The RTFM Show – Episode 36 (Government controlling Social Media access?)

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24 thoughts on “The RTFM Show – Episode 36 (Government controlling Social Media access?)”

  1. Doubt you’ll see this, but any reason uploads stopped happening on the cars channel? I know you mentioned being busy and all, but I assume you still are tinkering with your cars. Miss that content is all

  2. haiku vodka with coolaid cherry and OJ is what im consuming, i waited for a drink in hand before starting this ep. wife is knocking back the same since shes out of saki

  3. The gang laughing over Jay's child abuse. You say it wasn't child abuse. It was. You just rationalised it to not be otherwise you'd likely have many many more mental scars.

  4. I completely agree it should be parents being far more involved in their kids lives, but remember weve had to put reminders in cars to look in back seats, because people forget they even have kids, cuz everyone is too busy anymore apparently

  5. welp my step dad used to tie us up in the attic for hours beating us with belts, rope, sticks and even some experimenting with needles and what not.
    The worst excuse he used to justify the punishment was me eating 1 sandwhich more than he told me I could have.. eventhough we were guests at some one else's place and they kept stuffing us with food.

  6. This was my first time watching/listening to RTFM. I'm not usually one to watch or listen to a long video, I like my info in 20 minute segments lol….but this was refreshing to watch. I was able to watch for a bit and then just listen to it while I was reading through Reddit. Keep up the good work!

  7. My mom whipped out the belt, and could be set of by almost anything. It wasn't because I had broken rules, it was because she was angry, and she took it out on me until something snapped and I just didn't care about the pain anymore.

    I'm glad you all seem to be very self aware about it.

  8. well if you send nudes then you might as well send it as a video. best way to make sure that its safe is to play a disney copyright song in the background ( they make it there mission to have it deleted and gone in like a minut if its ever leaked to the web )

  9. If a kid is willing to risk losing their device for months that says a lot about how overbearing the parents actions are. I say that as someone who was in a similar but far less overbearing situation when I was a kid.

  10. I don't think spanking your kids is still "popular" in the german culture. In the US german culture … perhaps. But german german? Not anymore I think. That is not to say it doesn't happen, just that it isn't as common anymore as it was +30 years ago.

  11. For leaving a hobby

    If Im thinking of a different hobby or if i am jist sitting there not really engaged, i can tell i dont want to do that hobby.

    If i go a full year without even thinking about the hobby, i find that a good sign that i dont want it. For getting rid of stuff, i will sit there and really put thought into if i care about it.

  12. So Jay… you have a problem with LDS and the legislature in Utah, but you have no problem with Israel's influence on EVERYTHING in American's government, law and media? What is the one historical even you're not allowed to question and will be punished with prison time in over 20 countries? Why is that? Also, you're not putting the facts together… degeneracy, like porn, are what destroyed the household and the family unity. Bad parents are a direct result of a perverse, immoral, God-less society. There should never be a separation of Church and state, because the end result is what we're seeing today, and why you wouldn't even know if your kids got put on hormone blockers. And you know who is behind it all? Look at who owns cornub, and read my first sentence again.

  13. Phil, no offense bud, but "well-adjusted" people don't do drugs. Just saying. Whether they're legal in the degenerate hellhole that is California or not, doesn't matter.


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