The Scary Reason this US Air Force Fighter Jet Took Off With no Pilot

Welcome back to the FLUCTUS channel for a discussion about how the U.S. is converting old or retired aircraft into target drones while still spending millions on the advancement of unmanned aerial systems.

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14 thoughts on “The Scary Reason this US Air Force Fighter Jet Took Off With no Pilot”

  1. Anyone, remember 'Iron Eagle'?
    The Q(F-16) goes and recused Dad! (With Son)
    Part 10!
    The Dad takes control of the "QF16" and rides itt home!
    Then they meet Resistance!
    The A.I. takes over!

  2. The Air Forces of the world are the only fighting force where the officers are in the line of battle while the NCOs are back at base being safe. Drones will change all that with the officers/pilots will be safe at base too.

  3. Dog fighting plane? The Fantom was built without guns for heaven sake! They had to add a machine gun pod to be hun on hard points to even have that capability! The last Dog Fighting plane….hardly.


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