The real numbers and math for the New World crafting nerf, LEVEL THESE 2 FIRST

Giant nerfs are coming to crafting XP in New World. They’re live right now on the PTR. Here are the real numbers so you know what’s actually going on.

PTR XP table web page:
Live version web page:

See also:
Crafting XP getting nerfed HARD:
1.05 armoring xp cheat:
1.05 MASSIVE pvp meta shift:
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Legendary Tuning Orb farming route:
INSANE reekwater money route:
13k/hour skinning spot:
CRAZY brightwood money route:
BEST ironwood farming route:
Edengrove legendary skinning spot:
ebonscale money farming route:
Ultimate azoth guide:
3 fast ways to make money:
Ultimate money guide:
Gear score exploit:
How to get 600 gear score:
Housing guide:
Furnishing guide:
Skinning cheat:
Engineering cheat:
Max level in 3 days video:
best and worst job board mission:
Weaponsmithing guide:
Armoring Guide:
Engineering guide:
Jewelcrafting guide:
Arcana guide:

The New World crafting nerf is going to make it harder to level all crafting trade skills, except furnishing, which is already insanely hard.

They’re not getting nerfed equally however. Four of them are getting nerfed roughly the same way but then two of them are getting nerfed super hard. If you don’t level them up in the next week you’re going to regret it big time later on.

In this video I break down the numbers so you know what’s actually happening down to the actual math with the New World PTR crafting nerf.


24 thoughts on “The real numbers and math for the New World crafting nerf, LEVEL THESE 2 FIRST”

  1. Not only is the efficiency changing differently for JC, but unlike leveling armoring/weaponsmithing/etc and having to use higher tier recipes and materials, you can not use higher tier Refining Components to increase the chance at bonus results. For example, if I was leveling Armorsmithing and I wanted to just up to crafting pile of Orichalcum-based recipes, I can offset a big amount of the cost involved by making sure I am refining as efficiently as possible by using the Tier 5 Flux which results in more bonus material over using Tier 3 or 4 Flux. But, with JC, when you use a refining component (solvent) to combine flawed gems into regular ones, or regular ones into brilliant, the tier of solvent you use has NO EFFECT on the chance to get bonus gems. The chance to get bonus gems when combining lower tier gems to higher tier, or when cutting gems is based ONLY on your stonecutting skill level… and if you are not able to get more bonus "free" gems, then you don't have a way to craft more JC recipes like amulets and rings without having to either farm or buy MORE GEMS.

  2. Why are people up in arms about this? It's clearly an early draft. No one seriously thinks they are going to make JC twice as hard to level with no other changes right?

    Also, cooking is already super easy to level, so nerfing it is a good thing. No one likes nerfs, but it makes sense. It's not fun to be a cooking specialist when everyone is 200 cooking without even trying.

  3. To be honest cooking needed this nerf. It took something like 400 hearty meals to go from 150-200. I went from 100-200 in like an hour. Just with a cpl days prep work farming stuff. So now is definitely the time to lvl it up. Jewelry i dont understand tho as it was a pita to begin with.

  4. If i understand well, youre only comparing the base values of the recipes crafted/xp. If you calculate that at increasing levels you get drasticly more materials using advanced refining mats. , does this still count as a nerf?

  5. The game is grindy as enough as it is. Good job AGS, you're about to give another reason for people to leave the game! Players like myself barely had enough time to level. I just hit 60 yesterday. Now I have to make a choice, pvp and be poor or grind out professions and be poor. The New world economy is already crap, its difficult for many to make gold due to deflation. They increased the prices to professions when they don't even give players enough gold as it is. This my cause many to quit the game. Shroud was right; you have to no life this game to keep up. I love this game, I value my time more than just farming gold and building professions up. Not sure if I or my friends will stay due to these changes.

  6. My intuition says that jewel rafting will get the same increase in experience for higher tier crafts just like the others did… just isn't on ptr. Would make no sense to leave it alone as the only profession that you level by tier one recipes…


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