The Redemption of Ultimate X-Men

The time that Marvel accidentally derailed the entire Ultimate X-Men series and spent the next 3 years trying to make up for it.


end credits by Frank Watkinson.

As always, everything owned by Marvel Comics

(you’d think I made this in time for X-Men 97 but no, this was meant to release 4 months ago I’m just really lazy)


41 thoughts on “The Redemption of Ultimate X-Men”

  1. Divided We Fall is a really funny event. The situation map at the start of each issue with the U.S. breaking into half a dozen different countries, D.C. being annihilated by an antimatter bomb, all of the mutant camp stuff in this video. Just absolutely no way a world like that could return to any semblance of normal, and yet they still try to make it seem like most things are normal in USM lol

  2. “It’s not pleasant for anyone. Except Bobby, he’s just kinda chilling”

    Bobby’s always chilling. It’s kinda his thing.

    “One big Mega Galactus”

    Megalactus, if you will

  3. Beautiful video, very well made. Why is iceman wearing a durag for like 90% of this? I assume the reason you didn’t touch on it here is because you’re planning on making a whole separate video on the topic. Can’t wait to see it.

  4. I am in love with Ultimate X-Men & Ultimatum when I was little The Ultimate Universe is the best universe in my opinion the main universe can be stereotypical the superhero save the day then go home while in the ultimate universe somebody dies but stay dead

  5. I like that Marvel tried to be serious about the Ultimate Universe. No matter how good or bad the storylines were, they kept going and even tried to redeem their mistakes. They benefit from not being the main Marvel Universe in that way. In the main universe, if the reception to story isn’t good, you have to retcon or reboot because this is an iconic/legacy universe.

  6. Eh, I'd argue that the Ultimate universe had so much going on, who tf was reading it just for x-men? Like, Miles happens, the Ultimate Avengers exist, yet somehow people were only reading x-men, to the point of an x-men story causing issues for the whole comic line, like, literally what? I guess times have changed, I couldn't imagine people caring that much about x-men compared to the overall universe of the Ultimate comics, it seems absurd ngl.

  7. Honestly I love the Ultimatum story and how finally Magneto was confronted with the truth that the US Government created mutants and it was not evolution or divine intervention. It was a backstory to the mutants that paid off in resolving the Thanos-like extinction event.

  8. I read the entirety of the mutants history of the Ultimate Universe a couple of years ago. I felt ashamed of admitting it because everyone says Ultimate's take on them was crap (without providing any reason why, as per most of the general criticism of the Ultimate Universe), however, deep inside me I genuinely liked some of the stuff in it, specially the post-ultimatum era. I thought it was so well done and so well inserted into what the universe as a whole has been creating.

  9. TBH, I'm going to read Ultimate X-Men just because I'm a fan of the comics and I agree with your perspective of how they were treated in the Ultimate Universe. Also, I understood with what you said about Professor X trying to bring coexistence between Humans and Mutants (who in the Ultimate Universe are failed experiments) before everything went wrong (Ultimatum). I liked how you summarized Kitty Pryde's road from being a student to a Mutant leader that took the fight to 616 Galactus during Cataclysm.

    Overall, I don't care. I'm collecting and reading Ultimate X-Men because I have three volumes of this run that I bought during my trip to NYC in 2022.


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