The Resurrection of the Lord – Mass with Fr Mike Schmitz #EasterSunday

Join Fr. Mike Schmitz as he celebrates Easter Sunday: The Resurrection of the Lord at the University of Minnesota Duluth.

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My Jesus,
I believe that You
are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things,
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment
receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.



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🔸iTunes: Fr. Mike Schmitz as he celebrates Sunday Mass at the University of Minnesota Duluth.


41 thoughts on “The Resurrection of the Lord – Mass with Fr Mike Schmitz #EasterSunday”

  1. I’m confused about the bodily integrity in heaven. (Forgive my ignorance, I am a Protestant seeking and journeying towards Rome). When Jesus rose in his earthly body, he still had his scarred hands and feet, and the hole in his side. If he maintained his earthly scars, why would we not? I’m coming from that “heretical” concept in my Protestant background of believing we get a “new spiritual body” in heaven, so if there’s a proper resource I can be referred to, that would be great! I am open and willing to learn.

  2. I felt sad about missing the Easter vigil mass with my family because of sickness. But hearing Fr. Mike's opening message quickly put my heart at ease. Thank you for the beautiful homily and the angelic voice that brought solemnity to the celebration. Fr. Mike, your deep theological insights inform my faith and feed my soul. I learned so much from your message about our resurrected bodies. Thanks for encouraging us to always choose Christ.

  3. I'm in tears how quickly God answers my heart's questions 🥹 just this morning I couldn't even imagine the peace and love I would receive from Father Mike's message today, answering so many questions, unplugging my thoughts to be able to be free and even accept death knowing what God has promised. Thank you Ascension, Father Mike😇 and all those who help bring God's messages to us. Wishing everyone blessings, love and peace this Easter Day💖

  4. Beautiful homily Fr. Mike. Thanks for explaining what it means about having our bodies back in heaven. I was not looking forward to that since I have kind of destroyed my poor body by many bad decisions.

  5. Please pray for my son jimmy he is struggling with addiction and loneliness please pray he gets help he needs and deserves ILove him help him not to be stubborn my other children Peter Francine Anne my nephew Paul pray for Dee surgery thank you

  6. Hello Fr Mike and thank you for your beautiful teachings of the Word of God. I'm addition, please keep an eye out for trolls. There are some clever ones in the midst and I would hate to see a loved one mislead by such cleverness. Thank you again for answering the call to priesthood. You go above and beyond showing us that we should all strive to do the same and give all the glory to God. Happy Easter to all!

    Evil is not a thing God created but an absence of good that God tolerates.

    Trent Horn

  7. These Masses are so important to my husband and me, as he has been diagnosed with cancer that also brings down his immunity, so, I cannot leave him. We are wonderfully blessed to celebrate Mass with all of you. God bless and Happy Easter 🙏

  8. I was so sad that I was not able to attend Mass because of being ill. I was so tired of this body and the suffering. Fr. Mike’s words were truly anointed by the Holy Spirit. They soothed my soul with healing balm and gave me the joy of the Resurrection on this feast of the Resurrection of Christ our Lord, as I was blessed to participate in the Holy Mass at home. Praise God and thank you Fr Mike and all who contributed to this.

  9. I pray for my daughter who rejects Jesus. I pray for her children who have not been baptized. How I desire their conversion and salvation. How I desire the conversion and salvation of all of us.
    Mother Mary pray for us. Jesus bless us with the grace of final perseverance.

  10. Great dude this mike, a great actor as well. He works in Duluth, a place infested with pedo priests, even a bishop designate resigned before consacration cause he was tainted with pederastia. And here we have baby face mike trying to distract our attention into topics that may need to wait till mickey explains to us the actions taken in order to protect our boys from his colleagues.

  11. God created The HOLY DAYS and Satan replaced them with THE HOLIDAYS.

    Easter was created by Satan.

    The Vatican is The Church of Babylon aka Satan's Headquarters of spreading false teachings of God upon mankind by.

    The Vatican's Pope position (Antichrist position), is the location of the coming False Prophet aka 1 of Satan's Generals tasked in ending mankind aka The Second Beast. Many will think this Beast is one of Gods witnesses, when he is a counterfeit.

    The other General of Satan's tasked with ending mankind aka The First Beast aka The Beast of Revelations, will be the Leader of the upcoming Military of Europe that 10 Nations of Europe will create. He too, many will think is one of Gods 2 witnesses to come but, is a counterfeit.

    The Beast and his Military will take over Jerusalem and this is when Gods 2 Witnesses will appear in the city and begin to punish the Earth while preaching Gods Gospel.

    The punishments that they will dish out will be massive. For mankind follows Satan's 2 Generals instead. Blinded by their false ways of following God. For they did not know such matters as The Holidays belong to Satan and his Large Flock will be following them instead of Gods Holy Days.


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