survived before it created multicellular organism and 600 million years ago, it found best way to survive parasites is gender for shuffling its genome. A kind of contending consciousness. Based on life almost instantly happening on the inhospitable earth of that time, it's highly likely there is life everywhere, where it's not frozen in status or being cooked to death.

  2. are these the same " scientists " that claim the earth and EVERYTHING in it came from an explosion of nothing and just happened to make it round with air and water and a sun and eatable food and ground that grows all the vegetables……those " scientists " well I'm sure you can believe them……….FOOLS

  3. It is amusing to see that science is starting to catch up with what was recorded in Scripture about 3,500 years ago in Genesis *2:1 and then later there was Daniel 2:43 and then Revelation *12:9 just to name three verses of Scripture as recorded in the King James Version (KJV) Bible that state succinctly what it is all about when it comes to these other worldly beings and the like. The more in depth understanding of Genesis *2:1 and Revelation *12:9 being had by accepting the premise that the word "earth" therein is referring to the "universe" that I use the terminology "universe/earth" to explain and illustrate this premise. This is to say that the word earth in the KJV Bible is a homonym that refers to the planet earth (Luke 18:8) and the word earth refers to the universe/earth.
    With this word earth being a homonym premise being established it becomes the crux of my Windham Hypothesis that asserts, amongst other things, that our ever expanding, matter containing universe/earth wherein there is darkness, is encapsulated in and or by a finite, ever stretching, insulating firmament beyond which is the 3rd heaven, or just heaven, or the kingdom of heaven wherein there is no darkness nor shadow of darkness. This infinite outer third realm is where our scientist will probably find all of that as yet unaccounted for anti-matter in infinite form instead in a directly proportionate amount to the matter contained in our universe/earth.
    However, where things really start to get very interesting is when one considers the very high probability that this encapsulating firmament has a reflective inner surface which would mean that there aren't as many stars in the night sky as we currently think that there are. This would then mean that our universe/earth isn't as big as we currently think that it is and this would in turn mean that our universe/earth isn't as old as we currently think that it is, just for starters.
    It really is good to see that our scientist are starting to catch up with what is written in Scripture, as recorded in the KJV Bible.

  4. I have no doubt there’s life everywhere. Intelligent, simple, etc. the creator of the universe has made it this way and the vast distances don’t allow us to meet anyone. There’s a reason why, who knows. Perhaps every time civilizations meet, it’s quite a bad bad bad thing? So the creator just made it impossible to meet. If there was life in our own solar system alone, I doubt we’d find it currently. For all we know, they could be living it up on Europa, for the last 5K years and we just wouldn’t know 100%.

  5. It may appear that we know everything by the latest recognitions known by scientists, but the truth is only 5% of the universe they have discovered.
    Thus, man claiming it's just a matter of time to discover life beyond earth is boastfulness in its context, by not giving thanks to our maker but rather believing that no one created us and that we happened by chance.

    Ecclesiastes 3:11
    – "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has even put eternity in their heart; yet mankind will never find out the work that the true God has made from start to finish."

    And yes, all will be judged in God's time of vengeance. There will be no excuse for those who choose not to believe in his invisible existence.

    Romans 1:20
    – "For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable."

    Revelation 19:18
    – "so that you may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of military commanders and the flesh of strong men and the flesh of horses and of those seated on them, and the flesh of all, of FREEMEN as well as of slaves and of small ones and great.”

    Psalm 9:8
    – "He will judge the inhabited earth in righteousness; He will render righteous legal decisions for the nations."

  6. I’ve always been perplexed by the notion that we can so confidently declare that life should arise on other planets, while at the same time lacking any semblance of an explanation for how it arose on our own.

  7. Where is the evidence and how can we beyond reasonable doubt be convinced of this sci Fi movies books are just that entertainment. The only thing we do know is we are not alone God almighty Creator of Heaven and earth. Is seen in all it's Glory.

  8. There is certainly life out there in the observable universe. Infinite planets with infinite species, in different stages of evolution. But the Universe is just too vast for us to ever encounter or meet extraterrestrial life.

  9. Congratulations, we exist and you are part of it! …that's all we know and understand…right now. That is everything, some of it is amazing and beautiful, some of it is horrifying, and most of it… just is. Probability is difficult with a sample of one. The rest is speculation and "human element". IMO, we have a very promising outlook for life on other planets that come can from us. The vast majority of people are instinctively good and logically even better. Tribalism is our biggest risk. We are built to explore and meant to be the out there amongst the stars.

  10. Looking at so called intelligent life on this planet, I'm surprised if there would be a longevity of life if they acted in similar ways to us as a species.
    Destroying the environment and lesser species of life, all in the name of Economics.
    Destroying same species life, all in the names of politics, religion or culture.
    If intelligent life was on other planets, what is the chance they can get along with themselves, let alone us?

  11. With as many galaxies we have in the cosmos, there must be life in our universe.
    It's almost like we're being lied to when main stream science says otherwise.
    Makes you wonder what else they're lying about or covering up.

  12. Great hypothesis. I am sure the onset of life is a combination of factors in geological dynamics. The best way to challenge the geyser statement is by checking the ocean satellites, like planets in the solar system. And yes, professor, it is worth going. Just do not ask NASA to do it.

  13. Shuffling a pack of just 52 cards has outcomes to 8×106^7 ….basically every deal ever dealt will be unique. Now put that into a planet format and the factors needed for life….. a trillion billion might not come close to one holding life

  14. The only evidence we need for life outside of planet Earth is the billions and billions of light years of space real estate. It wasn't all created for us a bunch of people that will never make it out of our solar system backyard

  15. I always asummed nasa deliberately did not look in the best places for life because once its found nasa will recieve no more funding in a few years. The question of life has funded nasa since the viking days.


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