The Real Reason China Is About To Take Over Space!

The Real Reason China Is About To Take Over Space!

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18 thoughts on “The Real Reason China Is About To Take Over Space!”

  1. While I'm no fan of Nelson, it seems like he's really just stating the obvious when it comes to China's behavior. China says all kinds of stupid shit and then seems surprised when no one believes them. This YouTube channel can believe whatever they want but transparency, cooperation, win-win etc have never been good descriptions of China's actions in any industry or endeavor. So….

  2. The CCP will win the space race, for they invest in about 10 – 20 times the amount of ressources, man power and economy knowledge. So it will be a fact that the USA will loose its place number 1 amongst the leading space flight nations. The USA is promoting this since decades. They educate scholars, students, academics, give them all the needed know-how and every support they need to achieve this. And what they cannot get by educations and employments in sensitive sectors, they just harvest using IT tools of all kinds. And the west does nothing to stop this. So the end of this story is known. The US will loose its space supremacy. The CCP in China is very clever, they give university diplomas to students in the amount of about 10 – 12 millions each year. Masses of just normal students, not very skilled, are given 10 – 12 Million diplomas each year. The academics go to the west, harvest all needed knowledge and bring it back home to the greatest of all great Motherlands, ready to be use for economical purposes and for winning the race of competition, or just to develop the newest weapons technologies for the Chinese military. The west is, in this regard, just very, very naive and stupid. There are absolutely no countermeasures against the shift of knowledge towards the CCP misusing it. And so comes the end of this long story. The USA will loose not only the space race, but all races against China. That is why white people are called trash in China. They think of them being 'stupid, lazy and stinky'. And of themselves they think the best of everything. The believe they are the 'super race of the world'. Black people they regard as 'monkeys' (sorry to say that, but it is true, they call them like this).


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