The Scary Truth to the Moira Buffs (Overwatch 2)

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#Overwatch2 #Samito #overwatch


29 thoughts on “The Scary Truth to the Moira Buffs (Overwatch 2)”

  1. I kinda knew they'd do stuff like this. Honestly, I get it. They just want to start going crazy with updates and balance patches just to see how it'll work overall. I don't like the Moira buff but I think everything else is pretty good.

  2. I mean yes its strong. But then again it removed damage orb which was a stupid move. And this move does take some practice to get good with she has utility for the team finally and feels more like a support now

  3. Samito I think you mentioned something during stream about how they want to make the game like connect 4 like oh you blade well I will use immortality or the new moria orb to counter and you were saying that's makes for a bad fps which I sort of agree with but I also like that aspect the problem I feel like they have is they make some of these abilities to strong like an ability counters a ultimate ability is bad like ability=ultimate while what it should be ultimate=ultimate like zens trans and ability=ability zarya bubble counters purple hope that makes sense

  4. Firstly I wish so much that this is how immortality field worked. Damage reduction instead of outright invincability.

    Secondly, I play on PC and PS5, and let me tell you the difference between a PC Ana and a console Ana is night and day. It doesn’t surprise me that they’re trying to make less mechanically demanding supports.

  5. Watching this moira gameplay makes me not want to play this game again. I'm not that great of a player, so moira usually dumpsters me. Literal skill issue on my part, but this shit just makes it look miserable.

  6. Taking out 6v6 was a bad move. So much depth was removed. My hope is OW2 flops and they revert back to 6v6. If they want 5v5, should have at least kept OW1 and OW2 separate post launch

  7. I haven’t even watched yet I just wanna say imo I’m okay with moira orb is okay as long as

    We get a cleanse character soon

    And either remove the 3m radius or make it so it can’t get multiple people at once.

    It should work like sleep or whip not nade imo

  8. These guys want to take out drive in the game. Having a learning curve like when you pick up a new game and want to get better. The longer it takes people to achieve a high level the more the game is played. But I won’t even touch ow2

  9. Nothing can compare to Overwatch today, but if they keep doing that kind of shit I am going to the local graveyard and putting a little tomb somewhere in the corner.

  10. Watched a bit of that mock tournament for OW2 with Pro teams…
    The level of absolute neutral emotional feeling towards it, Moira isn't even the beginning.
    Overwatch 2 is EVEN LESS enjoyable to watch, and has EVEN LESS competative integrity. It's just zerg for the first wipe of 4 players, last guy holds off until the zerg of 2 people with speed characters get back, last guy dies, 2 guys die at the same time, then 4th person gets another second in before dying. Over. And over. And over. Every fight. Every match I saw. They removed the fucking Cavalry in medieval wars, effectively.

  11. Sam, I have enjoyed your content since 2017. I have watched as you struggled through the lows and enjoyed the highs of overwatch. I believe you advocated for overwatch when others wouldn't and gave an unbiased opinion to the best of your ability. But this video, this video is utter horse shit. You are jumping the gun here by a mile. This is a beta, a beta that has done a magnificent job listening to the community. in this most recent patch they fixed a lot of heroes that had issue, namely zen and junker queen. and they made changes to other heroes that the community asked for in doom and symetra. On top of that, we have no idea what the comp changes will be or what the new support and tank will do for the game. There are a lot of uncertainties preventing your current opinion from being viewed as anything other than a disgruntled content creator that lived long enough to see himself become the villain. It seems to me like you are trying to discard overwatch to hopefully turn your current fan base onto the games you would rather play.

  12. Yeah, I hoped that as they moved the game more towards being the shooter with 5v5 and other changes, some of the recent changes to supports contradict that notion just for quick fix to the queue times. So I really hope it's done temporarily and wouldn't stay in game as is.
    Regarding Moira in general I always thought that she's too good for so little skill required and needs to be a lot less effective at what she does, so she remains low skill hero as she should be.

  13. Sam, I get what you're saying, and sorry for bringing my cerebral palsy back into it but, I have to be honest I can't play cod anymore I've made that realization. And that is where Overwatch comes in because I try to make it a competition in my self everytime I play and think about everything I'm doing in any situation. Or to try out a new tactic. Do I think the effect is too strong yes but the way you have to get it I think is not. Thank you by the way for bringing up the radius as 3 because I thought it was 10. I respect your decision Sam and I'll stay around no matter what

  14. Don't think 75% is to much *if* you take away the AoE. Its then a sleep dart where you can still move.

    Take away the AoE and tighten the moiras damage beam and she'd be much more rewarding to play. Hell make the other healing projectile another fast moving skill shot to and she might be fun to play.

  15. I don't understand this obsession with everything needs to be a shooter game. There are plenty of games like that you can go and enjoy. ow is special in the sense that if I want to shoot I can. If I want to use mechanical skills I can, etc. Many gamers love to have options just get over it. As for Moira landing the Necrotic orb is not as easy as people think. Especially for hyper active heroes. And many heroes already can counter it by fading, shields, or bubbles.

  16. I think Blizzard listens to the loud minority on a lot of these issues and at the end of the day that loud minority is all they will be left with. They need to rip the band aid off and start providing a fair balanced game with no shortcuts for easy value. There should not be any auto lock on characters or characters that play the game for you. Playing against characters who require less skill but get the same value cheapens the experience and doesn’t reward players for mastering the harder characters. In most games there are 1-2 “cheese” characters but in overwatch it seems a good 30-40% of the cast is cheesey and unfun to play against.

  17. Sam's so out of touch with reality. 98 percent of people are casual gamers they want easy fun characters not hard to learn stuff.. its why cod is so popular it's brainless play and chill.

  18. I personally never bought into the OW2 hype. Been playing OW1 since beta, loved it, one of my favorite games. But 5v5 sounds terrible. It’s not a new game at all, total let down. And the fact that they added in all these heroes that just made the game not fun? They killed the IP along time ago tbh.


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