The SAD truth behind the DEATH of Rudolph Hess!

Between 1966 and 1987, West Germany operated a maximum security prison that housed a single prisoner. It was Rudolf Hess, who had been one of the most powerful and influential men in the Third Reich. At the end of World War II, he was tried at Nuremberg and sentenced to life imprisonment. Their destination was Spandau Prison, which was under Allied control. There, Hess spent the last 40 years of his life almost in absolute solitude, since for a long time he did not allow anyone to visit him, not even his wife or son.






45 thoughts on “The SAD truth behind the DEATH of Rudolph Hess!”

  1. Sleep well Mr Hess! Shame on anyone that try's to shame your service to the Fatherland including Hitler if this is even the case!!! You Mr Hess have inspired generations and keep inspiring more and more when they here you life story.You were MURDERED!!! You spent 46 years in hell and your sentence was and is B.S.! Weall love you Mr Hess,Sleep well my hero,mybrother,my comrade! HAIL RUDOLF HESS!!!

  2. The more important point here is that it's widely considered the man in Spadau was not Hess at all.
    He was wounded multiple times on WWI and the person in Spandau had no scars that matched those of the real Hess. There were many body doubles of the high ranking political Nazis and one of the British guards who I knew personally and who regularly spoke with "Hess" was convinced along with many other guards the person in Spandau was NOT Hess.
    There were many theories about what happened to the real Hess one of which is the strange case of a JU88 that was shot down by anti aircraft guns at RAF Scampton at the same Hess supposedly flew to Scotland in his Me 110
    The gaves of the JU88 cam be found in the sleepy village church in the village of Scampton ….4 graves with 5 names on….the British have been extremely protective of information regarding this and have given out a lot of false information regarding the 5th body. Those trying to find out the truth have Bern stone walled, lied to and even info given out by police and military about the shooting down of the plane doesn't match. Ambulance crew that retrieved the bodies from the plane say they took 5 bodies, police reports say 4. Reports from RAF Scampton say 4 bodies but when the funeral of the crew took place there were 4 graves but 5 wreaths. A picture posted in the local paper at the time clearly shows this.
    All records held at the church are out of bounds to the public and when the government was approached for more info the investigators were told to keep their noses out of things that didn't concern them.
    The grave with the two names on have the JU88 pilots name on Wimmedar (excuse me if I've spelt that wrong I don't have the files in front of me) and the other name is Reidel. The latter was part of the ground crew that looked after that particular JU88 and he "apparently" went AWOL at the same time the aircraft left Germany for England. The JU88 was based only 25 miles from where Hess supposedly took off in his plane and both planes left Germany at the same time. The JU88 was expected at RAF Scampton its wasn't a normal bombing mission. Arrangements had been made for the plane to land at the airbase but at the last minute anti aircraft were ordered to shoot it down. That at the same time it had its landing gear down and its landing lights on. One testimony by a member of the anti aircraft crew confirmed this. Although he had been warned about giving details of the incident to anyone. Why if it was just an ordinary crew on a normal mission is it such a closely guarded secret?
    Records show that only 4 bodies were buried at the church so why put a second name on the pilots grave?
    It was never proven Reidel was on the plane and baring in mind they claim 4 complete but badly burnt bodies were buried in the church did another skull appear in the area of the wreckage in the 1950s? Dug up by accident when a farmer was ploughing the field where the JU88 came down.
    Now I'm not saying Hess was the 5th person on the JU88 but you try getting any info about the incident you get stone walled every time. Even the German Bundesarchive refuse to give out any info on the downing of the plane other than to give the 4 crew members names.
    The following night after the JU88 was shot down a second JU88 was allowed to land at RAF Scampton drop a parcel/item on the runway then allowed to return to Germany.
    I have my theories about this as do many who have trued to crack the mystery of the 5 graces with 5 names but officially there is a huge censorship on the whole incident. This is NOT the norm for downed aircraft at the time and nor is it the norm to totally blank anyone trying to find out more about an ordinary downing of an enemy plane of the time.
    You make your own conclusions about the incident from the info I have given but bare in mind in the early 1990s one of the ambulance crew spoke out and confirmed they did remove 5 bodies from the JU88 totally contradicting the police report at the time which said there were only 4.
    I think at some stage we will find out the 5th person was a VIP but who at this stage is anyones guess.
    There are 8 graves of Luftwaffe aircrew buried at Scampton Church separated from the graves of RAF service personnel. The graves are located at the very front of the church separated from the footpath and road by a fence.
    I do believe the story about the AWOL Reidel is a red herring. But officially that is a you will get.
    Kenneth Billingham the member of the anti aircraft crew that shot the JU88 down has passed now but was visited by "The Men in Black" a few times after he spoke out about the incident draw from that what you will.

