The Reason Why the Queen Elizabeth Class Carrier is So Powerful

The Elizabeth class, particularly exemplified by the HMS Queen Elizabeth, stands as a pinnacle of naval power for several compelling reasons.
What makes the Elizabeth class so powerful?


6 thoughts on “The Reason Why the Queen Elizabeth Class Carrier is So Powerful”

  1. Radar capabilities ! are massively enhanced given that war canoe and its coalition partners platforms can see well beyond the range of their own sensors, re: integrated sensor networkinging air assets operating under a bubble of sensors and shooters . aka data linked ! basically the likes of China will view these platforms as a massive over the horizon threat , hard to detect and even harder to engage in open water

  2. Well… Thinking that any carrier scares China is a bit arrogant, at least … China have a much larger carrier than any others : their homeland ! Carrier groups are projected limited force … No match with a full equiped Naval, Aerial and Ground army, and much more vulnerable than land forces.. China can saturate any carrier group with a ton of sophisticated missiles, jets and integrated air defense systems .. Thx for the vid 🙂


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