The Saboteur – The Last Pandemic Game

2009 was the last year that Pandemic Studios operated. While known for some iconic titles, the years under EA did not do the studio well. Before shutting down, they launched one more title. The Saboteur is that title, and while it may have not aged as gracefully as intended, it is truly a cult classic.

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0:00 Intro
3:38 The Harsh Reality of Studio Closure
4:40 Pre-Production and Development
8:45 Presentation
10:44 Plot (spoiler free)
11:47 Gameplay
17:52 Issues
23:54 Story (SPOILERS)
36:19 Conclusion

Music Featured:
Uncharted Worlds – Sam Hulick – Mass Effect OST
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction Theme – Chris Tilton and Michael Giacchino – Mercenaries Playground of Destruction OST
Tunguska Normal – Garry Schyman – Destroy All Humans! 2 OST
Main Menu Theme – Christopher Young – The Saboteur OST
Albion Disguised – Garry Schyman – Destroy All Humans! 2 OST
Hostile Waters – Chris Tilton – Mercenaries 2: World in Flames OST
Calm 1 – Christopher Young – The Saboteur OST
Trespassing – Christopher Young – The Saboteur OST
Action 5 – Christopher Young – The Saboteur OST
Action 4 – Christopher Young – The Saboteur OST
Calm 2 – Christopher Young – The Saboteur OST
Action 6 – Christopher Young – The Saboteur OST
Grotto Del Guerilla – Chris Tilton – Mercenaries 2: World in Flames OST
Quiet on Set – Peter McConnell – Psychonauts OST
The A.N. Invades – Chris Tilton – Mercenaries 2: World in Flames OST
Action 1 – Christopher Young – The Saboteur OST
Action 2 – Christopher Young – The Saboteur OST
Neon Night – Martin O’Donnell and Michael Salvatori – Halo 3 ODST OST


25 thoughts on “The Saboteur – The Last Pandemic Game”

  1. During production of this video, a bunch of classic EA titles got launched on Steam. One of them in particular is The Saboteur. So now you can get it through Steam, the EA App, or GOG (which btw is $5 at the time of this comment on GOG).

  2. When I was a kid I saw a review for this game somewhere. Although I was kinda late to the party since the game was already out for a year
    But when I watched it I was like "wow… Open world? Set in WW2 period? Count me in.
    Unfortunately I couldn't find it in any of the shops

    Fast forward 10 years later. I see this game on GoG. I bought it and… Wasn't disappointed. It was exactly what I expected and wanted back then.
    Then year or 2 later after I got it, it's been released on Steam. And I uhmmm… Bought it again. And i still don't regret it. Especially when I can play it on my steam deck

  3. Mercenaries 1 was an absolute blast. I really wish they had been able to continue that game series… Mercs 2 wasn't great, but it felt like they were being pushed to mimic Just Cause, and not continue in their own lane.

  4. 17:28 Finaly a true CAR FAN. Yes the SILBERPFEIL had been the proud nd joy of the MERCEDES-BENZ COMPANY ::)
    You are the first one mentioning this in a Review and I have looked up a lot of reviews and Let´s Plays to THE SABOTEUR.

    12:30 SEAN´S CLUMSYNESS: Guess the developers had brought it in because the French did a lot of War Movies about theat time and topic with actors bringing in such CLUMSINESS as an element of style.

    18:00 WEAPONS: What disturbed me was THE REACH AND POWERFULNES of Pistol shots. rather unrealistic.

    26:52 DLCS: good suggestions. I also had thought the scenario had been also perfect for a STAR TREK: YOYAGER DLC: FIGHTING THE HIROGENS ON THE HOLO DECK. 🙂

    28:07 PRONOUCIATION It is not only SEAN whose Acting School IRISH comes over to hard but also the GERMAN, as long as those figures are using English – ok- but there so called German – impossible.

  5. I think the protagonist Sean is supposed to be an ex paramilitary, it's kinda eluded to through the game if you know what was going on in Ireland running up to WW2, I think they couldn't just say it out because the Irish would see him as a freedom fighter and the English a terrorist. That would explain his familiarity with guns and explosives. Just thought I'd throw that in for context.

  6. WHAT?! Are you trolling or something? The initial sean sounds like an american doing a fake irish accent :'D The actual sean sounds way more realistic what are you even talking about lad :'D I HATE games that use american actors for european accents its the most annoying thing, how can you possibly say the first sounds better are you actually insane??

  7. I platinum’d this on PS3 back in the day and loved every one of the 80hrs I put into the game. The game was a buggy mess but my god, it was brilliant fun.

  8. I love this game. I got my PS3 in November 2011. I'm not sure exactly when I got this but I know I first played it the day after Christmas 2011. Not long after getting the PS3 I left on a road trip I didn't get back from until Christmas Eve so I either got it before the trip, or t was one of the games I got during the trip.

    Edit: I always thought Greece or Poland might make interesting Saboteur 2 settings. Or go into some of the Japanese occupied territories in the Pacific. Or maybe have later games set in other conflicts because even if you limit it to World War II era or later 20th century there are plenty of wars with large enough swaths of occupied territory to use. I wish we had gotten a DLC showing just what led to Shawn having to flee Ireland though.

  9. An absolute gem. Only Mafia 2 has a comparable atmosphere.
    Hoping that 1 day there will be a spiritual successor. The Developers planned to make this a series, visiting other occupied cities.

  10. KotOR walked so Mass Effect could run.

    The Paragon System is essentially just the Force Affinity meter redone.
    The companions system originated with KotOR.
    Pandemic was amazing during this era, but so was Bioware.
    Many of the series mentioned at the beginning (Neverwinter Nights, Mass Effect series) were collaborative efforts with Pandemic.

    …I just miss when game studios cared, man.
    There was charm to even the 'bad' games during this time.

    Also, Mercs 1 & 2 were fantastic.
    I used to constantly rent them from Movie Gallery, Hollywood Video, or Blockbuster (depending on weekly availability) just to be able to play both.

    I miss those days.
    That was how I ended up playing The Saboteur as well.
    If not for that, I probably wouldn't be watching this video with nostalgia.

    Funny how that works, in retrospect.


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