  3. He was 94, had trouble walking, and couldn't handle a knife and fork? I'm sure that he could not have escaped and I'm sure that he did not kill himself. Why wait all of those years, just to kill yourself? It makes no sense. Russia was the one country that refused to release him. 600 guard to guard one prisoner? What a waste. It was stupid to keep him there when house arrest would have saved money and worked just as well.

  4. British assassinated them , recently it came out that Leonardo conti the third Reich top health officer did not commit suicide at Nuremberg.
    he was assassinated by British special squad Becuase conti was the katyn massacre commissioner in 1943.

  5. He obviously knew some things one of the four powers didn't want getting out, thus the 'amnesia.' I doubt there would be any knowledge of British war crimes on his part, or that anyone would care by then if he did, but would suspect it more likely that he knew who took Nazi gold and then gained power in their government. During Hess' time in power, the Soviets were de-facto allies of the Nazis and he had a lot to do with that relationship. The two Socialist states did lots of trading and Nazisim was regarded as something of a fellow traveler in Communist circles, like Catholics and Lutherans. That's why the Soviets and their fellow Communists make such a point of calling the Nazi's 'Fascists,' a completely different ideology that has nothing to do with National Socialism.

  6. I wouldn’t call Hess a good guy by any stretch of the imagination but certainly seemed to disconnect himself from Hitler’s radical views or played the convincing of disconnection part quite well. And still on the fence about self suicide or “assisted” with it. Either way, the truth will probably never be known.

  7. Man hätte die Ganze Nazibrut nicht Erhaengen sollen sonder sie im Gefaengnis Miterleben lassen wie Deutschland Neu Erblüht ohne ihren Führer gestorben waeren sie von alleine. Nun Gut das war den Siegermaechten ihre Ansicht die Sieger bestimmt wies Laeuft nicht der Verlierer. Hoffentlich tauchen solche Menschenschinder nie wieder auf Nie Nie wieder.

  8. Well he wasn’t ejecuted as your title states, nor was he executed. Murdered at age 90? What took so long? Hitler’s cousin’s nephew did it? Whatever. Not sure if Ronald Spiers was running the place, but given his penchant for killing Germans, ya’ never know.

  9. CORRECTIONS. Rudolf Hess:
    – was 93 (not 97) when he died.
    – was a founder member of the Nazi party: it was he who recruited Hitler, not Hitler who recruited him. It was Hess who ghost-wrote Hitler's book 'Mein Kampf' during their imprisonment in Landsberg. He was also a very accomplished and experienced airman right up until his final flight.
    – Hitler secretly knew about Hess's plan to fly to Britain, secretly discussed it with Hess and secretly agreed to it while practising 'plausible deniability' in case of failure.
    – Committed SUICIDE. If he had been murdered it could very easily been disguised as natural causes. There are far easier and undetectable ways of killing a frail 93 year old than by strangling him with flex.

  10. Rudolf Hess committed SUICIDE. If he had been murdered it could very easily been disguised as natural causes. There are far easier and undetectable ways of killing a frail 93 year old than by strangling him with flex.

  11. Goering received help to die with poison, although some say with help from a naive US Guard. As a 93 year old man, Hess, who did no serious harm to other's, but simply agreed with Hitler's opinions, should have been released ,after 20 years, as Speer and some top military were. I say it was barbaric of the Allies ( although I believe the Russians blocked attempts to release him) So, I think it more possible that his death was aided, by a sympathetic guard.

  12. he was found innocent at the nuremberg show trials, yet sentenced to life impisonment
    when he was due for release , an americ guard strangled him witha lamp cord at no point would hess ever be allowed out in case he told the truth

  13. Not going to get into an argument about war time atrocities / whether he was killed. But how would he know anything incriminating to say since he's been in prison for almost all the war?

  14. Who cares how he died. Whether it was by his own hand or someone else’s; he was part of a mass murder, and no one should ever eulogize him.! He is a disgusting human being that was part of a regime that started World War II and killed innocent human beings, that had nothing to do with the war. my Christian believe tells me not to ever say I hope he is burning in hell next to Himmler, Hitler, all the rest, as all the rest of the SS hate assassins. They won’t answer to God for being so evil.

  15. The only reason the Soviets were allowed to maintain a presence in the British sector of Berlin was due to the agreement that all four Allied Powers would take turns guarding the prisoners in Spandau Prison.

    The British wanted to get the Soviets out of their sector of Berlin. To do that they would have to extinguish the need for the Soviets to be there. That need of course was Hess. Remove Hess and the problem solved itself. So yes, I believe Hess was murdered by the British.

  16. I was stationed in Germany, USA army…I made a trip to Berlin, went to Spandau prison,Hess was the ONLY prisoner.He ran everywhere he went, I observed him planting in his garden…he looked like a crazy person. I believe he committed suicide..

  17. I see it as about 50/50 that he was murdered/comitted suicide. I think there are reasons for both hypothesis, so I don´t think we will have a definite certain answer in our earthly lifes. Maybe we will know one day when we too are on the other side of death.


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